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Showing posts with label Simpang Empat/十字港. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simpang Empat/十字港. Show all posts

Sunday 27 November 2022

Area 1 of Perlis/加央第一区:Kangar,Arau & Padang Besar/加央、亚娄与巴东勿刹

Kangar,Arau & Padang Besar/加央、亚娄与巴东勿刹:
Arrival Date/到达日期: 15 February 2013/二零一三年二月十五日
Kangar(also known as Kangaq) is the state capital & largest city of Perlis & also local government seat of Kangar Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Kangar where its name is derived from a tree that contains the Tuanku Syed Putra Stadium, bus terminal & public hospital & famous for Indonesian Curry Rice/Nasi Kari Indonesia & geographical indication called Perlis Harumanis Mango, it is also the birthplace of local singer & actress, late Ms.Queenzy Cheng Koon Si(庄群施) who is famous for its Chinese New Year albums. Located near the Kangar is the Kuala Perlis where is the departure jetty of Langkawi Island that famous for Laksa Perlis & Grilled Fish/Ikan Bakar & also contains the ferry services, roll on roll off ferry services & bus terminal. The Perlis State has been titled as National Geopark of Malaysia. 
加央是以印尼咖哩饭和地理标志产品玻璃市香甜芒闻名的拥有端姑赛布特拉体育馆、公车总站和公共医院的其名字源自于一棵树的玻璃市州的首府与最大城市兼加央市议会(Majlis Perbandaran Kangar)的地方政府所在地,它也是以其春节/农历新年贺岁专辑闻名的当地歌手兼演员已故庄群施女士的出生地。位于加央附近就是以玻璃市叻沙和马来烧鱼闻名还拥有渡轮服务、汽车渡轮服务以及公车总站的兰卡威/浮罗交怡的出发码头玻璃市港口。玻璃市州已被列为马来西亚国家地质公园。
Attractions in Kangar/加央景点:

Attractions in Kangar/加央景点:
I.Alwi Mosque/阿维清真寺:
Alwi Mosque is the former state official mosque of Perlis which is built in Mughal architectural style on 1933 that named after the former Raja of Perlis, late Raja Syed Alwi Jamalullail has been described as National Heritage of Malaysia. The Mughal architectural style is the architectural style that created by Mughal Empire of India that featured the Onion domes & vaulted gateway. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.

建于一九三三年的阿维清真寺是被列为马来西亚国家遗产的含有莫卧儿建筑风格的以前玻璃市拉惹已故拉惹赛义德·阿维·贾玛鲁拉(Raja Syed Alwi Jamalullail)来命名的前玻璃市州官方清真寺。莫卧儿建筑风格是由印度莫卧儿帝国以洋葱形圆顶与拱门为特色的建筑风格。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。

II.Kangar Street Art 2.0/加央艺术街道2.0:
It is the mural alley located near the Jail(Penjara) Road/Jalan Penjara with Zero Kilometre Monument where is created by local artists about over 10 amateur persons of Perlis State Artist Society/Persatuan Pelukis Negeri Perlis including the learning disorder artists that contains the murals like parrot inside the cage, official mascot of C.I.M.B. Bank called Octo(an octopus) on the wall of C.I.M.B. Bank, the bookseller owner on the wall of Kassim Book Store, Awang Batil(storyteller), local Indian Putu Mayam seller, local Chinese Ais Kacang/A.B.C. seller & tourist attractions of Perlis etc. Mural is already appeared during the Paleolithic era.
这是位于含有零公里路程碑的监狱街附近由玻璃市画家协会的超过十名业余艺术家包括学习障碍的艺术家所创造的拥有像在笼子里的鹦鹉、在联昌国际银行墙上的联昌国际银行的官方吉祥物Octo(一只八爪鱼)、在卡欣书局(Kassim Book Store)墙上的卖书业主、说故事者(Awang Batil)、当地售卖印度蒸米糕的印度小贩、当地售卖红豆冰的华人小贩以及玻璃市的旅游景点等壁画的壁画巷。壁画在旧石器时代就已经出现了。
III.Poh An Kong Temple/保安宫:
It is the oldest Chinese temple of Perlis where is dedicated to Chinese God of Loyalty & also Patron God of Nan'an of Fujian Province of China called Lord Guangze King(广泽尊王/郭忠福/郭圣公) since 1895 that managed by local Chinese social organization, Perlis Hokkien Assoication(玻璃市福建会馆), it is famous for Dragon Tortoise Pond which its Dragon Tortoise(龙龟) statue is made with basalt stone & Mount Tai stone for replacing the liberation pond in front of the temple. Guangze King Belief is the Chinese folk religion which is originated from Fengshan Temple(凤山寺) of Nan'an of Fujian Province of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.

