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Showing posts with label Jemaluang/三板头(任罗宏). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jemaluang/三板头(任罗宏). Show all posts

Monday 22 May 2017

Area 9 of Pahang/彭亨第九区:Kuala Rompin & Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/瓜拉云冰与刁曼岛

Kuala Rompin & Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/瓜拉云冰与刁曼岛:
Arrival Date/到达日期: 19,20 & 21 May 2017/二零一七年五月十九日、二十日与二十一日

Kuala Rompin/瓜拉云冰:
Rompin Billfish Landmark/云冰旗鱼标志
Kuala Rompin(do not confused with Rompin of Negeri Sembilan) is the district capital & local government seat of Rompin located in river estuary of Rompin River where is named after the pine tree called Ru tree as Rumpin/Rompin that famous for billfish fishing & freshwater prawn & contains the two agricultural irrigation purpose dams called Pontian Dam and Anak Endau Dam, bus terminal & public hospital has been titled as Sailfish Capital of Asia. The gateway of the Endau Rompin National Park which is contains waterfalls, accommodation facilities, suspension bridge, watchtower & rainforest discovery centre etc. has been described as ASEAN Heritage Park in Pahang state called Endau Rompin State Park & Tioman Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Pulau Tioman also located in here. Located not far away from the Kuala Rompin is the Mersing located in the Johor where is the district capital & local government seat of Mersing District with public hospital & bus terminal & also another gateway of Tioman Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Pulau Tioman even the gateway of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi(also known as Seribuat Archipelago) located on the South China Sea & managed by Department of Marine Park Malaysia/Jabatan Taman Laut Malaysia(now incorportated into the Department of Fisheries Malaysia/Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia) & Johor National Parks Corporation/Perbadanan Taman Negara Johor which is formed by volcanic rock formation & also part of Mersing National Geopark, the Mersing is also famous for its watermelon & Fishing Kelong such as Kelong Acheh Resort & Ah Fatt Kelong Fishing Resort etc., the Jemaluang where is the Malaysian Chinese New Village/Kampung Baru that its name is derived from Malay words, Jemu Buang due to the ground are covered by Jemu that eaten by bats with Jemaluang Pheasant Conservation Centre which is opened by the Department of Wildlife & National Parks(PERHILITAN) Peninsular Malaysia/Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar & Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia, ornamental fish farms & Chinese herbs farms even majority married women in here are Vietnamese has been titled as Little Gold Hill due to tin mining activities during the past is also located in the Mersing, the Mersing is the only region of Johor is located in the territory of East Coast Economic Region(E.C.E.R.).

The Things Must Do:
1.Participating the Royal Pahang Billfish International Challenge if you are a fishing lovers.
2.Visiting the Tioman Island Marine Park by ferry of Tanjung Gemok.

(别与马来名字有点相似的森美兰的弄边混淆)是位于云冰河河口以一种名为Ru 的松树命名此地为Rumpin/Rompin 的含有两座名为坤甸水坝与兴楼水坝的农业灌溉用途水坝、公车总站以及公共医院的云冰的县府与地方政府所在地。这里著名于垂钓旗鱼以及淡水虾而被誉为亚洲旗鱼之都,它也是被列为东盟遗产公园拥有瀑布、住宿设施、吊桥、瞭望塔以及雨林探索中心等的兴楼云冰国家公园彭亨州的入口兴楼云冰州立公园与刁曼岛海洋公园的入口。位于瓜拉云冰不远处就是位于柔佛内含有公共医院以及公车总站的作为丰盛港县的县府与地方政府所在地兼刁曼岛海洋公园的另一个入口还有位于南海/南中国海中由马来西亚海洋公园局(Jabatan Taman Laut Malaysia)(现并入马来西亚渔业局/Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia)与柔佛国家公园机构(Perbadanan Taman Negara Johor)所管理的由火山石地形形成同时也是丰盛港国家地质公园的一部分的苏丹依斯干达海洋公园/丁宜岛(将军帽)海洋公园(另名为另名为斯里布阿群岛)的入口的丰盛港,丰盛港也以西瓜以及如亚齐奎笼度假村与阿发奎笼钓鱼度假村等钓鱼奎笼闻名,因从前锡矿采矿活动而被誉为小金山的其名字的由来与舢板相关及另名任罗宏则源自于马来文Jemu Buang(满地都是蝙蝠咬食过的野生水嗡/Jemu)的拥有由马来西亚半岛野生动物与国家公园保护局(Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar & Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia/PERHILITAN)所开的三板头野鸡保育中心、观赏鱼养殖场与中草药圃甚至大多数已婚妇女都是越南人的马来西亚华人新村三板头也坐落在丰盛港内,丰盛港也是柔佛唯一一座位于东海岸经济特区范围内的地区

Attractions in Kuala Rompin/瓜拉云冰景点:
I.Bernas Beach Jetty(Pantai Bernas)/柏纳斯海滩码头
Please watch the videos below first before reading.

Video of Kuala Rompin/瓜拉云冰视频:
Year 2017/二零一七年:

Attractions in Kuala Rompin/瓜拉云冰景点:
I.Bernas Beach Jetty/柏纳斯海滩码头:
Bernas Beach Jetty/柏纳斯海滩码头
The beach jetty located in Kampung Pantai Bernas near river estuary of the Rompin River/Sungai Rompin is the main departure jetty & assembly point of the Royal Pahang Billfish International Challenge, a chalet is provided nearby the jetty. Billfish is the predator fish with the bill for defence & preying & also swimming in high speed, it is also the famous game fish for the angling.

