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Showing posts with label Jelawat/日拉瓦. Show all posts

Friday 8 July 2022

Area 5 of Kelantan/吉兰丹第五区:Bachok & Pasir Puteh/万捷与巴西富地

Bachok & Pasir Puteh/万捷与巴西富地:
Bachok is the district capital & local government seat of Bachok District where its name believed to be derived from a person called Tok Bachok or Thai/Siamese words, Ban Chak means Nipa Village that contains the bus terminal & public hospital has been titled as Islamic Tourism City/Bandar Pelancongan Islam due to its several attractions like Beach of Melody/Pantai Irama where is the official venue of Kelate People Arts Festival/Festival Kesenian Rakyat Kelate, it is also famous for watermelon. The only surviving Singgora Roof Tiles/Atap Singgora factory of Malaysia which is managed by local called Ms.Noraini Jusoh who has been awarded the title of Master Craftperson(Adiguru Kraf) of Malaysia on 2021 is located in here.
万捷是其名字相信是源自于一名名为Tok Bachok 的人物或泰文/暹文Ban Chak 意译为水椰村的拥有公车总站以及公共医院的因其像吉兰丹人民艺术节的官方举办地点旋律海滩的多座景点而被誉为伊斯兰旅游城的万捷县的县府与地方政府所在地,它也以西瓜闻名。由在二零二一年被颁发马来西亚手工艺术大师(Adiguru Kraf)的称号的诺艾妮(Noraini Jusoh)女士所经营的全马来西亚唯一仅存的粘土瓦片(Atap Singgora)厂也坐落在这里。 

Attractions in Bachok/万捷景点:
I.Wat Phothikyan Phutthaktham/菩提愿菩萨道精舍(双龙寺):
It is the first Theravada Buddhist temple & also Thai Buddhist temple in Malaysia where is contains huge standing statue of Buddhist God of Sukhavati/Western Pure Land(西方极乐/极乐世界) called Lord Amitabha(阿弥陀佛/无量佛) Buddha, the statue is also the tallest Lord Amitabha statue of South East Asia & also second tallest statue of Malaysia about 33m high, it is also contains one of longest double loong wall of Asia, wishing tree & herbal sauna room etc., it is built by local Thai community & Chinese community of Kampung Balai. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa.

这是全马来西亚唯一一间拥有巨型佛教西方极乐/极乐世界神明阿弥陀佛/无量佛(Amitābha)的佛像的上座部佛教/南传佛教的佛寺兼泰式佛寺,这尊佛像是约三十三米高全东南亚最高的阿弥陀佛佛像和全马来西亚第二高塑像,它也拥有全亚洲其中一条最长的双龙墙、许愿树与传统草药桑拿房等,它由甘榜峇莱(Kampung Balai)的当地泰裔社群与华裔社群所建立。佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。

II.Senok Beach/士诺海滩:
Senok Beach is the beach recreational area where is facing the South China Sea that fulfilled with Casuarina equisetifolia/Rhu trees has been nicknamed as Nami Island/Pulau Nami of Malaysia. Casuarina equisetifolia are the native Casuarinaceae family plants of India, Bangladesh, South East Asia, Pacific Islands & Australia. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

III.Melawi Beach/默拉威海滩:
Melawi Beach is the beach recreational area which is facing the South China Sea that contains the windmill models, wooden walkway with lookout platform & wooden swings etc. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

IV.Kuala Gel Pillbox Square(Dataran Kubu Kuala Gel)/瓜拉胶碉堡广场:
Kuala Gel Pillbox Square/Dataran Kubu Kuala Gel is the square with pillbox which is built on 1940 for military defense purpose that facing the South China Sea.
V.D'Aur Beach Resort/D'Aur 海滩度假村:
D'Aur Beach Resort is the private beach resort where is facing the South China Sea that provided the wooden swings, wooden platform, accommodation facilities, All Terrain Vehicle(A.T.V.) ride & horse ride etc., it is need to visit by paying the entrance fee. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.
D'Aur 海滩度假村是面向南海/南中国海拥有木制秋千、木制瞭望台、住宿设施、全地形车/四轮摩托车乘坐游以及骑马等的私人海滩度假村,它需付入门票来参观。海滩是一种由海浪带来这地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。
Food in Bachok/万捷美食
Dlah Maggi Ketam Corner Maggi Ketam(Night)
Dlah Maggi Ketam Corner 方便面螃蟹/快熟面螃蟹(晚上)
Location/位置: Route D137
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.081250, 102.362694

Markets around Bachok/万捷周围市场:
Siti Aishah Central Market
Location/位置: Jelawat-Tangok Road(Route D10)/Jalan Jelawat-Tangok,Jelawat
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.011194, 102.375750

