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Showing posts with label Kura/古拉. Show all posts

Friday 25 November 2022

Area 3 of Kedah/吉打第三区:Yan,Pendang & Sik/铅埠、本当与锡

Yan,Pendang & Sik/铅埠、本当与锡:
Yan(also known as Yan Besar) is the district capital & local government seat of Yan District has been titled as Heritage Tourism District/Daerah Pelancongan Warisan where is contains the public hospital that famous for waterfalls of Mount Jerai/Gunung Jerai(formerly known as Kedah Peak/Puncak Kedah) like Titi Hayun Recreational Forest & Seri Perigi Recreational Forest & snorkeling islands, it is also part of Jerai National Geopark/Geopark Jerai. Located near the departure point of Mount Jerai/Gunung Jerai is the Padang Lembu where is the traditional Malaysian Chaoshan/Teochew Chinese New Village/Kampung Baru that named after the former cattle farm in here, the local villages still practiced the making the Chaozhou(Teochew) style Cai Guo/Chai Kueh(菜粿) during the happy occasions, funeral affairs & festivals. Furthermore, the Kota Sarang Semut where its name is derived from Malay words means city of anthills or Langkasukan word, Kota Sereng Semet means fort that abandoned by soldiers whose are believed to be area that fulfilled with anthills during building the defense fortress by Kedah soldiers with its main economic income is paddy fields & the temple ruins/Candi & also National Heritage of Malaysia has been discovered the Buddha statue can be dating back to 7th Century or 8th Century(older than Angkor Wat of Cambodia & Borobudur Temple of Indonesia) called Bukit Choras is also located not far from Yan.
铅埠以日莱峰的瀑布如知知哈云休闲森林和斯里柏灵吉休闲森林以及浮潜岛屿闻名的拥有公共医院的被誉为遗产旅游县的铅县的县府与地方政府所在地,它也是日莱峰国家地质公园的一部分。位于日来峰的起点附近就是以这里的前养牛场来命名的马来西亚潮汕/潮州华人新村巴东伦武/牛场,当地村民依然奉行着节庆与红白事期间制作潮州菜粿。另外,以稻田为主要经济收入以及拥有发现比柬埔寨吴哥窟与印尼的婆罗浮屠寺庙还古老的可追溯道七世纪或八世纪的佛像的禅邸/神殿/神庙(Candi)兼马来西亚国家遗产的武吉皂礼的其名字源自于马来文意译为蚂蚁城或狼牙修文Kota Sereng Semet 意译为被兵士们抛弃的堡垒因相信是源自于吉打士兵们建造防卫堡垒中的地区充满了蚁丘而得名(中文名则源自于没有蚁丘之前的竹林)的竹城也坐落在铅埠不远处。
Attractions in Yan/铅埠景点:
I.Murni Beach(Pantai Murni) Waterfront/姆尼海滩:
Murni Beach(Pantai Murni) Waterfront is the waterfront promenade which is facing the Straits of Malacca that contains the pier, food court & children playground etc.
II.Mount Jerai(Gunung Jerai)/日莱峰
The road to Mount Jerai is very narrow & steepy.
Please avoiding travel in here during the rainy season, heavy rain can caused landslides.
Mount Jerai/Gunung Jerai is the national geopark about 1217m high where is formerly served as navigation point of boats of Straits of Malacca with resort, paragliding site, museums, camping site & geosites like well with water source is never dry during the drought season, box shaped metamorphic igneous rocks geosite with late phase quartz outcrops called Batu Kapal & geosite with tower related to Islam has been discovered trace fossils of this youngest Jerai Formation metamorphic rock sequence etc., it is formerly contains a mushroom farm, its temperature is range from 19 degree Celsius to 24 degree Celsius. 