Arrival Date
21 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Jeti Pantai Bernas
Kampung Pantai Bernas(pay attention for the signboards)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.820636, 103.475959
Entrance Fee


Jeti Pantai Bernas
甘榜柏纳斯海滩/Kampung Pantai Bernas(注意路牌)
2.820636, 103.475959

Location Map/位置图:

II.Tanjung Gemok Ferry Terminal/丹绒哥莫(丹戎大福)渡轮码头:
Tanjung Gemok Ferry Terminal/丹绒哥莫(丹戎大福)渡轮码头
Tioman Island Map/刁曼岛地图
One of the ferry terminal to reach Tioman Island that located in Tanjung Gemok. Another ferry terminal to the Tioman Island is located in the Mersing. Tioman Island is the largest island of the Tioman Island Marine Park in the South China Sea where is the only marine park in Pahang & also the duty free island that consists of Tioman Island & other eight islands includes Tulai Island. The coral reef is underwater ecosystem that formed by the animal colonies known as corals that contains calcium carbonate where can found the in the shallow water of tropical sea & the cold deep sea & also can protected the coastal area by reducing the wave energy. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.   

Arrival Date
19 & 21 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Terminal Feri Tanjung Gemok
Endau-Mersing Road(Route 3)/Jalan Endau-Mersing,Tanjung Gemok(pay attention for the signboards)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.658972, 103.622153
Opening Hours
According to the Ferries Operating Schedule
1.Another ferry terminal to Tioman Island located in Mersing of Johor state(2.434021, 103.839326).
2.Fishing are not allowed inside the Tioman Island National Park.
3.Collecting marine resources are not allowed inside the Tioman Island Marine Park.
4.Keeping the Tioman Island Marine Park clean.
5.Do not touch the coral rocks.
6.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
7.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in the water.
8.The arrival points of ferries of Tioman Island are Genting Village, Paya Village & Tekek Village.
Entrance Fee(Tioman Island Marine Park)
Below the RM10 per person(Local)
Between the RM35 to RM20 per person(Foreigner)
Handicapped Person: Free
Below the RM15 per day(Camping)
Ferry Ticket Fee(Bistari Gemilang Shipping):
Between the RM40 to RM35 per person(One Way)
Child(below 23 Months): Free
Parking Fee
Below the RM20 per car per day
Website(Tioman Island Marine Park)


Terminal Feri Tanjung Gemok
丹绒哥莫(丹戎大福)兴楼-丰盛港路(三号公路)/Jalan Endau-Mersing,Tanjung Gemok(注意路牌)
2.658972, 103.622153
(一)另一座前往刁曼岛的渡轮码头位于柔佛州的丰盛港(2.434021, 103.839326)。
残障人士: 免费
Bistari Gemilang Shipping 渡轮船票:
儿童(二十三个月以下): 免费
Location Map/位置图:

III.Tanjung Sempit Beach/丹绒可比海滩:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the beach recreational area of Endau which is facing the South China Sea that famous for rock formation of Mersing Formation with quartzite, phyllite & slate rocks was deposited in the ocean 330 million years ago, it is also one of geosite of Mersing National Geopark/Mersing Geopark. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

它是面向南海/南中国海以沉淀在海里三点三亿年含有石英岩、千枚岩和板岩的丰盛港地层(Mersing Formation)的岩石地形闻名的兴楼的海滩休闲区,它也是丰盛港国家地质公园的地质区之一。海滩是一种由海浪带来这地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。

IV.Penyabong(Pasir Lanun) Beach/本雅邦(巴西拉努)海滩:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Penyabong(Pasir Lanun) Beach(also known as Tanjung Penyabong Beach) is the former shelter of pirates where is the beach recreational area with waterfront park, accommodation facilties, fishermen's jetty & restaurants etc. that facing the South China Sea, it is also the geosite of Mersing Geopark/Mersing National Geopark where is famous for different type of volcanic rock formation like volcanic bomb, pyroclastic layer, volcanic ash layer, volcanic breccia layer & andesite lava & it is also provided the boat services to Kelong Acheh Resort by booking first. Volcano is the broken crust of the planet that allowed lava, volcanic ashes & gases to come out from the magma chamber, the name of volcano is derived from Vulcano Island of Italy. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

本雅邦海滩/巴西拉努海滩是作为面向南海/南中国海的拥有海滨公园、住宿设施、渔夫码头和餐厅等的海滩休闲区兼前海盗躲藏处,它也是以像火山弹、火山碎屑层、火山灰层、火山角砾层和安山岩熔岩的不同类型的火山岩地形闻名的丰盛港国家地质公园的地质区以及它也提供需预订先的前往亚齐奎笼度假村的船只服务。火山是可让岩浆、火山灰与气体从岩浆房流出来的星球地壳的裂层,火山的英文名Volcano 源自于意大利的武尔卡诺岛。海滩是一种由海浪带来这地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。

V.Mawar Island(Pulau Mawar)/吗哇岛:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

Mawar Island is tombolo & also fossilized coral reef which is connecting the Mawar Beach/Pantai Mawar mainland during the low tide that famous for natural arch called Heaven's Gate/Gerbang Laut, different form of rocks & mangrove forest etc., it is also contains the camping site can doing stargazing, it is also one of geosite of Mersing Geopark/Mersing National Geopark, it is need to visit by paying the entrance fee & hiring a guide. Tombolo is the deposition sandy landform which is connecting the islands or mainland that formed by waves diffraction & refraction.

