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Showing posts with label Telemung/德里蒙. Show all posts

Thursday 24 November 2022

Area 5 of Terengganu/登嘉楼(丁加奴)第五区:Kuala Berang & Bukit Besi/瓜拉伯浪与铁山

Kuala Berang & Bukit Besi/瓜拉伯浪与铁山:
Kuala Berang/瓜拉伯浪:
Kuala Berang is the district capital & local government seat of Hulu Terengganu where is also main gateway to the Kenyir Lake/Tasik Kenyir even the former capital of Terengganu Sultanate that contains the public hospital & the river terrapin conservation centre of Department of Wildlife & National Parks(PERHILITAN) Peninsular Malaysia/Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar & Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia. This area is also under territory of Central Terengganu Development Authority/Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH), it is also famous for Berang River/Sungai Berang has been nicknamed as Little Amazon. Located not far from the Kuala Berang is the Kuala Telemung where is the birthplace of local struggler who against the British colonists called late Mr.Abdul Rahman Limbong.

瓜拉伯浪是含有公共医院以及马来西亚半岛野生动物与国家公园保护局(Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar & Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia/PERHILITAN)的潮龟保育中心同时也是肯逸湖的主要入口甚至是登嘉楼/丁加奴苏丹王朝的旧都城的乌鲁登嘉楼/乌鲁丁加奴的县府与地方政府所在地。这个地区也是登嘉楼/丁加奴中部发展局(KETENGAH)的管辖范围内,它也以外号为小亚马逊的伯浪河/双溪伯浪闻名。位于瓜拉伯浪不远处就是对抗英国殖民者的当地斗士已故阿都拉曼林梦(Abdul Rahman Limbong)先生的出生地德里蒙

Attractions in Kuala Berang/瓜拉伯浪景点:
I.Inscribed Stone Memorial(Memorial Batu Bersurat)/伊斯兰碑文纪念碑:
It is the monument for commemorating the Kuala Berang that served as the discovered site of the Inscribed Stone of Terengganu/Batu Bersurat Terengganu has been described as National Heritage Artifact of Malaysia & UNESCO Memory of World. Inscribed Stone of Terengganu/Batu Bersurat Terengganu is the earliest evidence of Jawi scripts of Malay Muslim World of South East Asia that depicted about Islam.
II.Sekayu Recreational Forest/士嘉尤休闲森林:
It is the waterfalls recreational area & also one of headstream of Terengganu River/Sungai Terengganu located in the Hulu Terengganu Lowland Dipterocarp Forest Zone of Pantai Timur Range that contains an agricultural park. Waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock. Dipterocarpaceae family are the trees mainly growth in the tropical rainforest & some are the endangered species.


