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Showing posts with label Belaga/美拉牙. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belaga/美拉牙. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2024

Area 3 of Sarawak/砂拉越(沙捞越)第三区:Sibu & Betong/诗巫与木中

Sibu & Betong/诗巫与木中
Sibu(formerly known as Maling) is the divisional capital of Sibu Division & also district capital of Sibu District even the local governments seat of Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & Sibu Rural District Council/Majlis Daerah Luar Bandar Sibu & also the third largest city of Sarawak where is named after local Pulasan called Buah Sibau that contains the shipbuilding industrial zone, public hospital, bus terminal, commercial port, express boat services & domestic airport services has been titled as Swan City due to another name of Rajang River/Batang Rajang is called Swan River(鹅江) & also New Fuzhou(新福州) because the majority of the Chinese community in here are Fuzhou community, it is famous for its Kampua Mee, Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah, Fried Noodles Soup, Duëng Mian Ngu/Ding Bian Hu, Aromatic Litsea Squid Soup with Braised Pork Leg, Fermented Mustard Rice Noodles & Fried Dabai Rice etc., the Sibu is also famous for largest 3D mural inside petrol station of Malaysia which is created by local artist, Mr.Aries Kong/Jagung about 4.33m tall & 7.07m wide called U Look(有鹿) located in the Shell Petrol Station of Tunku Abdul Rahman Road/Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, public private partnership parks whose are built by co-operation of local government & local social organizations, shipbuilding industry especially the one of oldest shipbuilding companies of Sarawak since 1961 known as Far East Shipyard Co. Sdn. Bhd.(远东船坞有限公司) & floating supermarkets whose are the grocery store boats that cruising along the rural areas of Rajang River/Batang Rajang like longhouses zone. Furthermore, it is also the birthplace of local entrepreneur, Mr.Tiong Hiew King(张晓卿) who is the founding chairman of World Federation of Fuzhou Association Ltd. & also one of founders of international Chinese literature award called Bing Xin Award(冰心文学奖), local musician, Mr.Will`Z Chieng(钱威良) & local singer has been titled as Singer Champion of Three Territories(Sarawak, Sabah & Brunei), Mr.Nick Chung Seng Chong(钟盛忠) & his younger sister & also singer, Stella Chung Siaw Yih(钟晓玉). Located near the Sibu is the Sarikei where is the divisional capital of Sarikei Division & also district capital & local government seat of Sarikei District where its name is originated from different theories like Chinese dialects, Sa-rie-kei means centre of the street or settlement called Sa-ley(沙厘) etc. that famous for pineapple, pepper & Coconut Prawn Mee etc. has been titled as Fruit Basket of Sarawak so that Pineapple & Borneo Fruits Festival is held in here, it is contains the bus terminal & public hospital. The Julau where is the district capital of Julau District that famous for pepper so that a Pepper Festival/Pesta Lada is held in here, Bintagor where is the district capital of Meradong & also local government seat of Meradong & Julau District Council/Majlis Daerah Meradong & Julau that famous for lime & rojak etc. so that the Citrus Festival/Pesta Limau is held in here & Pakan where is the district capital of Pakan District that named after a durian shaped like fruit are also located not far from Sarikei. Except for that, visitors can also taking the express boat ride to Kapit where is the divisional capital of Kapit Division & also district capital & local government seat of Kapit District with public hospital that famous for Empurau Fish & Fried Roti Canai/Roti Canai Goreng etc., it is the hometown of local Pua Kumbu weaver, Ms.Jati Anak Ju has been titled as Living Person of National Heritage of Malaysia. From Kapit, visitors can taking the express boat ride to Belaga where is the district capital of Belaga District that famous for Lusong Laku Waterfall/O'ong Pejik located in the Penan community village with rattan weaving handicrafts centre called Lusong Laku has been nicknamed as Niagara Falls of Malaysia & Lost World of Sarawak but need to arrive by four wheel vehicle, most remote post office of Malaysia, largest hydroelectric dam of Malaysia about 695km2 known as Bakun Dam & another hydroelectric dam called Murum Dam.