吗哇岛是在低潮期间连接着吗哇海滩(Pantai Mawar)大陆以天然拱门天堂之门(Gerbang Laut)、不同形态的岩石与红树林等闻名的连岛沙洲兼已石化的珊瑚礁,它也拥有可观星的露营区,它也是丰盛港国家地质公园的地质区之一,它需聘请一位向导及付入门票来参观。连岛沙洲/陆连岛是由波浪衍射与折射形成的连接着岛屿或大陆的沉淀沙地地形。
VI.Mount Arong Forest State Park(Hutan Taman Negeri Gunung Arong)/阿荣山州立森林公园:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Mount Arong Forest State Park is the mountain hiking area about 240m tall located inside the Mount Arong Lowland Dipterocarp Forest Reserve where is not far from the Teluk Gorek Beach that contains the lookout point with glass bottom viewing deck for overlooking the South China Sea & sunrise, it is need to obtain the permit first before hiking. Dipterocarpaceae family are the trees mainly growth in the tropical rainforest & some are the endangered species.

阿荣山州立森林公园是位于直落古勒(Teluk Gorek)海滩不远处的阿荣山低地龙脑香树林内拥有可瞭望南海/南中国海和日出的含有玻璃底观景台的瞭望台的约两百四十米高的登山区,它需获取准证先才能登山。龙脑香科是主要生长在热带雨林中及一些还是濒危物种的树木。
VII.Air Papan Beach/亚逸班板海滩:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Air Papan Beach is the beach recreational area where is facing South China Sea that contains accommodation facilities & camping sites etc., it is also geosite of Mersing National Geopark/Mersing Geopark due to its volcanic breccia. Volcano is the broken crust of the planet that allowed lava, volcanic ashes & gases to come out from the magma chamber, the name of volcano is derived from Vulcano Island of Italy. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.
亚逸班板海滩是含有住宿设施以及露营区等的面向南海/南中国海的海滩休闲区,它也是因含有火山角砾岩而成为丰盛港国家地质公园的地质区火山是可让岩浆、火山灰与气体从岩浆房流出来的星球地壳的裂层,火山的英文名Volcano 源自于意大利的武尔卡诺岛。海滩是一种由海浪带来这地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。
VIII.Teluk Buih Fishermen's Market/直落布依渔市
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.
It is the fishermen's market with pier where is facing the South China Sea that selling fresh seafoods on morning, there are some accommodation facilities located near the market. 
IX.Mersing Harbour Centre/丰盛港码头中心:  
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the ferry terminal which is served as main departure jetty of Tioman Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Pulau Tioman of Pahang & Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi of Johor. that contains the ferry ticket counters, bus terminal, taxi stop, shops, food court & parking area etc.

X.Sri Mersing Art Gallery(Galeri Seni Sri Mersing)/大马记录大全之最大的海底世界壁画:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is largest marine themed mural of Malaysia with seven murals located in the Mersing Business Hub/Pusat Perdagangan Sri Mersing about 4796ft2 whose are created by local artist, Ms.Ryoko(凉子) & her younger brother, Mr.Eugene(尤金) has been inspired by eco enviroment of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park of Mersing that depicted the 818 fishes with 40 species including the endangered species called Zebra Shark etc. & eight islands of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park like Tinggi Island/Pulau Tinggi. Mural is already appeared during the Paleolithic era.
XI.Mersing Museum/丰盛港博物馆:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Mersing Museum is the former Mersing district government office has been turned into museum that displaying the history & also heritage artifacts of Mersing such as Battle of Endau during the World War II.
XII.Setindan View/Setindan 岛瞭望处:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.
Setindan View is lookout point of Mersing where can overlooking the South China Sea & Setindan Island/Pulau Setindan with a huge photo frame that can taking the photo of the scenic view of Setindan Island/Pulau Setindan.
Setindan 岛瞭望处是拥有一幅可拍下名叫Pulau Setindan 的岛屿的风景的照相框架的可瞭望到南海/南中国海与Pulau Setindan 的丰盛港瞭望处。
XIII.Flintstones Palace(Istana Flintstones)/摩登原始人皇宫:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the The Flintstones themed royal retreat palace of Sultan of Johor where is built in unique architectural style with a lighthouse where can only looking from outside. The Flinstones is the American animated televsion series which is created by American animation studio, Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. that broadcasting from 1960 to 1966. The Modern Johor Sultanate/Temenggung Dynasty is founded by Temenggung Daeng Ibrahim on 1855 & his son, the Sultan Abu Bakar is the first Sultan of Modern Johor Sultanate/Temenggung Dynasty.

它是只可在外面观看的建于独特建筑风格的含有一座灯塔的柔佛苏丹的《摩登原始人》/聪明笨伯》(The Flintstones)主题的行宫《摩登原始人》/聪明笨伯》是由美国动画制作公司汉纳巴伯拉动画(Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc.)所创作的一九六零年至一九六六年播出的美国动画电视剧。现代柔佛苏丹王朝/天猛公王朝是由天猛公达依·伊布拉欣(Temenggung Daeng Ibrahim)在一八五五年所建立及他的儿子苏丹阿布峇卡(Sultan Abu Bakar)是现代柔佛王朝/天猛公王朝的第一任苏丹。
XIV.Mersing Bee Farm(Galeri Taman Lebah Mersing)/丰盛港蜜蜂园:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.
It is the honey bee farm with brand name called Mersing Royal Honey where is contains the gallery that showing the process of producing honey & selling the honey, visitors can tasting the fresh honey in here. The honey bee is the insect that collecting & storing the nectar from the flowers & also helping to pollinate the variety of plants.
它是拥有展示蜂蜜的生产过程以及售卖着蜂蜜的展览厅的以丰盛港皇家蜂蜜(Mersing Royal Honey)为商标的蜜蜂园,游客也可在这里现场品尝蜂蜜。 蜜蜂是一种在花朵中采集花蜜同时也帮助各种植物授粉的昆虫。