日莱峰是从前作为马六甲海峡的船只的导航点的含有度假村、滑翔伞区、博物馆、露营区以及像、箱形的含有晚期石英露头的变质火成岩地质区船岩和含有一座与伊斯兰教相关的塔的发现这座日莱地层(Jerai Formation)最年轻的变质岩石序列的遗迹化石的地质区的地质区等的约一千两百一十七米高的国家地质公园,它从前拥有一座蘑菇农场,其温度位于十九摄氏度至二十四摄氏度之间
i.Wan Mat Saman Canal Museum/沙曼运河博物馆:
Wan Mat Saman Canal Museum is the museum located in the foot of Mount Jerai/Gunung Jerai near the Wan Mat Saman Canal/Terusan Wan Mat Saman where is displaying the history of former Prime Minister of Kedah, late Mr.Wan Mat Saman/Wan Muhammad Saman, Wan Mat Saman Canal/Terusan Wan Mat Saman & paddy farming of Kedah etc. Wan Mat Saman Canal/Terusan Wan Mat Saman is the longest aqueduct of Malaysia about 36km long where is built under order of former Prime Minister of Kedah, late Mr.Wan Mat Saman/Wan Muhammad Saman that completed on 1895 & flowing from Alor Star/Alor Setar to Gurun. 
沙曼运河博物馆是位于日莱峰山脚下沙曼运河旁的展览着名为已故Wan Mat Saman/Wan Muhammad Saman 先生的前吉打宰相、沙曼运河以及吉打稻米耕种等的历史的博物馆。沙曼运河是在名为已故Wan Mat Saman/Wan Muhammad Saman 先生的前吉打宰相的号令下于一八九五建成的约三十六公里长的从亚罗士打流向莪仑的全马来西亚最长的引水道。
ii.Mount Jerai Forestry Museum/日莱峰森林博物馆:
Mount Jerai Forestry Museum is the museum complex which is consists of forestry museum & history museum for displaying the history, nature, natural specimens, minerals & wildlife of Mount Jerai.

iii.Jerai Hill Resort/日莱峰度假村:
Jerai Hill Resort/日莱峰度假村
Jerai Hill Resort/日莱峰度假村
Jerai Hill Resort(also known as Jerai Mountain Resort) is the luxury resort of Mount Jerai where can overlooking the paddy fields, sea of mists, Bunting Island/Pulau Bunting Bridge & Straits of Malacca etc. that contains the accommodation facilities, observation deck, botanical park, strawberry farm & skybike etc.

III.Uniq Fruits Farm/牛场稀果园:
Uniq Fruits Farm is the grape farm of Padang Lembu which is opened by local Malaysian farm entrepreneur, Uniq Fruits Farm Sdn.Bhd. planted the Kyoho Grapes from Japan, Jupiter Grapes from United States & Baikonur Grapes from Ukraine etc. by using the agricultural technology to model the four seasons, it has been opened for public to self harvesting the grapes during the harvest seasons, it is also contains the mini aviary, bird nest model photo spot & sunflower field etc. Grape is the berry of the grapevines/Vitis plants from Northern Hemisphere.


IV.Singkir Laut Geosite(Geotapak Singkir Laut)/兴吉拉勿地质遗产区:
It is the geosite where is contains the ancient seashells deposit with bivalves, gastropods & oysters can be dating back to 5600 years that formed in this ancient coastal terrace of Jerai Formation. Seashells are the shells of marine molluscs & the study of molluscs shells is called Conchology.
V.Songsong Island(Pulau Songsong)爽爽岛
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Songsong Island is the island of Straits of Malacca where is the also the geosite of Jerai National Geopark/Jerai Geopark that famous for coral reefs snorkeling sites, it is need to arrive by boat services of fishermen's jetty of Sungai Udang. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. The coral reef is underwater ecosystem that formed by the animal colonies known as corals that contains calcium carbonate where can found the in the shallow water of tropical sea & the cold deep sea & also can protected the coastal area by reducing the wave energy. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.
VI.Sala Kanan Mango Technology Centre(Kedah Mango Centre)/沙拉卡南芒果技术中心(吉打芒果中心):
Sala Kanan Mango Technology Centre/Kedah Mango Centre/Pusat Teknologi Mempelam Sala Kanan/Pusat Mempelam Kedah(P.M.K.) is the first mango plantations of Malaysia with most varieties of mango about over 100 varieties of mango trees including local mangoes of Kedah like Harumanis D'Aman Mango located in the Kota Sarang Semut that contains the exhibition gallery & photo spots etc. Mangoes are the fruits of numerous tropical Mangnifera trees which is originated from India has been described as National Fruit of India, Pakistan & Philippines.

沙拉卡南芒果技术中心/吉打芒果中心是位于竹城内拥有展览厅以及拍照区等的约超过一百种芒果包括像D'Aman 香甜芒的吉打本地芒果在内的芒果树品种的全马来西亚种植芒果最多元化品种的芒果园。芒果是被列为印度、巴基斯坦和菲律宾的国果的源自于印度的多种热带芒果属树类的果实。

Food around Yan/铅埠周围美食
Gurun Cafe Java Mee & Dried Curry Instant Noodles
Location/位置: Kampung Baru Gurun,Gurun
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.808097, 100.478502

Assam Laksa & Ais Kacang(Opposite the Voluntary Fire Station/Balai Bomba Sukarela)
Location/位置: Kampung Baru Gurun,Gurun
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.808535, 100.477450


Pendang is the district capital & local government seat of Pendang District where its main economic activity is paddy that famous for
Elephant Well/Telaga Gajah which is the former water supply well which is used as water source for elephants that transported the Golden Flower/Bunga Emas to the Siam during the past, Pendang Cambodian Malay Bazaar/Bazaar Melayu@Kemboja Pendang which is operating on morning of every Friday & official venue of Loy Krathong Festival called Wat Chindaram.