IV.J.P.S.Perlis Floating Market/玻璃市水利灌溉局水上市集
J.P.S.Perlis Floating Market is the one of floating markets of Perlis located on the pond of complex of Department of Irrigation & Drainage of Perlis State/Jabatan Pengairan & Saliran(J.P.S.) Negeri Perlis which is selling the local street foods on the boats on every weekends that is also provided the mini train ride & kayaking etc.
玻璃市水利灌溉局水上市集是位于玻璃市州水利灌溉局(Jabatan Pengairan & Saliran(J.P.S.) Negeri Perlis)的广场的池塘上每个周末在船上售卖着当地街头美食以及提供小型火车游与划皮艇等的玻璃市其中一座水上市集。

V.Bintong Food Avenue(Persiaran Makanan Bintong)/宾当(敏冬)美食街:
Bintong Food Avenue/Persiaran Makanan Bintong is the night glutton street of Kangar along the Raja Syed Saffi Road/Jalan Raja Syed Saffi about 1.1km long which is selling the local street foods such as Nasi Lemak, Satay/Sate, Burger, Chapati/Capati, Thai Cuisine, Soto & Grilled Fish/Ikan Bakar etc. that decorated with lights.

宾当/敏冬美食街是约一点一公里沿着拉惹赛莎菲路(Jalan Raja Syed Saffi)以灯光装饰的售卖着当地街头美食如椰浆饭、沙爹、汉堡包、印度薄饼、泰式佳肴、索托以及马来烧鱼等的加央的夜间为食街/贪吃街。
VI.Bukit Lagi Public Park/打石山公园:
Bukit Lagi/Bukit Cenderawasih is the limestone hill & also geosite of Perlis National Geopark where is contains a public park, a cave which is the former Thai Buddhist cave temple called Cenderawasih Cave/Gua Cenderawasih/Gua Sami, mushroom shaped rocks, fossils of ancient aquatic life, bougainvillea garden called Taman Bunga Kertas Tuanku Lailatul Shahreen & mountain hiking area etc. 
打石山是拥有一座休闲公园、一座名叫詹德拉瓦西洞(Gua Cenderawasih/Gua Sami)的前泰式佛教洞庙的洞穴、蘑菇形状的岩石、古海洋生物的化石、名叫Taman Bunga Kertas Tuanku Lailatul Shahreen 的九重葛花园以及登山区等的石灰岩山兼玻璃市国家地质公园的地质区。
VII.View Point Gunung Medan/美丹山瞭望台:
View Point Gunung Medan is the lookout point with swings, camping site & glass cafe etc. where can overlooking the skyline of Kangar during day or night that need to reach by colourful steps.

VIII.Tok Kuning Floating Market/杜谷宁码头水上市集:
Tok Kuning Floating Market is the first floating market of Perlis since 2018 located on the tributary of Perlis River/Sungai Perlis where is selling the local fruits, street foods & fishes on the boats in weekends on every two week once time & also provided river cruise along the Perlis River/Sungai Perlis that opened by Perlis State Fishing & Recreational Club/Kelab Memancing & Rekreasi Negeri Perlis.

在二零一八年开始的杜谷宁码头水上市集是位于玻璃市河的支流上由玻州钓鱼与休闲俱乐部(Kelab Memancing & Rekreasi Negeri Perlis)所开的每两个星期的周末举办一次在船上售卖着当地水果、街头美食和鱼类及提供沿着玻璃市河行走的游河船的玻璃市第一座水上市集。
IX.Kota Kayang Museum/哥打稼秧博物馆:
Kota Kayang Museum is the former site of palace of royal family of Kedah-Perlis where is showing the history, archaeology, weapons, culture, monarchy & Chief Ministers/State Ministers/Menteri Besar of Perlis that famous for the Letter of Appreciation of King Chulalongkorn/Rama V(จุฬาลงกรณ์) of Chakri Dynasty of Siam to the Raja of Perlis & Perlis money mound etc., it is also housed the birthplace of current Raja of Perlis & also 12th King/Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin has been moved to here called Rumah Hijau.