XV.Tinggi Island/丁宜岛(将军帽):
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Tinggi Island(also known as General's Hat Island) is the island of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi where its name means high in Malay words due to extinct volcano known as Mount Semundu/Gunung Semundu that provided island hopping services, snorkeling & scuba diving activities, turtle hatchery, fireflies watching, mountain hiking to extinct volcano known as Mount Semundu/Gunung Semundu, jungle trekking to waterfalls & accommodation facilities etc.
丁宜岛(将军帽)是其名字在马来文意思为高因死火山色门都山(Gunung Semundu)而得名的提供着环岛游服务、浮潜与潜水活动、海龟孵育区、观赏萤火虫、登上死火山色门都山、前往瀑布的森林徒步以及住宿设施等的苏丹依斯干达海洋公园/丁宜岛(将军帽)海洋公园的岛屿。
XVI.Besar Island/大岛:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Besar Island(formerly known as Babi Besar Island/Pulau Babi Besar) is granite island of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi where is provided island hopping services, snorkeling & scuba diving activities, kayaking, jungle trekking & accommodation facilities etc., it is famous for its largest artificial coral reef of Malaysia located near the Mensirip Island/Pulau Mensirip with the replica model of Sultan Ibrahim Building, replica model of coat of arms of Johor State, the largest man made coral garden of Malaysia called Tunku Laksamana Coral Gardens & first underwater royal post box of Malaysia about 5.5m tall, 10.6m long & 9.3m wide.
大岛是提供环岛游服务、浮潜与潜水活动、划皮艇、森林徒步和住宿设施的苏丹依斯干达海洋公园/丁宜岛(将军帽)海洋公园的花岗岩岛屿,它以位于孟西里岛(Pulau Mensirip)附近含有苏丹依布拉欣大厦(Sultan Ibrahim Building)的仿造模型、柔佛州州徽的仿造模型、名为Tunku Laksamana Coral Gardens 的全马来西亚最大的珊瑚公园以及全马来西亚第一座水底皇家邮箱的约五点五米高、十点六米长和九点三米宽的全马来西亚最大的人造珊瑚礁闻名。
XVII.Tengah Island/登加岛
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Tengah Island(formerly known as Pulau Babi Tengah & also known as Batu Batu Resort) is the private island resort & also former refugee camp of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi where is breeding the sea turtles, dugong & dolphins etc. that contains the marine conservation centre called Tunku Abdul Jalil Conservation Centre, sea turtle hatchery, snorkeling sites, scuba diving sites, bar, spa services & jungle trails etc., the Tengah Island Conservation(T.I.C.) which is the non-profit conservation management has been established in here for providing the sea turtle adoption programme, sea turtles monitoring programme, indigenous tree nursery, beach and underwater clean up programme, coral reef conservation programme & volunteer programme etc., it is need to reach by private speedboat services from Mersing by booking first.
登加岛(另名为Batu Batu 度假村)是抚育着海龟、儒艮与海豚等以及拥有海洋保育中心东姑阿都加里尔保育中心、海龟孵育区、浮潜地点、潜水地点、疗养服务和森林路径等苏丹依斯干达海洋公园/丁宜岛(将军帽)海洋公园的私人岛屿度假村兼前难民营,用以提供海龟领养计划、海龟监督计划、原生物种树木育苗场、海滩与海底清洁计划、珊瑚礁保育计划和志工计划等的非盈利保育管理层登加岛保育计划(Tengah Island Conservation/T.I.C.)已在此成立,它需从丰盛港以预订先来搭乘私人快艇服务来到达。

XVIII.Rawa Island/拉哇岛:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the resort island of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi where is provided island hopping services, snorkeling & scuba diving activities, jungle trekking & accommodation facilities etc. that famous for its water slides. 

XIX.Aur Island/奥尔岛:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the granite island of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi which is provided island hopping services, snorkeling & scuba diving activities, fishing & accommodation facilities etc. that famous for its Batu Berhala & Dayang Island/Pulau Dayang etc.

它是以偶像岩(Batu Berhala)及大洋岛(Pulau Dayang)等闻名的提供着环岛游服务、浮潜与潜水活动、垂钓以及住宿设施等的苏丹依斯干达海洋公园/丁宜岛(将军帽)海洋公园的花岗岩岛屿。
XX.Pemanggil Island/呼唤岛:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the island of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi which is provided island hopping services, snorkeling & scuba diving activities, fishing & accommodation facilities etc. that famous for marlin. Billfish is the predator fish with the bill for defence & preying & also swimming in high speed, it is also the famous game fish for the angling.

XXI.Jemaluang Recreational Park/三板头休闲公园:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.
Jemaluang Recreational Park(Taman Rekreasi Jemaluang/Tasik Hijau) is the green coloured former tin mining lake has been transformed into the recreational park with huge photo frame that facing the lake. The Tin ore is the material that used to make pewter, can, solder, chemicals, tin plating & tin alloy etc.
XXII.Endau Rompin Johor(Peta) National Park/柔佛兴楼云冰(波打)国家公园:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Endau Rompin Johor(Peta) National Park is one of gateway of Endau Rompin National Park/Taman Negara Endau Rompin where is famous for its Upeh Guling Waterfalls, Tasik Air Biru/Blue Lake(can swimming with fishes) & Buaya Sangkut Waterfalls etc. that provided the visitors complex, natural education and research centre, boat services, homestay of Jakun community, camping sites & chalets etc., it is breeding the endangered species such as Asian Elephant, Malay Tapir & Malayan Tiger etc., it is managed by Johor National Parks Corporation/Perbadanan Taman Negara Johor, it is also part of Mersing National Geopark/Mersing Geopark, it has been described as International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park & ASEAN Heritage Park, it is need to visit by booking first from national park office of Kahang. Jakun/Orang Hulu/Orang Ulu is the one of Aborigines/Orang Asli community whose are majority lived in Pahang & Johor. Waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