III.Kenyir Lake(Tasik Kenyir)/肯逸湖:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Kenyir Lake is the largest artificial lake of South East Asia, duty free zone & second largest hydroelectric dam of Malaysia about 2600km2 & also the location of one of gateways of National Park/Taman Negara known as Tanjung Mentong National Park where is famous for the waterfalls such as Lasir Waterfalls & Saok Waterfalls etc. & Pre-historic archaeological site has been discovered the Pre-historic human skeleton, Bewah Man known as Bewah Cave/Gua Bewah etc. has been described as State Park of Terengganu & National Geopark of Malaysia, it is also breeding the endangered species like Malayan Tiger, Malay Tapir, Sun Bear & Asian Elephants etc., it is provided the duty free shops, accommodation facilities, speedboat services & houseboat services & visitors can fishing the Giant Snakehead/Toman, Malaysian Jungle Perch/Hampala Barb/Sebarau & Giant Gourami/Kalui etc., bird watching & jungle trekking around here, National Park/Taman Negara is also one of ASEAN Heritage Parks. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States. Duty Free Shops are the commercial store that selling tourism products whose are exempted from national & international taxes & duties in the international border checkpoint, international seaport, international airport, international train stations & duty free zones etc. & the first duty free shop in the world is located in the Shannon Airport of Shannon of Ireland where is founded by Irish merchant, late Mr.Brendan O'Regan. The earliest dam that built in the world is Jawa Dam of Jordan.
登嘉楼/丁加奴州立公园与马来西亚国家地质公园的以像拉西(Lasir)瀑和沙乌(Saok)瀑布等瀑布和发现史前人类骸骨美华人(Bewah Man)的史前考古区美华洞(Gua Bewah)等闻名的约两千六百平方公里全东南亚最大的人造湖、免税区兼马来西亚第二大水力发电水坝与国家公园的入口之一丹绒孟东国家公园的所在地,它也抚育了如马来亚虎、马来貘、马来熊和亚洲象等,它提供免税商店、住宿设施、快艇服务和船屋服务和游客可在这里周围钓小盾鳢/多曼鱼、裂峡鲃/水马骝丝足鲈/招财鱼等鱼类、观鸟活动和森林徒步,国家公园是东盟遗产公园之一。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。免税商店是在国际边界关卡、国际港口、国际机场、国际火车站与免税区等内售卖着免除国家与国际税务和关税的旅游产品的商店以及全世界第一间免税商店是由爱尔兰商人已故布伦丹·奥雷根(Brendan O'Regan)先生在爱尔兰香农的香农机场内创立。全世界最早建造的水坝就是约旦名为Jawa 的水坝。
i.Kenyir Lake Herbal Park/肯逸湖草药园
It is herbal park that planted the herbs such as Tongkat Ali, Kacip Fatimah & Mas Cotek/Mistletoe Fig etc. & also provided herbal drinks. Herbs are parts of plants like the seeds, leaves & barks etc. which can be used as culinary purpose & medicine purpose.

ii.Malaysian Mahseer(Kelah) Sanctuary/吉罗鱼养殖区
Malaysian Mahseer/Kelah Sanctuary is the sanctuary which can swimming together with the Malaysian Mahseer/Kelah that need to arrive by hiking up the hill from jetty. Malaysian Mahseer/Kelah is the native fish of South East Asia which will be back to the upstream of the river for laying eggs when it reach the mature period.

IV.Kenyir Elephant Conservation Village(K.E.C.V.)/肯逸大象村:
It is the local elephant conservation centre which is provided elephant educational show, elephant feeding activities & elephant adoption programme etc., it is also one of members of Malaysian Association of Themepark & Family Attractions(MATFA). The name of Elephant is came from Greek word ἐλέφας & mostly elephants in the centre are Asian Elephant. Asian Elephant is one of the endangered world largest land living animals that using its trunk to smell, bathing, feeding & touching objects & also the high intelligent & high self-awareness animal.
这是提供大象教育性表演、大象喂食活动以及大象领养计划等的当地大象保育中心,它也是马来西亚主题公园与家庭式景点协会(MATFA)成员之一。大象的英文名Elephant 是源自于希腊文ἐλέφας 以及在中心内的大多数的大象都是亚洲象。亚洲象是濒危的全世界陆地仅存最大的动物之一是用它的鼻子来嗅闻、洗澡、喂食与触摸东西及也是高智商与高自警觉性的动物。

Food in Kuala Berang/瓜拉伯浪美食:
In the Kuala Berang, visitors can tasting the huge type of Deep Fried Dough Sticks/Youtiao(油条) shaped like Terengganuan pastry, Kuih Keramat/Kayu Keramat called Kayu Keramat Gergasi that served with curry in the Roti Binjai Legend.
在瓜拉伯浪,游客可在Roti Binjai Legend 品尝配搭咖喱来吃的名叫巨型马来油条(Kayu Keramat Gergasi)的巨型的相似油条的登嘉楼/丁加奴糕点马来油条(Kuih Keramat/Kayu Keramat)
Roti Binjai Legend Kayu Keramat Gergasi
Roti Binjai Legend 巨型马来油条
Location/位置: Kg.Buloh-Kg.Dusun Road(Route T174)/Jalan Kg.Buloh-Kg.Dusun
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.057861, 103.005833

Bukit Besi/铁山:
Bukit Besi(formerly known as Bukit Batu Besi/The Iron Hill) is the town where is famous for its former largest iron ore mines of South East Asia has been titled as Mining Town/Bandar Perlombongan & Historical Town/Bandar Bersejarah of Terengganu. Located not far from the Bukit Besi is the Pasir Raja where is famous for the Cengal Besar Kuala Loh which is the oldest & largest Chengal tree of Malaysia that need to arrive by four wheel drive vehicle. This area is also under territory of Central Terengganu Development Authority/Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH). Furthermore, the headquarters of Central Terengganu Development Authority/Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah(KETENGAH) known as Bandar Al-Muktafi Billah Shah where is named after the former Sultan of Terengganu, late Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah is also located near the Bukit Besi.