哥打稼秧博物馆是展示着玻璃市的历史、考古、武器、文化、皇室和州务大臣的以暹罗查克里王朝国王国王朱拉隆功/拉玛五世/郑隆(King Chulalongkorn/Rama V/จุฬาลงกรณ์)赐予玻璃市拉惹的感谢信和玻璃市货币模具等闻名的前吉打-玻璃市皇族的皇宫的地点,它也安置着搬迁至这里的现任玻璃市拉惹兼第十二任马来西亚国王/最高元首端姑赛西拉祖丁/端古·赛义德·西拉鲁丁(Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin)的出生地绿屋(Rumah Hijau)。

X.Kampung Wai/甘榜歪:
Kampung Wai(also known as Kampung Y) is the village where is famous for the canal of Kampung Wai Square/Dataran Kampung Wai located near the bridge with limestone hills on its both sides that provided the kayaking and
river cruise through the longest water tunnel of Malaysia about 765m long for flood control purpose & stand up paddleboarding etc., it is also famous for filming site of local film, "Great Day"(天天好天).

甘榜歪是以位于桥边含有石灰岩山在两旁的提供越过约七百六十米长用以防洪用途的全马来西亚最长的水底隧道的划皮艇与游河船以及立浆冲浪等的甘榜歪广场(Dataran Kampung Wai)的运河闻名的村庄,它也以本地电影《天天好天》的取景地闻名。

XI.Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail Mosque/端姑赛菲祖丁清真寺:
It is the first green technology mosque of Perlis where is named after the Crown Prince/Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail for replacing the old mosque that its dome shaped like Russian dome has been nicknamed as Russian Mosque & Aladdin Mosque. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.  
它是用以取代旧清真寺的以玻璃市皇储端姑赛菲祖丁(Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail)来命名的其窍顶相似俄罗斯式圆顶而被冠上俄罗斯清真寺与阿拉丁清真寺的外号的玻璃市第一间绿色科技清真寺。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。
XII.Bukit Kubu Recreational Forest/武吉古布休闲森林:
Bukit Kubu Recreational Forest is the limestone hill hiking area of Kuala Perlis & also geosite of Perlis National Park where is famous for its limestone caves like Harimau Cave/Gua Harimau & Ikan Cave/Gua Ikan etc. has been discovered the marine fossils due to it is the ancient seabed.

武吉古布休闲森林是以其因这里是古代海床而发现海洋生物化石的洞穴如虎洞(Gua Harimau)与鱼洞(Gua Ikan)等闻名的玻璃市港口的石灰岩山登山区兼玻璃市国家地质公园的地质区。
XIII.Kuala Perlis Waterfront/玻璃市港口海滨步道:
Kuala Perlis Waterfront/玻璃市港口海滨步道
Kuala Perlis Waterfront/玻璃市港口海滨步道
Kuala Perlis Waterfront/玻璃市港口海滨步道
It is the waterfront which is facing the Straits of Malacca that can enjoying the sea breeze & Malay grilled fish/Ikan Bakar that contains the food stalls, seafood complex & floating restaurant etc.
XIV.Brasmana Foodtruck & Flea Market(B.F.F.)/Brasmana 餐车与跳蚤市场:
Brasmana Foodtruck & Flea Market(B.F.F.) is the food truck night market of Putra Brasmana Hotel which is operating on every Friday, Saturday & Sunday that provided the live music performances.

Brasmana 餐车与跳蚤市场
XV.Kuala Perlis Floating Mosque/玻璃市港口水上清真寺:
Kuala Perlis Floating Mosque/玻璃市港口水上清真寺
Kuala Perlis Floating Mosque is the floating mosque where is named after the elder brother of founder of the mosque & also local merchant, Mr.Mohd Ariffin Yusuf called late Mr.Mohd.Hussain that famous for its gold & blue coloured dome that representing the official colour of Perlis & the first hexagonal twin peak minaret in the world, it is built with coral, marble, quartz, granite & pebble for replacing the paint. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.  