柔佛兴楼云冰(波打)国家公园是以其Upeh Guling 瀑布、可与鱼共游的蓝湖(Tasik Air Biru)和Buaya Sangkut 瀑布等闻名以及提供游客中心、自然教育与研究中心、船只服务、
耶昆社群的民宿、露营区和度假屋等的兴楼云冰国家公园的其中一个入口,它抚育着亚洲象、马来貘和马来亚虎等濒危物种,它由柔佛国家公园机构(Perbadanan Taman Negara Johor)所管理它也是丰盛港国家地质公园的一部分,它已被列为国际自然保护联盟国家公园及东盟遗产公园,它需通过加亨的国家公园办公室预订先才能参观。瀑布是由硬石层底下的软石层侵蚀快过硬石层而形成直垂下水潭的水流的自然现象。内陆人/耶昆人是大多数居住在彭亨与柔佛的马来西亚原住民社群之一。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。

XXIII.Tanjung Leman Beach/丹绒乐曼海滩:
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

Tanjung Leman Beach is the beach recreational area & also geosite of Mersing National Geopark/Mersing Geopark with conglomerate where is facing the South China Sea that provided the ferry services to Sibu Islands/Pulau Sibu, restaurants, fast food shop & accommodation facilities. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.
XXIV.Sibu Islands/诗巫岛
*This attraction located in Johor State of Malaysia.

It is the group of ancient volcanic rock islands of Sultan Iskandar Marine Park/Tinggi Island Marine Park/Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar/Taman Laut Pulau Tinggi where is provided island hopping services, snorkeling & scuba diving activities & accmmodation facilities etc. that need to arrive by ferry services from Tanjung Leman.

Food near Kuala Rompin/瓜拉云冰附近美食:
In the Endau(formerly known as End Town) where is the largest fishermen's village of East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia that named after the Indian Peranakan called Endau located near the state border between Pahang & Johor which is marked by Endau River/Sungai Endau with the water supply purpose dam calld Labong Dam, visitors can tasting the Chinese herbal pork meat soup that eating with rice called Bak Kut Teh which is founded by the late Mr.Lee Boon Teh(李文地) from China in the Chau Yang Huat Restaurant, Cao Yang Restaurant & Ooi Kee Restaurant because the majority Chinese in here are came from Crab Island/Pulau Ketam of Klang of Selangor. In the Mersing, visitors can tasting the Lotus Seeds Duck which is the duck cuisine that stewed the duck that its interior is fulfilled with lotus seeds in the Loke Tien Yuen Restaurant & buying the Char Siew Puff which is the puff that fulfilled with barbequed pork called Char Siew(叉烧) in the Mersing 古早味(牛车档).
在位于以兴楼河标志着彭亨与柔佛州界附近名为Endau 的土生印度人来命名的拥有水供用途水坝拉蓬水坝的全马来西亚半岛东海岸最大的渔村兴楼(前名为新长兴港),游客可在朝阳发茶餐室、朝阳吉胆海鲜肉骨茶为记家富海鲜酒家品尝来自中国的已故李文地先生所发明配搭米饭来吃的中华药材猪肉汤肉骨茶因为大多数这里的华人来自雪兰莪巴生的吉胆岛。在丰盛港,游客可在乐天园酒家品尝以内部塞满莲子来炖的鸭子佳肴莲子鸭以及在Mersing 古早味(牛车档)购买到以叉烧为馅料的角子叉烧角

Chau Yang Huat Bak Kut Teh
Location/位置: Dato Mohd Ali Road/Jalan Dato Mohd Ali,Endau(Johor/柔佛)
Cao Yang Bak Kut Teh
Location/位置: Dato Mohd Ali Road/Jalan Dato Mohd Ali,Endau(Johor/柔佛)
Ooi Kee Bak Kut Teh(Closed)
Location/位置: Dato Mohd Ali Road/Jalan Dato Mohd Ali,Endau(Johor/柔佛)
Loke Tien Yuen Lotus Seeds Duck,Fried Squid with Chili & Onion Slices & Sweet and Sour Pork(Afternoon & Night)
Location/位置: Abu Bakar Road/Jalan Abu Bakar,Mersing(Johor/柔佛)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.431056, 103.837000
Mersing 古早味(牛车档) Char Siew Puff & Congee/Rice Porridge(Morning)
Mersing 古早味(牛车档)叉烧角与白粥(早上)
Location/位置: No.7,Jeti Road/Jalan Jeti,Mersing(Johor/柔佛)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.430861, 103.834139
Soon Huat Bakery Wood Fired Kiln Oven Bread
Location/位置: Ismail Road/Jalan Ismail,Mersing Kechil,Mersing(Johor/柔佛)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.425778, 103.839028
98 新村乔姐家云吞面 Dumpling Mee
98 新村乔姐家云吞面/馄饨面
Location/位置: Padang Road/Jalan Padang,Mersing Kechil,Mersing(Johor/柔佛)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.422972, 103.838222
Heng Fatt Dumpling Mee
Location/位置: Jemaluang Road(Route 3)/Jalan Jemaluang,Jemaluang(Johor/柔佛)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.272861, 103.856639 

Fah Nam Big Pau/Da Bao
Location/位置: Pasar Road/Jalan Pasar,Jemaluang(Johor/柔佛)
Markets around Kuala Rompin/瓜拉云冰周围市场:
Kuala Rompin Central Market
Location/位置: Dato Ibrahim Road/Jalan Dato Ibrahim,Kuala Rompin 