诗巫是因拉让江的另名为鹅江及大多数华人为福州社群而被誉为天鹅城与小福州/新福州的以当地名叫Buah Sibau 的葡萄桑来命名的拥有造船工业区、公共医院、公车总站、商业码头、快艇服务和本地机场服务的诗巫省的省会兼诗巫县的县府甚至是诗巫市议会(Majlis Perbandaran Sibu)和诗巫郊区县议会(Majlis Daerah Luar Bandar Sibu)的地方政府所在地还有砂拉越/沙捞越第三大城市,它以干盘面、光饼、炒煮面、鼎边糊、墨鱼臭积柴炖猪脚汤、糟菜粉干和砂拉越/沙捞越黑橄榄(Dabai)炒饭等,它也以位于东姑阿都拉曼路的荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(Shell)油站内由名为Aries Kong/Jagung 先生的当地艺术家名叫有鹿的约四点三三米高及七点零七米宽全马来西亚最大的位于油站内的三维立体壁画、地方政府与当地社团合作建造的官民合作公园、造船业尤其是创立于一九六一年的砂拉越/砂拉越最古老的造船公司之一远东船坞有限公司以及沿着拉让江的郊区如长屋区行走的杂货船水上流动超级市场闻名。另外,它也是世界福州十邑同乡总会/世福总会的创会会长兼国际中文文学奖项冰心文学奖的创始人之一甚至是当地企业家张晓卿先生、本地音乐人钱威良(Will`Z Chieng)先生以及被誉为三邦(砂拉越/沙捞越、沙巴与文莱/汶莱)歌王的本地歌手钟盛忠先生与其妹妹兼歌手钟晓玉女士的出生地。位于诗巫附近就是被誉为砂拉越/沙捞越水果摇篮的以菠萝/黄梨/凤梨、胡椒与椰子虾面等闻名因此这里也举办婆罗洲水果及菠萝(黄梨/凤梨)节的其名字源自于多种说法如中文方言Sa-rie-kei 意译为街道中心或名叫沙厘(Sa-ley)的集聚地等以及含有公车总站和公共医院的泗里街省的省会兼泗里街县的县府与地方政府所在地泗里街,以胡椒闻名而举办胡椒节的如楼县的县府如楼、以青皮柑/桔子与罗惹等闻名而举办青皮柑/桔子的马拉端的县府兼马拉端与如楼县议会(Majlis Daerah Meradong & Julau)的地方政府所在地民丹莪(前名为民那丹)以及以相似榴莲的果实来命名的巴干县的县府巴干也位于泗里街不远处。除此之外,游客也可搭乘快艇服务前往含有公共医院的以似野结鱼/忘不了和油炸印度抛饼/油炸印度煎饼(Roti Canai Goreng)等闻名的加帛省的省会兼加帛县的县府与地方政府所在地加帛,它也是被誉为马来西亚国家遗产活人物的当地伊班织布编织家查蒂安娜祖(Jati Anak Ju)女士。从加帛出发,游客可搭乘快艇服务前往以外号为马来西亚的尼加拉瀑布与沙捞越/砂拉越的遗失的世界但需四轮驱动车到达的位于含有藤造编织品手工艺术中心的本南族社群的村庄鲁宋拉古内的鲁宋拉古瀑布、马来西亚最偏僻的邮政局、约六百九十五平方公里的全马来西亚最大的水力发电水坝巴贡水坝以及另一座水力发电水坝姆伦水坝闻名的美拉牙县的县府美拉牙。
Attractions in Sibu/诗巫景点:

Attractions in Sibu/诗巫景点:
I.Eng Ann Teng Tua Peh Kong Temple/永安亭大伯公庙:  
Eng Ann Teng Tua Peh Kong Temple is the Chinese temple & also birthplace of World Tua Pek Kong Festival/Dabogong Festival(世界大伯公节)(formerly known as Tua Pek Kong Festival/Dabogong Festival Sarawak(全砂大伯公节) or Tua Pek Kong Festival/Dabogong Festival Malaysia) that held on every 29th Day of Third Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar since 2007 where is dedicated to Chinese God of Land, Lord Dabogong/Tudigong/Fudezhenshen/Tua Pek Kong(土地公/大伯公/福德正神) that built on 1897 & rebuilt on 1957, it is famous for its deity statue is surviving from fire disaster & World War II, hundred years old raintree, two donators stone tablets, first water pavilion garden of Sibu & also public private partnership park of Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Chiang Chuan Association Sibu(诗巫漳泉公会) called Chiang Chuan Garden(漳泉园) & Lord Avalokiteśvara Pagoda(云湖庵) that dedicated to Chinese, Buddhist & Taoist Goddess of Mercy, Lord Avalokiteśvara(观世音菩萨/观音大士/慈航真人/慈航大士) with heritage gallery for displaying the history & heritage artifacts of this temple on the third floor to sixth floor(need to visit by permission from temple management), the temple is also founded the private school called 民德学堂(now has been moved & turned into the Chung Hua Secondary School/S.M.K.Chung Hua/中华中学) on 1916, it is hosted the 2010 Tua Pek Kong Festival/Dabogong Festival Sarawak & 2017 World Tua Pek Kong Festival/Dabogong Festival. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.