Pasir Puteh/巴西富地:
Pasir Puteh is the district capital & local government seat of Pasir Puteh District where is named after the white sands by the former Sultan of Kelantan, late Sultan Muhammad IV due to he has been discovered the shining white sands in here that famous for the morning market located in the rubber plantations known as Rubber Plantations Market/Pasar Pagi Ladang Getah, it is also the terminus of East-West Highway(Route 4)/Asian Highway 140(AH140) where is contains the bus terminal called Tok Janggut & public hospital. Located near the Pasir Puteh is the Tok Bali where is the departure point of Perhentian Islands/Pulau Perhentian that contains the future railway train services & fishermen's port.
巴西富地是由前吉兰丹苏丹已故苏丹莫哈末四世(Sultan Muhammad IV)因他在这里发现闪亮的白沙而以白沙来命名的以位于橡胶园内的早市橡胶园市集(Pasar Pagi Ladang Getah)闻名的巴西富地县的县府与地方政府所在地,它也是拥有督江谷(Tok Janggut)公车总站以及公共医院的东西大道(四号公路)/亚洲公路一百四十号线(AH140)的终站。位于巴西富地附近就是拥有未来铁道火车服务和渔港的停泊岛的出发地点督巴里。
Attractions in Pasir Puteh/巴西富地景点:
I.Tok Janggut Monument/督江谷纪念碑:
Tok Janggut Monument is the monument where is commemorating the local warrior who against the British colonists called late Tok Janggut/Hassan Munas due to Pasir Puteh is the birthplace of Tok Janggut.

督江谷纪念碑是用以纪对抗英国殖民者的当地斗士已故督江谷(Tok Janggut/Hassan Munas)的纪念碑因为巴西富地是他的出生地。
II.Beach of Whispering Breeze(Pantai Bisikan Bayu)/微风海滩:
It is the beach recreational area where is facing the South China Sea that contains the huge signage of I Love Pantai Bisikan Bayu, accommodation facilities & All Terrain Vehicle(A.T.V.) ride etc. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.
是面向南海/南中国海拥有“我爱微风海滩”(I Love Bisikan Bayu)的巨型牌匾、住宿设施及全地形车/四轮摩托车乘坐游等的海滩休闲区。海滩是一种由海浪带来这地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。
III.SRZ Ternak Dairy Farm/SRZ Ternak 乳牛场:
SRZ Ternak Dairy Farm is the dairy farm which is not only breeding dairy cattle but also horse, goat, ostrich & rabbit etc. that contains the photo spots, bicycle rental services, All Terrain Vehicle(A.T.V.) ride, mini train ride, animals feeding activities, zipline/flying fox, giant swing & dairy products stall etc. has been nicknamed as Mini Kundasang. Kundasang is the highlands resort of Sabah of Malaysia where is famous for Mount Kinabalu, vegetables, fruits, tea & dairy farm etc. Dairy Cow/Dairy Cattle is the cow which can produced large amout of molk that can made dairy products & cattle/cow is the domesticated Bovidae family herbivorous mammal that used for produced beef, milk & leather etc. & also for transportation & farming purpose even its dung can be used as organic fertiltizer/manure & fuels.

SRZ Ternak 乳牛场是外号为小昆达山的不只是饲养乳牛而且还有马、山羊、绵羊、鸵鸟和兔子等以及提供拍照区、脚踏车租借服务、全地形车/四轮摩托车乘坐游、小型火车游、动物喂食活动、溜索/飞狐活动、巨型秋千和乳制品摊位等的乳牛场。昆达山是以基纳巴卢山/神山、蔬菜、水果、茶与乳牛场等闻名的马来西亚沙巴的避暑胜地。乳牛/奶牛是可产出大量可用以制造乳制品的乳奶的牛类以及家牛是可用以生产牛肉、牛奶和皮革等及也用作交通工具与农耕用途甚至其粪便可用作有机肥和燃料的已驯化的牛科草食哺乳类动物。

IV.Jeram Mengaji Agro Resort/孟加吉瀑布休闲农场:
It is the waterfalls & cascades resort where is formerly known as Jeram Mak Nenek that served as one of headstream of Semerak River/Sungai Semerak, it is also provided the archery, All Terrain Vehicle(A.T.V.) ride, zipline/flying fox, horse ride, camping site & accommodation facilities etc. Waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock & cascades is the mini waterfalls which is caused by rock steps.  


Food around Pasir Puteh/巴西富地周围美食:
In Pasir Puteh, visitors can buying the sweet spicy flavoured Fish Crackers/Keropok Ikan Berperisa in the Mazini Ismail(Keropok Cap Juara).
在巴西富地,游客可在Mazini Ismail(Keropok Cap Juara) 购买甜辣味炸鱼饼。
Mazini Ismail Fish Crackers/Keropok Ikan
Mazini Ismail 炸鱼饼
Location/位置: Kota Bharu-Kuala Terengganu Road(Route 3)/Jalan Kota Bharu-Kuala Terengganu,Pasir Puteh
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.849816, 102.360489 

Alemy Meggi Ketam Semerak Maggi Ketam(Night)
Alemy Meggi Ketam Semerak 方便面螃蟹/快熟面螃蟹(晚上)
Location/位置: Kampung Lembah,Cherang Ruku
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.867694, 102.461500
You can also visited/你也可到访:
Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁
Kampung Pulai & Gua Musang/布赖与话望生
Website/网址(Lojing Highlands/罗京高原):Click here/请按这里

Kuala Krai & Tanah Merah/瓜拉吉赖与丹那美拉

Bachok & Pasir Puteh/万捷与巴西富地
Pasir Mas,Jeli & Dabong/巴西马、日里与达蓬

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...