Mersing Market
Location/位置: Pasar Road/Jalan Pasar,Mersing(Johor/柔佛)


Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/刁曼岛:
Tekek Village(Kampung Tekek)/德革村
Tioman Island is the largest island of the Tioman Island Marine Park in the South China Sea where is the only marine park in Pahang that consists of Tioman Island & other eight islands including Tulai Island that managed by the Department of Marine Park Malaysia/Jabatan Taman Laut Malaysia(now incorportated into the Department of Fisheries Malaysia/Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia), it is formed by volcanic activities. It is a duty free zone where is the famous beach destination, scuba diving point, snorkeling point & turtle nesting site of Malaysia. The Tioman Island can arrived by ferry from Tanjung Gemok & Mersing where is consists of villages such as Tekek, Juara, Air Batang, Salang, Paya, Genting & Mukut etc. The island is not only breeding the various species marine life such as sharks & coral fishes but also the wildlife reserve where the highest point of the island is the Mount Kajang/Gunung Kajang about 1038m high that can found the threatened species known as Kajang Slender Litter Frog(Leptolalax Kajangensis) which can only found in Mount Kajang. There are some waterfalls like Juara Waterfalls & Asah Waterfalls can be found in the island. The island that famous for its iconic Twin Peaks & first underwater replica light rapid transit(LRT) coach coral reef of Malaysia known as Al-Sultan Abdulllah Dive Site located near the Monkey Bay is also listed as one of the most beautiful islands of the world by TIME magazine during 1970s.

The Things Must Do:
1.Doing snorkeling trip around the island such as Renggis Island.
2.Learning the Tioman Island Marine Park in the Marine Park Centre.
3.Shopping around the Vision Commerce Duty Free Shop.
4.Visiting the Juara Waterfalls/Ali's Waterfalls.
5.Visiting the famous Juara Village & its night market.
6.Learning about the conservation of turtle in Juara Turtle Project.

是位于南海/南中国海由马来西亚海洋公园局(Jabatan Taman Laut Malaysia)(现并入马来西亚渔业局/Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia)所管理的彭亨州唯一一座海洋公园兼拥有刁曼岛与其他如八座岛屿如托来岛组成的刁曼岛海洋公园内最大的岛屿,它由火山活动所形成。它是一座著名的海滩胜地、潜水地点、浮潜地点及海龟孵育地的免税区。刁曼岛可以从丹绒哥莫(丹戎大福)与丰盛港的渡轮到达及拥有如德革、茹阿拉、艾尔巴塘、萨朗、巴耶、根亭与姆谷等村庄。这座岛不但抚育了如鲨鱼与珊瑚礁鱼类等海洋生物而且还拥有岛内最高点约一千零三十八米高的加影山的野生动物保护区,加影山还可以找到山内才可找到的稀有品种动物,名为加影蛙(Leptolalax Kajangensis)。刁曼岛可以找到一些如茹阿拉瀑布与阿沙瀑布的瀑布。这座以其标志性双峰以及位于猴子湾附近马来西亚第一座海底仿造轻轨/轻快铁车厢珊瑚礁苏丹阿都拉潜水点闻名的岛屿也在一九七零年代的时代杂志列为全世界最美丽的岛屿之一。

Attractions in Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/刁曼岛景点:
I.Tekek Village(Kampung Tekek)/德革村

Please watch the videos below first before reading.

Video of Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/刁曼岛视频:
Year 2017/二零一七年:

Attractions in Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/刁曼岛景点:
I.Tekek Village/德革村:
Tekek Village/德革村
Marina of Tekek Village/德革村游船码头
Vision Commerce Duty Free Shop/宏愿免税店
Tekek is the main town centre of Tioman Island that contains the four wheel drive taxi services to Juara Village, ferry terminal & marina. The village also contains the duty free shops such as Vision Commerce Duty Free Shop. The main road to all villlages & the main jetty to snorkeling point of Tioman Island & also starting point of the Sultan Ahmad Shah International Eco Challenge are located in here. Duty Free Shops are the commercial store that selling tourism products whose are exempted from national & international taxes & duties in the international border checkpoint, international seaport, international airport, international train stations & duty free zones etc. & the first duty free shop in the world is located in the Shannon Airport of Shannon of Ireland where is founded by Irish merchant, late Mr.Brendan O'Regan. 

Arrival Date
19,20 & 21 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Kampung Tekek
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.819129, 104.158389(Ferry Terminal)
2.816637, 104.157492(Vision Commerce Duty Free Shop)
Opening Hours(Vision Commerce Duty Free Shop)
Monday-Thursday: 10am-8pm
Friday-Sunday: 10am-9pm
1.Fishing are not allowed inside the Tioman Island National Park.
2.Collecting marine resources are not allowed inside the Tioman Island Marine Park.
3.Keeping the Tioman Island Marine Park clean.
4.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
5.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in here.
Entrance Fee
Website(Sultan Ahmad Shah International Eco Challenge)

德革是刁曼岛拥有前往茹阿拉村的四轮驱动车计程车服务、渡轮码头以及游艇码头的主要镇中心。这座村庄也拥有如宏愿免税店等免税店。通往所有刁曼岛村庄的公路与刁曼岛主要浮浅地点还有苏丹阿末沙国际生态挑战赛的起点也坐落此地。免税商店是在国际边界关卡、国际港口、国际机场、国际火车站与免税区等内售卖着免除国家与国际税务和关税的旅游产品的商店以及全世界第一间免税商店是由爱尔兰商人已故布伦丹·奥雷根(Brendan O'Regan)先生在爱尔兰香农的香农机场内创立。

Kampung Tekek
刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.819129, 104.158389(渡轮码头)
2.816637, 104.157492(宏愿免税店)
星期一至星期四: 早上十点至晚上八点
星期五至星期日: 早上十点至晚上九点

II.Renggis Island/仁吉斯岛:
Renggis Island/仁吉斯岛
One of the famous snorkeling point in Tioman Island Marine Park that located near the Tekek Village. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. The coral reef is underwater ecosystem that formed by the animal colonies known as corals that contains calcium carbonate where can found the in the shallow water of tropical sea & the cold deep sea & also can protected the coastal area by reducing the wave energy. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.