II.Masland Methodist Church/福源堂:
It is the Methodist/Wesleyan church where is named after the American donator that founded on 1905 & rebuilt on 1995, it is located in the Hoover Memorial Square for commemorating the American Methodist missionary, late Reverend James Matthew Hoover(富雅各) who is served as first foreign Methodist pastor of Sibu has contributions to the Sibu. Christianity is the religion founded by Jesus Christ with the main symbol is Christian Cross, its main iconic structure is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
这间是创立于一九零五年及在一九九五年重建的其英文名以美国捐赠者来命名的循道宗/卫理公会/卫斯理宗(Methodist/Wesleyan)教堂,它位于用以纪念对诗巫有发展贡献的身为诗巫第一位外国循道宗/卫理公会/卫斯理宗牧师的美国循道宗/卫理公会/卫斯理宗传教士已故富雅各(James Matthew Hoover)牧师的富雅各纪念广场内。基督教是由耶稣基督创立以十字架为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是耶路撒冷的圣墓教堂。

III.Sibu Central Market/诗巫中央市场:
It is the largest market of Sarawak & also Urban Transformation Centre(U.T.C.) of Sibu about 1118 stalls(representing the 1118 Chinese pioneers that brought by founder of Sibu from China, late Mr.Wong Nai Siong/黄乃裳) which is selling the local fruits, vegetables, meats, forest products, handicrafts & street foods such as Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah etc. that famous for its live chickens & ducks are selling by wrapped inside the old newspaper for sanitary purpose. Located near the market is the Chinese medicine hall known as Poh Guan Hong(保元行) which is founded by China born doctor, Mr.Ting Ung Kee(丁文琦) on 1942 & moved to here on 1985 that famous for its Chinese medicine called Deer Brand(Cap Rusa) Sing Kong Chui(鹿标申功水).


IV.Sibu Night Market/诗巫夜市:
Sibu Night Market is the night market of Sibu which is selling the local street foods like Dim Sum, Satay/Sate & barbequed meats etc. along the Market Road/Jalan Market that named after the former market in here.

V.Sibu Heritage Centre(Sibu Cultural Heritage Museum)/诗巫历史文物馆
It is the former Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu building where is displaying the history of Sibu, culture of various races of Rajang River/Batang Rajang like Iban, Chinese & Melanau etc. & natural specimens around the world such as hornbill & orangutan etc. that famous for its Chinese porcelains.

VI.Sibu Gateway/诗巫之窗:
Sibu Gateway is the gateway which is contains the fountains, open air stage & public private partnership park called Lin's Swan Garden with second swan statue of Sibu & statues of 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals(十二生肖) that opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Lin Clan Association(林氏宗亲会).
VII.Sibu Rejang Esplanade/诗巫拉让江滨公园:
Sibu Rejang Esplanade is the Rajang River/Batang Rajang riverfront park which is contains the express boat terminal, Xu Clan World Convention Garden(许氏宗亲会纪念园), floating supermarkets & swan statue etc.

VIII.Sibu Old Mosque/诗巫旧清真寺:
Sibu Old Mosque is the one of oldest mosque of Sarawak which is built on 1861 with woods that contains the doors that modelled after the door of The Prophet's Mosque of Saudi Arabia, its architectural style is believed to be modelled after the Great Mosque of Demak of Indonesia. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia. 


IX.Wisma Sanyan/三洋大厦:
It is tallest building of Sarawak with local government offices of Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & Sibu Rural District Council/Majlis Daerah Luar Bandar Sibu, private offices & shopping centre about 125m high known as Sibu International BASE Jump. The first shopping mall in the world is believed to be the Trajan's Market from Rome of Italy & the first skyscraper in the world is believed to be the Home Insurance Building from Chicago of United States. Located near the building is the Tun Tuanku Bujang Square/Sibu Town Square where is the official venue of Borneo Cultural Festival & Christmas Tree Decoration Competition.