铁山(别与柔佛的铁山混淆)是被誉为登嘉楼/丁加奴矿城与历史城的以前东南亚最大的铁矿采矿场闻名的市镇。位于铁山不远处就是以需四轮驱动车来到达的全马来西亚最古老与最大的正艾木瓜拉罗大正艾木闻名的巴西拉惹。这个地区也是登嘉楼/丁加奴中部发展局(KETENGAH)的管辖范围内。另外,以前登嘉楼/丁加奴苏丹已故苏丹马慕(Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah)来命名的登嘉楼/丁加奴中部发展局(Lembaga Kemajuan Terengganu Tengah/KETENGAH)的总部马慕镇(另名为阿尔慕达菲比拉莎镇)也位于铁山附近。
Attractions in Bukit Besi/铁山景点:
I.Bukit Besi Museum/铁山博物馆:
It is the museum where is showing the history of iron mining industry of Bukit Besi from operation to ceased operation on 1970 like former tin ore companies of Bukit Besi from Japan to Great Britain, Strike against Japan of Dungun Iron Mines, No.1 House/Rumah Nombor Satu & airport etc. & also heritage artifacts like miners' newspaper, minerals, tools, vintage items and coins etc., it is also contains the models of iron ore mines, railway train for transporting the iron ore, barges for transporting the iron ore from port & Bukit Tebuk Tunnel of Kuala Dungun that provided sightseeing tour bus services to go around the historical relics of Bukit Besi. Iron ore is the mineral which can used to made crude iron for producing steel.  
II.Puteri Lake Recreational Park/公主湖休闲公园
Puteri Lake Recreational Park is the former iron mining site & also man made lake which is contains a mini waterfalls recreational area that provided All Terrain Vehicle(A.T.V.) ride, boat cruise, kayaking & paddle boat etc. Iron ore is the mineral which can used to made crude iron for producing steel. 


III.Bukit Besi Agro Exotic Farm/铁山农业奇异农场:
Bukit Besi Agro Exotic Farm is the leisure farm where is contains the camping sites, fishing ponds, mini zoo & mini water park etc. that selling the fishes & provided the
animal feeding activities.


IV.Chemerong Recreational Forest/贞孟罗休闲森林:
Chemerong Recreational Forest which is the waterfalls recreational area & also one of headstream of Dungun River/Sungai Dungun even the tallest waterfalls of Terengganu located on the Pasir Raja Hill Dipterocarp Forest Zone of Pantai Timur Range that contains the hiking trail to Mount Berembun/Gunung Berembun. The waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock. Dipterocarpaceae family are the trees mainly growth in the tropical rainforest & some are the endangered species.

贞孟罗休闲森林是位于东海岸山脉的巴西拉惹山地龙脑香树林范围内拥有前往名叫Gunung Berembun 的山峰的登山路径的瀑布休闲区兼龙运河的源头之一甚至是全登嘉楼/丁加奴最高的瀑布。瀑布是由硬石层底下的软石层侵蚀快过硬石层而形成直垂下水潭的水流的自然现象。龙脑香科是主要生长在热带雨林中及一些还是濒危物种的树木。

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Kuala Terengganu/瓜拉登嘉楼(瓜拉丁加奴)
Penarik & Kuala Besut/本那丽与瓜拉勿述
Kemasik,Kuala Dungun & Rantau Abang/甘马仕、龙运与兰斗阿邦
Kuala Berang & Bukit Besi/瓜拉伯浪与铁山
END of Trip of Terengganu

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...