Arrival Date
20 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Pulau Renggis
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.809715, 104.133042
1.Watching the marine life based on your luck by snorkeling.
2.Fishing are not allowed inside the Tioman Island National Park.
3.Collecting marine resources are not allowed inside the Tioman Island Marine Park.
4.Keeping the Tioman Island Marine Park clean.
5.Do not touch the coral rocks.
6.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
7.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in here.
Entrance Fee
Following to your packages


Pulau Renggis
刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.809715, 104.133042

III.Marine Park Centre/海洋公园中心:
Marine Park Centre/海洋公园中心
Marine Park Centre/海洋公园中心
Marine Park Centre/海洋公园中心
Marine Park Centre/海洋公园中心
The marine conservation beach area that located near Air Batang(ABC) Village/Kampung Air Batang & it is provided the snorkeling & picnic activities & contains a gallery centre that exhibiting the information about ecosystem of marine life & the specimens of corals. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. The coral reef is underwater ecosystem that formed by the animal colonies known as corals that contains calcium carbonate where can found the in the shallow water of tropical sea & the cold deep sea & also can protected the coastal area by reducing the wave energy. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.

Arrival Date
20 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Pusat Taman Laut Pulau Tioman
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.833943, 104.162082
Opening Hours(Picnic Area)
Opening Hours(Marine Park Centre Gallery)
Sunday-Thursday: 8am-1pm,2pm-5pm
Friday: 8am-12.15pm,2.45pm-5pm
1.Watching the marine life based on your luck by snorkeling.
2.Wearing wet clothes are not allowed inside the gallery of Marine Park Centre.
3.Fishing are not allowed inside the Tioman Island National Park.
4.Collecting marine resources are not allowed inside the Tioman Island Marine Park.
5.Keeping the Tioman Island Marine Park clean.
6.Do not touch the coral rocks.
7.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
8.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in here.
Entrance Fee
Following to your packages


Pusat Taman Laut Pulau Tioman
刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.833943, 104.162082
星期日至星期四: 早上八点至下午一点,下午两点至傍晚五点
星期五: 早上八点至中午十二点十五分,下午两点四十五分至傍晚五点

IV.Salang Village/萨朗村:
Salang Village/萨朗村
Salang Village/萨朗村
Salang Village/萨朗村
One of the villages located in Tioman Island that contains various divers shops & resorts & also the snorkeling point such as Soyak Island/Pulau Soyak, Shark Point, Monkey Bay & Beach that fulfilled with monkeys etc. The famous scuba diving site called Tulai Island/Pulau Tulai is also located nearby the village. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. The coral reef is underwater ecosystem that formed by the animal colonies known as corals that contains calcium carbonate where can found the in the shallow water of tropical sea & the cold deep sea & also can protected the coastal area by reducing the wave energy. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.

Arrival Date
20 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Kampung Salang
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.875642, 104.154076
1.Watching the marine life based on your luck by snorkeling or scuba diving.
2.Fishing are not allowed inside the Tioman Island National Park.
3.Collecting marine resources are not allowed inside the Tioman Island Marine Park.
4.Keeping the Tioman Island Marine Park clean.
5.Do not touch the coral rocks.
6.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
7.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in here.
Entrance Fee


Kampung Salang
刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.875642, 104.154076

V.Juara Waterfalls(Ali's Waterfalls)/茹阿拉瀑布(阿里瀑布):
Juara Waterfalls(Ali's Waterfalls)/茹阿拉瀑布(阿里瀑布)
Road to Ali's Waterfalls/前往阿里瀑布的路径
Juara Waterfalls(Ali's Waterfalls)/茹阿拉瀑布(阿里瀑布)
Juara Waterfalls(Ali's Waterfalls)/茹阿拉瀑布(阿里瀑布)
The waterfalls or cascades that located in the middle of the road connecting the Tekek Village & Juara Village inside the Mount Kajang/Gunung Kajang area which is need to arrive by a short distance walk. The water flows of the waterfalls will flowing into the sea by Juara Village. Visitors can seeing clearly the bottom of the pool in here. Waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock & cascades is the mini waterfalls which is caused by rock steps.

Arrival Date
20 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.805650, 104.187526
1.Road to this area is quite steep.
2.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
3.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in here.
4.Keep the waterfalls area clean.
Entrance Fee


刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.805650, 104.187526

VI.Juara Village/茹阿拉村:
Juara Village/茹阿拉村
Juara Village/茹阿拉村
Juara Village/茹阿拉村
Juara Night Market/茹阿拉夜市
The one of villages located in Tioman Island where is longest beach in Tioman Island that facing the South China Sea & also the turtle nesting site & a small night market that selling the local street foods & providing jungle trekking tour activities in the volleyball court of Juara Village every Friday & Saturday. The beach also has been listed as one of the top 100 most beautiful beaches in the world by CNN. The night market in Malaysia called Pasar Malam in Malay language which is the market that only operating during certain nights in every week. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