X.Lau King Howe Hospital Memorial Museum/刘钦侯医院纪念馆:
It is the former hospital which is founded by Chinese merchant, Lau King Howe(刘钦侯) on 1936 has been turned into the museum that showing the history & heritage artifacts of this former hospital like uniforms of nurses, dental equipment & intensive care services equipments etc. The first documented hospital in the world are the Ancient Egyptian Temples. Located not far from the museum is the Oldest Muslim Cemetery of Sibu since Brunei Sultanate era that marked with a monument.


XI.Sibu New Mosque/诗巫新清真寺:
It is the main mosque of Sibu where is famous for Heroes Mausoleum/Makam Pahlawan that served as final resting site of local heroes of Sarawak like late Mr.Rosli Dhobi. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia. 
它是以作为砂拉越/沙捞越当地英雄如已故罗斯里多比(Rosli Dhobi)先生的长眠之地英雄陵闻名的诗巫的主要清真寺。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。
XII.Hing Hua Memorial Park/兴化垦场纪念广场:
It is the public private partnership park located in the Seduan which is used for commemorating the 90th anniversary of founding of Hing Hua Settlement(English translate)(兴化垦场) with monument that opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Hing Hua Pou Sen Association Sibu(诗巫兴化莆仙公会). The Hing Hua community are the people whose are acnestry from Putian/Putien(formerly known as Xing Hua/Xing Hwa) of Fujian Province of China.

XIII.Sibu Foochow Park/诗巫福州公园:
Sibu Foochow Park is the public private partnership park where is contains the two replica gates of Sanfang Qixiang(三坊七巷) of Fuzhou of China & five pavilions & planted the banyan trees & Belian/Eusideroxylon Zwageri trees that opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Foochow Association Sibu(诗巫福州公会). Fuzhou/Mindong community are the Chinese people whose are ancestry from Ten Districts of Fuzhou of Fujian Province of China.
XIV.Ku Tien Memorial Park/古田纪念公园:
It is the public private partnership park which is used for commemorating the pioneers of Gutian/Kutien(古田) community that famous for its replica model of Jixiang Pagoda(吉祥塔) of Gutian of China & Unknown Kutien Pioneer Settlers’ Memorial(古田无名氏纪念碑), it is opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Sarawak Ku Tien Association(砂拉越古田公会). The Gutian/Kutien community are the people whose are acnestry from Gutian/Kutien of Fujian Province of China.

XV.Hui Ning Garden/会宁公园:
Hui Ning Garden is the public private partnership park with relief wall that depicted the pioneering history & monuments of Chinese leaders called late Mr.Deng Gong Shu(English translate)(邓恭叔) & late Mr.Jiang Feng Qin(English translate)(江峄琴) where is used for commemorating the 100th anniversary of founding of New Guangdong Settlement(English translate)(新广东垦场) that opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Sarawak Vui Neng Association(砂拉越会宁同乡会). Hui Ning community is the Chinese community whose are ancestry from Sihui City & Guangning County of Guangdong Province of China.
XVI.World Fuzhou Heritage Gallery/世界福州十邑文物馆:
It is the heritage gallery located inside the headquarters of World Federation of Fuzhou Association Ltd.(世界福州十邑同乡总会/世福总会) & Foochow Association Sibu(诗巫福州公会) where is displaying the history, culture & heritage artifacts of Fuzhou community of China & Borneo including the three knives of Fuzhou community(Kitchen Knife, Razor & Scissor) with five galleries. Fuzhou/Mindong community are the Chinese people whose are ancestry from Ten Districts of Fuzhou of Fujian Province of China. World Federation of Fuzhou Association Ltd. is the international Chinese social organization of Fuzhou community which is founded on 1990.
XVII.Bukit Lima Nature Reserve/武吉利玛自然保护区
Bukit Lima Nature Reserve is the urban peat swamp forest park where is managed by Sarawak Forestry Corporation that can doing bird watching & jogging etc. Peat swamp forest is the tropical moist forest which the dead leaves & woods are not fully decomposing due to water that created the acidic peat & surrounded by lowland rainforest & mangrove forest. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.