胡仙清真寺是以清真寺的创始人兼当地商人Mohd Ariffin Yusuf 先生的哥哥已故Mohd.Hussain 先生来命名的以其代表着玻璃市官方颜色的金蓝色窍顶以及全世界第一座六边形双峰宣礼塔闻名的水上清真寺,它以珊瑚、大理石、石英、花岗岩和鹅卵石来取代油漆来建造。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。

XVI.Tuanku Syed Putra Bridge/端姑赛布特拉天桥:
Tuanku Syed Putra Bridge is the rainbow coloured pedestrian bridge where is connecting the two fishermen's villages of Kuala Perlis that named after former Raja of Perlis & also third King/Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia, late Tuanku Syed Putra for crossing the Perlis River/Sungai Perlis has been nicknamed as Rainbow Bridge/Jambatan Pelangi.

端姑赛布特拉天桥是外号为彩虹桥的以前玻璃市拉惹兼第三任马来西亚国王/最高元首已故端姑赛布特拉/端古·赛义德·布特拉(Tuanku Syed Putra)来命名的用以越过玻璃市河连接着玻璃市港口的两座渔村的彩虹色的行人天桥。

XVII.Kampung Seberang Ramai(Kampung Warna Warni)/对面港彩虹村:
Kampung Seberang Ramai/Kampung Warna Warni is the seven fishermen's villages of Kuala Perlis with colourful houses has been developed by royal transformation project of Perlis where is consists of Kampung Tengah, Kampung Hujung Tanjong, Kampung Baru Seberang, Kampung Seberang Alor, Kampung Seberang Jaya, Kampung Pulau Ketam & Kampung Tandiap that provided the auto rickshaw services, elecric scooter, motorcycle, trishaw & tribike etc. for going around villages.

XVIII.Northernmost Coastline(Pesisir Pantai Paling Utara)/最北海岸线:
Northernmost Coastline/Pesisir Pantai Paling Utara is the waterfront of Kuala Perlis which is facing the Straits of Malacca that served as northernmost coastline of Peninsular Malaysia.

XIX.Kurong Tengar Beach/古隆登雅海滩:
Kurong Tengar Beach(also known as Trek Kurong Tengar) is the beach recreational area & also kite flying site where is facing the Straits of Malacca that famous for IMAB Square/Dataran IMAB & sunset watching. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.


XX.Kampung Sungai Berembang/甘榜双溪比念邦:
Kampung Sungai Berembang is the village of Kuala Perlis where is famous for fermented shrimp paste called Belacan.
XXI.Batu Layang Island(Pulau Batu Layang)/峇都拉洋岛:
Batu Layang Island is reef located on the Straits of Malacca where is contains the small beach that formed by seawater erosion has been nicknamed as Mini Tasmania, the only activities can be doing in this area are angling, picnicking & taking photo but not littering, it can be reached by renting the boat services of local fishermen from Kurong Tengar. Reef is the ridge or shoal of rocks or corals on the natural water body surface which is formed by living organism called corals or wave erosion or decomposition of sand.
XXII.Nipah Klasik Agrotourism/十字港水椰休闲区:
It is the nipah palm farm of Simpang Empat where is also served as restaurant that can enjoying the local street foods like Nasi Lemak & Fried Noddles, it is also provided the paddle boat ride around the Nipah Palm forest & replica model of Bunga Emas Well/Telaga Bunga Emas. Nipa Palm/Nipah Palm/Mangrove Palm is the only existed Nypa genus palm of the world which is growth beneath the ground of the coastal mangrove habitat of Indian Ocean & Pacific Ocean that can be used for construction materials purpose, culinary purpose & biofuel purpose etc.
它是也作为可享用像椰浆饭与炒面等的当地街头美食的餐厅的十字港的水椰/亚答籽/亚答子园,它也提供在水椰椰林周围乘坐脚踏船以及仿造的金花井(Telaga Bunga Emas)。水椰/亚答籽是生长在印度洋与太平洋的滨海红树林栖息地底下可用以建筑材料用途、餐饮用途与生物燃料用途等的全世界唯一存在的水椰属棕榈树。
XXIII.Kipli Nipah Palm Farm(Ladang Nipah Kipli)/吉比里水椰园:
It is the nipah palm farm of Kuala Sanglang where is also served as restaurant that can enjoying the local street foods like Laksa Perlis & Nipah Palm Syrup/Air Nira etc. in the gazebo around the farm. Nipa Palm/Nipah Palm/Mangrove Palm is the only existed Nypa genus palm of the world which is growth beneath the ground of the coastal mangrove habitat of Indian Ocean & Pacific Ocean that can be used for construction materials purpose, culinary purpose & biofuel purpose etc.
XXIV.Bukit Bintang Agricultural Centre/武吉宾当农业中心:
Harumanis Mango Center of Excellence/Pusat Kecemerlangan Memperlam Harumanis of Bukit Bintang Agricultural Centre is the Harumanis plantations of Perlis. Harumanis Mango is the mango of Indonesia & Malaysia & also most expensive mango of Malaysia about approximately RM40 per kg with sweet taste & strong aroma. Mangoes are the fruits of numerous tropical Mangnifera trees which is originated from India has been described as National Fruit of India, Pakistan & Philippines.