Arrival Date
19,20 & 21 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Kampung Juara
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.795625, 104.203651(Juara Night Market)
Opening Hours(Juara Night Market)
Friday-Saturday: 6.30pm-11.30pm
1.Road to this area is quite steep.
2.Fishing are not allowed inside the Tioman Island National Park.
3.Collecting marine resources are not allowed inside the Tioman Island Marine Park.
4.Keeping the Tioman Island Marine Park clean.
5.Do not soak in the water while you are applied the lotion.
6.Do not bath with soap, body shampoo & shampoo in here.
Entrance Fee

这是刁曼岛其中一座村庄,它面向南海/南中国海拥有全刁曼岛最长的海滩以及也是海龟产卵区以及在每个星期五与星期六这里的排球场也成为售卖当地街头美食以及提供森林徒步导览服务的小型夜市。这座海滩也被获选为美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)前一百名最美丽的海滩之一。马来西亚的夜市在马来文为Pasar Malam 是一座每个星期只营业几天的市场。海滩是一种由海浪带来这地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。

Kampung Juara
刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.795625, 104.203651(茹阿拉夜市)
星期五与星期六: 晚上六点半至晚上十一点半

VII.Juara Turtle Project/茹阿拉海龟计划:
Juara Turtle Project/茹阿拉海龟计划
Juara Turtle Project/茹阿拉海龟计划
Juara Turtle Project/茹阿拉海龟计划
Juara Turtle Project/茹阿拉海龟计划
The turtle conservation centre & hatchery centre of Juara Village/Kampung Juara that established by non-profit organization to educate the public about importance of conservation of sea turtles & also provided volunteer programme & egg adoption programme to the public. Several documentary are also promoted this conservation centre. The sea turtle is the reptile which is the female will be back to the beach to dig a hole for laying eggs after mating that their eggs are temperature-dependent sex determination(T.S.D.).

Arrival Date
19 May 2017
*Maybe mistake in information.
Malay Name
Projek Penyu Juara
Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
2.781484, 104.205089
Opening Hours
10am-1pm,3pm-5pm, Closed on Friday
Guided Tour Services Tour
10am & 3pm, Closed on Friday
1.Road to this area is quite steep.
2.Do not enter the restricted area without guide.
3.Do not left any rubbish into the sea because the sea turtles thought they are jellyfishes.
4.Do not touch the sea turtles.
5.Do not eat & buying the sea turtle eggs.
Entrance Fee
Below the RM15 per person
Volunteer Programme Fee
Below the RM150 per person per day


Projek Penyu Juara
刁曼岛/Pulau Tioman
2.781484, 104.205089

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Kuantan & Pekan/关丹与北根
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Website/网址(Cherating Turtle Conservation & Information Centre/遮拉丁海龟保育与资讯中心):Click here/请按这里
Website/网址(Cherating Beach/遮拉丁海滩):Click here/请按这里
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Gohtong Jaya & Genting Highlands/梧桐再也与云顶高原
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Bukit Tinggi/武吉丁宜
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Temerloh & Triang(Teriang)/淡马鲁与直凉
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Kuala Lipis & Benta/立卑与文打
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Kuala Rompin & Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/瓜拉云冰与刁曼岛
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Fraser's Hill(Bukit Fraser)/福隆港
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Jerantut & National Park(Taman Negara)/而连突与国家公园
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Maran & Gambang/马兰与甘
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Cameron Highlands/金马伦高原
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Sungai Lembing/林明
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Accommmodations near Kuala Rompin & Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman)/瓜拉云冰与刁曼岛附近住宿:
*The hotel that listed below only for consideration.

Luxury Resort/豪华度假村:
Berjaya Tioman Resort=609-4191000
Location/位置: Tekek Village/Kampung Tekek,Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Price/价钱: Above the RM400/高过四百令吉(Not includes activities/不包括活动)

Budget Resort/廉价度假村:
Tamara Resort/Teluk Mentawak Resort=012-7062127/014-8006806/013-2913186
Location/位置: Juara Village/Kampung Juara,Tioman Island/Pulau Tioman
Price/价钱: Below the RM600/低过六百令吉之间(Package/配套)

*The distances show at below are only approximate.

K.L.I.A.-Bernas Beach Jetty=265km
Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport-Bernas Beach Jetty=127km
Bernas Beach Jetty-Tanjung Gemok Ferry Terminal=46.4km
Tekek Village-Juara Village=7km

Itinerary of Kuala Rompin & Tioman Island(Pulau Tioman) based on my suggestion/我本身建议的瓜拉云冰与刁曼岛旅程:
Days that I suggest to travel this area/我本身建议在这里的游玩的时间=3 Days/三天
According to your favourite/依据你的兴趣而定
Must Visit Attractions/必游景点:
1.Bernas Beach Jetty/柏纳斯海滩码头
2.Tioman Island Marine Park/刁曼岛海洋公园

First Day/第一天(departure from K.L.I.A./从吉隆坡国际机场出发):
Bernas Beach Jetty
After 8.10am(According to ferry schedule)/早上八点十分之后(根据渡轮运作时间而定)
Tioman Island Marine Park(Departure from Tanjung Gemok)
After arriving the Tekek Village/到达德革村后:
*According to guided tour or visiting the Juara Turtle Project

Second Day/第二天:
*According to guided tour.

Third Day/第三天:
*According to guided tour.

End of the Trip/旅程结束

First Day/第一天(departure from Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport/从苏丹阿末沙机场出发):
Bernas Beach Jetty
After 9.10am(According to ferry schedule)/早上九点十分之后(根据渡轮运作时间而定)
Tioman Island Marine Park(Departure from Tanjung Gemok)
After arriving the Tekek Village/到达德革村后:
*According to guided tour or visiting the Juara Turtle Project

Second Day/第二天:
*According to guided tour.

Third Day/第三天:
*According to guided tour.

End of the Trip/旅程结束

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...