武吉利玛自然保护区是由砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)所管理的可进行观鸟活动以及跑步等的城市森林公园。泥炭沼泽森林是因水而导致枯萎的树叶与树木没完全腐化而形成酸性泥炭的被低地雨林与红树林环绕着的热带潮湿森林。湿地区是可拥有洪水控制、净化水源与平衡海岸线用途的生态系统。

XVIII.Wong Nai Siong Memorial Garden/黄乃裳公园:
Wong Nai Siong Memorial Garden is the memorial park & also public private partnership park located in the one of oldest settlements of Sibu known as Sungai Merah/Red River with sculpture of Wong Nai Siong which is used to commemorate the founder of Sibu from China, late Mr.Wong Nai Siong(黄乃裳/黄久美/退庵居士) that opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & local Chinese social organization, Foochow Association Sibu(诗巫福州公会). Wong Nai Siong is the Chinese educator & also revolutionary leader of Xinhai Revolution of China who is established the three Chinese schools & founded the Sibu. 
黄乃裳公园是位于诗巫其中一座最古老的集聚地新珠安/红河(Sungai Merah)内由诗巫市议会和当地华人社团诗巫福州公会所开的含有来自中国的诗巫开辟者已故黄乃裳先生的塑像的用以纪念黄乃裳的纪念公园兼官民合作公园。黄乃裳/黄久美/退庵居士是创立了三间中文学校和开辟诗巫的中国教育家兼中国辛亥革命期间的革命领袖。
XIX.Rev.James M.Hoover Memorial Garden/富雅各纪念公园:
It is the public private partnership park where is also the final resting site of the American Methodist missionary, late Reverend James Matthew Hoover(富雅各) & his wife, late Ms.Mary Hoover(富玛丽) whose has contributions to the Sibu that moved from their former final resting sites in Kuching & Perth of Australia to here with 1118 stars wall that representing the 1118 pioneers of Sibu & showing the pioneering history of Sibu & nine street lamps with different meanings, it is opened by Sibu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Sibu & Methodist/Wesleyan church.

由诗巫市议会和循道宗/卫理公会/卫斯理宗(Methodist/Wesleyan)教会所开的拥有代表着一千一百一十八名诗巫开拓者及展示着诗巫开拓史的一千一百一十八颗星墙以及含有不同意义的九盏路灯的从前长眠之地古晋与澳大利亚/澳洲的珀斯迁移到这里的对诗巫有发展贡献的美国循道宗/卫理公会/卫斯理宗传教士已故富雅各(James Matthew Hoover)牧师与其夫人已故富玛丽(Mary Hoover)女士的长眠之地兼官民合作公园
XIX.Bukit Aup Jubilee Park/石山公园:
Bukit Aup Jubilee Park is the recreational park where is contains lookout tower of the highest point which is believed to be home of spirit of Iban community called Naga Bari.

石山公园是拥有相信是名叫Naga Bari 的伊班社群的精灵的栖息地的最高处的瞭望塔的休闲公园。
XX.Yu Lung San Tien En Si Temple(Jade Dragon Temple)/玉龙山天恩寺:
It is the one of largest Chinese temple of Malaysia & South East Asia where is dedicated to deities of Taoism, Buddhism & Confucianism that founded by local Taoist priest, Reverend Xu Shou En(English Translate)(许守恩) with main shrine(大雄宝殿), Four Heavenly Kings/Chaturmahārājikā Shrine(天王殿), Doumu Shrine(斗姥殿), Yuan Chen Shrine(元辰殿), Three Religions Cultural Hall(儒释道文化阁), Liuli Crystal Eight Immortals Image(琉璃八仙图), Liuli Crystal Nine Dragon Sculptures Image(琉璃九龙雕图) & Opera Stage(凤凰剧院) etc. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.
XXI.SMI Park/SMI 公园:
It is the recreational park of Sibu where is the former site of sawmill called Sarawak Moulding Industries Bhd.(S.M.I.) since 1973 that provided river cruise along the Rajang River/Batang Rajang, go-kart racing circuit, children playground, basketball court, pickleball court, table tennis court, badminton court, food stalls & mini zoo etc. The earliest known sawmill is the Hierapolis Sawmill of Türkiye/Turkey.