XXV.Perlis State Snake & Reptile Park/玻璃市州蛇与爬虫类动物园:
It is the former snake research facility of Ministry of Health where is breeding the snakes like pythons and cobras & other animals like ostriches, peacocks, iguana, crocodiles and deers etc. that famous for its sunflower garden & provided tram services, electric scooter rental services, archery, dinosaur park & pony ride, it is also exhibiting the snakes specimen & provided python photo booth. Snakes are the elongated, legless, carnivorous & ectothermic reptiles & some are venomous animals whose can molting that lived around the world except Antarctica & the reptiles is the tetrapod animals that consists of turtles, crocodiles, snakes & lizards etc. 


XXVI.Mountain Money Gate Trail(Trail Pintu Wang Gunung)/旺古农山路径:
Trail Pintu Wang Gunung is the mountain hiking area of Nakawan Range about 499.1m high which is the former village that related to legend of local village headman called Awang Gunung that need to hike by obtain a permit & hiring a guide, it can overlooking the international border between the Malaysia & Thailand.
旺古农山路径是约四百九十九点一米高需获取准证与聘请一位向导来攀登的同时也是与名叫Awang Gunung 的当地村长的传说相关的前村庄的那卡湾山脉的登山区,它可瞭望马来西亚与泰国之间的国际边界。
XXVII.Perlis Exotic Fruits Garden/玻璃市奇异果园:
Perlis Exotic Fruits Garden(formerly known as Perlis Grape Garden/Taman Anggur Perlis) is the fruits orchard where is contains the grapes farm like Black Opal, Black Queen, Cardinal and Isabella etc., superfruits farm such as gac, pitaya farm, Harumanis mango farm, fish feeding pond, lookout points & photo spots such as swings and windmill etc. that need to visit by paying the entrance fee & also provided tram services. The fruits are the fruit seeds of the flowering plants which is juicy & sweet or sour taste. Located not far from here is the Sungai Batu Pahat Mousedeer Conservation Centre which is opened by the Department of Wildlife & National Parks(PERHILITAN) Peninsular Malaysia/Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar & Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia.

玻璃市奇异果园(前名为玻璃市葡萄园)是需付费参观的拥有像黑色欧柏(Black Opal)、黑后(Black Queen)、卡迪纳尔(Cardinal)和伊莎贝拉(Isabella)等葡萄的葡萄园、如木鳖果等超级水果园、火龙果园、香甜芒芒果园、喂鱼池、瞭望台以及如秋千和风车的拍照区等以及也提供游览车服务的玻璃市果园。水果是多汁及甜味或酸味的开花性植物的果实。位于这里不远处就是由马来西亚半岛野生动物与国家公园保护局(Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar & Taman Negara Semenanjung Malaysia/PERHILITAN)所开的双溪峇株巴辖鼠鹿保育中心。

XXVIII.Perlis Herbal Forest(Rimba Herba Perlis)/玻璃市草药园:
It is the herbal park which is planted over 300 species of plants including the Misai Kucing, Indian Gooseberry/Malacca Tree, Kacip Fatimah, Citronella Grass/Serai Wangi, Kratom, orchids & Curry Tree etc. Herbs are parts of plants like the seeds, leaves & barks etc. which can be used as culinary purpose & medicine purpose.