从前作为运送金花(Bunga Emas)到暹罗的大象的水源的前水供水井大象井、每个星期五早上运作的本同柬埔寨马来市集以及水灯节的官方举办地点净沓蓝佛寺/无头佛寺闻名的本当县的县府与地方政府所在地。
Attractions in Pendang/本当景点:
I.Wat Lampam/白庙:
It is the Thai Buddhist temple has been nicknamed as White Temple due to its first white coloured chedi/stupa of Malaysia. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa.



Sik is the district capital & local government seat of Sik District with public hospital where its name is derived from Arab word, Syed because the Islam is spreading into this region by Arabian missionaries that formerly famous for its Beris Lake Vineyard/Ladang Anggur Tasik Beris located in the agricultural irrigation & water supply purposes dam called Beris Dam.

锡是其名字源自于阿拉伯文Syed 因为伊斯兰教是由阿拉伯传教士们带入这座地区的从前以其位于农业灌溉与水供用途的柏里斯水坝内的柏里斯湖葡萄园闻名的含有公共医院的锡县的县府与地方政府所在地。

Attractions in Sik/锡景点
I.Wat Charok Padang(Wat Botol)/竹巴东暹樾玻璃佛寺(玻璃樽暹庙):
Wat Charok Padang/Wat Botol is the first Thai Buddhist temple that built with glass bottles of Malaysia & famous for giant glass bottle model that made with glass bottles. The first glass bottle in the world is found in the Mesopotamia Civilization or Roman Empire. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa.


II.Wat Thamsiriwararam(Wat Kura)/樾古拉佛寺:
It is the Thai Buddhist temple located in the Kampung Kura where is famous for the largest statue of national priest of Ayutthaya Kingdom era of Thailand, late Reverend Luang Pu Thuat/Luang Pu Thuad/Luang Por Tuad/Luang Phu Tuad(หลวงปู่ทวด/Long Por Thuad/龙婆托/龙普托) of Malaysia & fortune golden tortoise that surrounded by fence with tortoise statues. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa.
这是位于甘榜古拉内被含有乌龟塑像的篱笆环绕着的以全马来西亚最大的泰国大城王朝时期的国师已故龙婆托/龙普托(หลวงปู่ทวด/Long Por Thuad)法师的圣像以及招财金龟闻名的泰式佛寺。佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。 

III.Ulu Muda Forest Reserve/乌鲁姆达森林保护区:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

Ulu Muda Forest Reserve is the tropical forest reserve located in the agricultural irrigation purpose dam called Muda Dam/Muda Lake where is breeding the endangered species such as Asian Elephant, Helmeted Hornbill, Plain-pouched Hornbill, Malay Tapir, Gaur, Leopard, Sambar Deer & Malayan Tiger etc. that famous for Earth Lodge, salt licks & limestone caves etc. The earliest dam that built in the world is Jawa Dam of Jordan. Tropical Rainforest is the ecosystem located in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer/Northern Tropic & Tropic of Capricorn/Southern Tropic which does not have dry seasons, warm temperature & average annual rainfalls is high.
乌鲁姆达森林保护区是位于农业灌溉用途水坝姆达水坝/姆达湖内以地球小屋、盐沼以及石灰岩洞穴等闻名的抚育了像亚洲象、盔犀鸟、淡喉皱盔犀鸟、马来貘、白肢野牛、花豹、水鹿和马来亚虎等濒危物种的热带雨林区。全世界最早建造的水坝就是约旦名为Jawa 的水坝。热带雨林是位于北回归线(Tropic of Cancer/Northern Tropic)与南回归线(Tropic of Capricorn/Southern Tropic)之间的赤道地带内没有旱季、温度暖和与高雨水量的生态系统。


You can also visited/你也可到访:
Alor Star,Jitra & Kuala Nerang/亚罗士打、日得拉与瓜拉尼浪 

Kulim & Baling/居林与华玲
Website/网址(Caishenye Temple Serdang/西岭财神爷庙):Click here/请按这里
Yan,Pendang & Sik/铅埠、本当与锡
Sungai Petani/双溪大年
Langkawi Island(Pulau Langkawi)/兰卡威(浮罗交怡)
Perlis State/玻璃市州
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...