它是作为创立于一九七三年的名叫Sarawak Moulding Industries Bhd.(S.M.I.) 的锯木厂的前地点的提供沿着拉让江的游河船、卡丁车赛车场、儿童游乐场、篮球场、匹克球场、兵乓球场、羽毛球场、美食摊位与微型动物园等的诗巫的休闲公园。全世界最早所知的锯木厂是土耳其的希拉波里斯锯木厂。
XXII.Methodist Heritage Gallery/卫理文物展览馆:
Methodist Heritage Gallery is the former church of Methodist/Wesleyan church called Ching Ang Methodist(光华真安堂) which is built on 1941 has been turned into the heritage gallery for displaying the heritage artifacts like porcelain, books & kerosene lamp wooden frame etc., it is need to visit by appointment first. Christianity is the religion founded by Jesus Christ with the main symbol is Christian Cross, its main iconic structure is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
XXIII.Fort Emma(Kubu Emma)/艾玛堡:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Fort Emma is the former fortress of Kingdom of Sarawak located in the Kanowit where is named after the younger sister of former White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak, Rajah James Brooke called late Ms.Emma Brooke that built on 1851 has been transformed into the History Gallery of Kanowit/Galeri Sejarah Kanowit, it is also famous for Mermaid Statue which is built because the local legend of mermaid. The name of Kanowit is originated from sub-ethnic group of Melanau community called Kanowit with its landmark is Dabai. 

建于一八五一年的艾玛堡垒是位于加拿逸内的以前砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国王/白人拉惹已故国王/白人拉惹詹姆斯·布鲁克(James Brooke)的妹妹已故艾玛·布鲁克(Emma Brooke)女士来命名的砂拉越/沙捞越王国的堡垒,它现已转型为加拿逸历史展览厅,它也以因当地美人鱼传说而建立的美人鱼塑像闻名加拿逸是以黑橄榄(Dabai)为标志的其名字源自于马兰诺社群的支族Kanowit 的市镇。

XXIV.Sarikei Central Market(Tamu Sentral Sarikei)/泗里街中央市集:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
It is the main market of Sarikei where is named after the Central Road/Jalan Sentral that selling local fruits, vegetables, meats, fishes, local products, foods, handicrafts & plants etc. & also contains the hall & Sunday Market, it is moved from Nyelong Market to here on 2012. 


XXV.The Shepherd Farm/赏心悅牧:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

The Shepherd Farm is the goat farm of Sarikei which can feeding the goats & selling the goat milk & goat milk ice cream etc. that need to visit by booking first. Sheep & goat is one of the oldest domesticated animal in the world whose are domesticated for harvesting their meat & milk.


XXVI.Market Teresang/伊班祭篮市场
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

Market Teresang is the market of Kapit which is named after the traditional offerings baskets of Iban community known as Teresang that selling the local fruits, vegetables, meats, fishes & handicrafts etc.

XXVII.Fort Sylvia/西路维亚堡垒:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

It is the former fortress of Kingdom of Sarawak located in the Kapit where is named after the wife of former White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak,
Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke called late Ranee Sylvia Brooke/Sylvia Brett that built in 1880 has been turned into museum for displaying the history & culture of Kapit & also private collection of local politician, late Mr.Jugah Anak Barieng becasue the Kapit is the birthplace of Mr.Jugah Anak Barieng.
它是位于加帛内建于一八八零年在一九二五年以名为已故Sylvia Brooke/Sylvia Brett 皇后的前砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国王/白人拉惹已故国王/白人拉惹查尔斯·维纳·布鲁克(Charles Vyner Brooke)的妻子来命名的前砂拉越王国/沙捞越王国的堡垒,它现已改为用以展览着加帛的历史与文化还有本地政治家已故朱加·巴里恩(Jugah Anak Barieng)先生的私人收藏品因为加帛是朱加·巴里恩先生的出生地的博物馆
Food around Sibu/诗巫周围美食
In the Sibu, visitors can tasting the white coloured Fuzhou/Foochew dried noodles called Kampua Mee in the Liang Yew Cafe & Sing Ming Kee Cafe, the Fuzhou/Foochew flour baked biscuit which is fulfilled with meats or Fruit Rojak sauce called Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah in the Sibu Central Market, Sheng Kee(63)/Xing Kee(63) Confectionery, Meng Sheng Kee Confectionery, Cinta Sayang Coffee Shop & Sing Ming Kee Cafe, Fried Noodles Soup of Sibu Central Market which is the Fuzhou/Foochew fried noodles that made by frying first & then stir-fried along with meats & vegetables, the Duëng Mian Ngu/Ding Bian Hu which is the Fuzhou/Foochew rice milk soup dish that made by pouring the rice milk in the side of wok for drying & then putting into wok for cooking & cooking with seafoods, meats & vegetables etc. in the Chop Hing Huong and Treasure Land, the Aromatic Litsea Squid Soup with Braised Pork Leg which is the soup that cooking with herbs called aromatic litsea, pork legs & squid & served with noodles or rice in the Wan Jia He Cafe & the Fermented Mustard Rice Noodles which is the Fuzhou/Foochew thick rice vermicelli soup that served with pickled vegetables(made with distillers solubles) in the Lung Ching Cafe. Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah is the biscuit that named after the General Qi Jiguang(戚继光) from Ming Dynasty of China who invented it. In the Kapit, visitors can tasting the Fried Roti Canai/Roti Canai Goreng which is the deep fried version of Indian flatbread that believed to be named after the Chennai of India with original flavour & egg flavour in the stall of Gelanggang Kenyalang, it is also the most expensive Roti Canai of Malaysia which can also served with curry gravy & chili sauce about approximately RM3.50.


Sibu Central Market:
Location/位置: Channel Road/Jalan Channel,Sibu
i.Bukit Assek Ah Hua Kompia/Kompyang with Rojak Paste/武吉阿拾阿华罗惹酱福州光饼
ii.Brother Cafe Fried Noodles Soup/兄弟小食摊炒煮面
Wan Jia He Aromatic Litsea Squid Soup with Braised Pork Leg
Location/位置: Mission Road/Jalan Mission,Sibu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.287151, 111.830253
Sheng Kee(63)/Xing Kee(63) Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah & Zhengdong Cake(Located inside the alley)
Location/位置: Lembangan Road/Jalan Lembangan,Sibu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.288075, 111.828468

Meng Sheng Kee Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah
Location/位置: Market Road/Jalan Market,Sibu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.288345, 111.828316

Cinta Sayang Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah
Location/位置: Market Road/Jalan Market,Sibu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.288308, 111.827056
Chop Hing Huong Duëng Mian Ngu/Ding Bian Hu(inside the alley near Cinta Sayang Coffee Shop)(Closed)
Location/位置: Market Road/Jalan Market,Sibu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.288397, 111.826939
Hock Chu Leu Fuzhou Cuisine(moved to Aman Road/Jalan Aman)
福聚楼福州佳肴(搬迁至安曼路/Jalan Aman)
Location/位置: Blacksmith Street/Jalan Tukang Besi,Sibu 

Liang Yew Kampua Mee
Location/位置: Pulau Road/Jalan Pulau,Sibu

Sing Ming Kee Kampua Mee & Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah
Location/位置: Ling Kai Cheng 2 Lane/Lorong Ling Kai Cheng 2,Sibu
Treasure Land Duëng Mian Ngu/Ding Bian Hu
Location/位置: Ling Kai Cheng 4 Lane/Lorong Ling Kai Cheng 4,Sibu
Azra Cafe Fried Dabai Rice/Nasi Goreng Dabai(Night)
Azra Cafe 砂拉越(沙捞越)黑橄榄炒饭(晚上)
Location/位置: Kampung Hilir Road/Jalan Kampung Hilir,Sibu

Mak Borneo Sarawakian Cuisine(Closed on Afternoon)
Location/位置: Dr.Wong Soon Kai Road/Jalan Dr.Wong Soon Kai,Sibu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.301306, 111.843528 

Lung Ching Fermented Mustard Rice Noodles
Location/位置: Lada 8 Lane/Lorong Lada 8,Sibu 

Lu's Biscuit Shop Kompia/Kompyang/Kwong Peah & Zhengdong Cake
Location/位置: Dermaga Road/Jalan Dermaga,Bintagor

Toknek Tumpik(Located inside the Bintagor Hawker Centre/Pusat Penjaja Bintagor)
Toknek Tumpik 硕莪饼(位于民丹莪小贩中心内)
Location/位置: Teo Kin Ngo Road/Jalan Teo Kin Ngo,Bintagor
Wong Hung Ping Rojak(located inside the Hawker Centre)
Wong Hung Ping 罗惹(位于小贩中心内)
Location/位置: Lintang Road/Jalan Lintang,Bintagor 

Aik Seng Charcoal Toasted Bun
Location/位置: Wharf Road/Jalan Wharf,Sarikei
Glory Cafe Coconut Prawn Mee
Location/位置: Bank Road/Jalan Bank,Sarikei 

Sarikei Jakar Shumai/Shaomai
Location/位置: Route 1,Jakar,Sarikei
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.042361, 111.493333
Ngu Brothers Traditional Charcoal Roasted Coffee
Location/位置: Route 1,Jakar,Sarikei
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.039861, 111.492667
Fried Roti Canai/Roti Canai Goreng(Located inside the Gelanggang Kenyalang)
Location/位置: Kapit
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.015612, 112.939482

Markets around Sibu/诗巫周围市场:
Sibu Central Market
Location/位置: Channel Road/Jalan Channel,Sibu
Sarikei Central Market(Tamu Sentral Sarikei) 
Location/位置: Sentral Road/Jalan Sentral,Sarikei
Market Teresang 
Location/位置: Teo Chow Beng Road/Jalan Teo Chow Beng,Kapit

Betong(not confused with Betong of Thailand) is the divisional capital of Betong Division & also district capital & local government seat of Betong District where is contains the bus terminal & public hospital that comes crowded during the Betong Food & Art Festival(BeFA Fest), it is the earliest rubber tree plantation of Sarawak so that you can found a model of rubber tree in here, it is the birthplace of first Chief Minister of Sarawak, late Mr.Stephen Kalong Ningkan.

木中(别与英文名字同名的泰国的勿洞/Betong 混淆)是在木中美食与文化节期间吸引人潮的拥有公车总站与公共医院的木中省的省会兼木中县的县府与地方政府所在地,它是砂拉越/沙捞越最早的橡胶垦殖区所以这里可找到一尊橡胶树模型,它是砂拉越/沙捞越第一任首席部长已故史蒂芬·加隆·宁甘(Stephen Kalong Ningkan)先生的出生地。

The destinations of 
Betong are need to arrive by tour operators.
Attractions in Betong/木中景点:
I.Fort Lily Betong Heritage Museum/莉莉古堡木中遗产博物馆:
Fort Lily(formerly known as Fort Betong) is the former fortress of Kingdom of Sarawak since 1858 which is named after the Ranee of former White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Rajah Charles Brooke called late Ranee Margaret Alice Lili de Windt located in the former site of tributary of Layar River/Batang Layar for defending the invasion of army of Iban chief, Rentap/Libau anak Ningkan.
莉莉古堡(前名为木中堡)是建于一八五八年位于拉亚河的支流的前地点内以砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国王/白人拉惹已故拉惹查尔斯·布鲁克(Charles Brooke)的皇后已故Margaret Alice Lili de Windt 皇后来命名用以提防伊班酋长仁答(Rentap/Libau anak Ningkan)的军队的入侵的前沙捞越/砂拉越王国的堡垒。
II.Maludam National Park/马鲁丹国家公园
Beware of crocodiles.
It is the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation & also the second largest national park of Sarawak where is peat swamp forest of Maludam Peninsula located near the Kampung Maludam that provided homestay programme, it is need to visit by boat services of local community, it is breeding the endangered species such as Proboscis Monkey, Silver Lutung/Silver Leafed Monkey, Oriental Pied Hornbill & Black Hornbill etc. Peat swamp forest is the tropical moist forest which the dead leaves & woods are not fully decomposing due to water that created the acidic peat & surrounded by lowland rainforest & mangrove forest. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

裕南半岛的泥炭沼泽森林的沙捞越/砂拉越第二大国家公园兼砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国际自然保护联盟国家公园,它需当地社群的船只服务才能参观,它抚育了像长鼻猴、银色乌叶猴、冠斑犀鸟以及黑斑犀鸟等濒危物种。泥炭沼泽森林是因水而导致枯萎的树叶与树木没完全腐化而形成酸性泥炭的被低地雨林与红树林环绕着的热带潮湿森林。湿地区是可拥有洪水控制、净化水源与平衡海岸线用途的生态系统。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
III.Tanjung Kembang Beach/丹绒肯邦海滩:
It is the official venue of Kabong International Kite Festival where is facing the South China Sea. The Kite is invented by Mr.Mozi/Mo Di(墨子/墨翟) or Mr.Lu Ban/Gongshu Ban/Gongshu Pan(鲁班/公输般/公输盘) of Zhou Dynasty of China Civilization that used as tool of signaling & communication for military purpose & the beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.


You can also visited/你也可到访:
Petra Jaya,Kuching,Serian & Simanggang/博特拉再也、古晋、西连与成邦江
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bako,Borneo Highlands,Lundu & Bau/巴哥、婆罗洲高原、伦乐与石隆门 
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Sibu & Betong/诗巫与木中
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bintulu & Mukah/民都鲁与木胶
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Miri,Mulu,Bario & Limbang/美里、姆鲁、峇里奥与林梦
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里  
Website/网址(Lawas/老越):Click here/请按这里

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...