XXIX.Bukit Ayer Recreational Forest/武吉阿逸休闲森林:
It is the waterfalls recreational area of Perlis & also one of headstream of Perlis River/Sungai Perlis located in the Sungai Batu Pahat Eco Tourism Complex/Kompleks Eko Pelancongan Sungai Batu Pahat of Bukit Bintang Hill Dipterocarp Forest Zone of Nakawan Range where is contains the waterfalls with travertine & stromatolite that its water sources originated from calcium carbonate of limestone cave of Setul Formation, it is also one of geosites of Perlis National Geopark. Waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock. Dipterocarpaceae family are the trees mainly growth in the tropical rainforest & some are the endangered species.

XXX.Bukit Tau Adventure Park/Bukit Tau 冒险公园:
Bukit Tau Adventure Park is the private limestone hill where is famous for limestone cave cafe with swings & five entrances that provided the All Terrain Vehicle(A.T.V.) ride. The first cafe/coffee shop in the world is the Kiva Han from Constantinople(now known as Istanbul) of Turkey. Karst Cave is the cave that formed with soluble rocks that dissolved by rainwater & groundwater whose are contains organic acid.
Bukit Tau 冒险公园是提供全地形车/四轮摩托车乘坐游的以含有秋千与五个入口的石灰岩洞穴咖啡厅闻名的私人石灰岩山。全世界第一间咖啡厅/咖啡店是土耳其君士坦丁堡(现名为伊斯坦布尔)的Kiva Han。溶洞是由被含有有机酸的雨水与地面水溶解有溶性岩石形成的洞穴。
XXXI.Melati Lake Recreational Park/美拉迪湖休闲公园
Melati Lake Recreational Park/美拉迪湖休闲公园
Melati Lake Recreational Park/美拉迪湖休闲公园
Melati Lake Recreational Park/美拉迪湖休闲公园
Melati Lake/Tasik Melati Recreational Park is the lake gardens located on the peat swamp wetland where is formed by sand islets about over 150 islands that contains a Chinese gardens. Peat swamp forest is the tropical moist forest which the dead leaves & woods are not fully decomposing due to water that created the acidic peat & surrounded by lowland rainforest & mangrove forest. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.


XXXII.Keteri Hill(Bukit Keteri)/吉德里山:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Keteri Hill is limestone hill of Chuping Formation & also geosite of Perlis National Geopark about 131m high where is surrounded by paddy fields that famous for well-challenging rock climbing site with Mata Timur lookout point which can be watching sunset & Semadong Cave/Gua Semadong has been discovered the human fossils & rock arts.
吉德里山是以拥有可瞭望日落的东方之眼(Mata Timur)瞭望处的充满挑战性的攀岩区以及发现人类化石与岩画的瑟马东山洞(Gua Semadong)闻名的被稻田环绕着的约一百三十一米高的朱宾结构的石灰岩山兼玻璃市国家地质公园的地质区
XXXIII.Bukit Jernih Recreational Park/仄尼山休闲公园:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

Bukit Jernih Recreational Park is the stream recreational area
& also geosite of Perlis National Geopark where is famous for its limestone hill of Chuping Formation that provided caving activities that need to hiring a guide has been discovered the different type of marine fossils.

XXXIV.Tasoh Lake Resort/打索湖度假村:
Tasoh Lake Resort is the resort of Timah Tasoh Dam where is contains the photo spots like sky ladder, man made tulip gardens, cars, rainbow umbrella street, bird nest swing & love shaped chairs etc. that provided the chalets, camping sites, bungalows, bicycle rental services, eletric scooter rental services, archery & mini train ride etc., it is also contains the fire show during the every Saturday night.

XXXV.Timah Tasoh Dam Square(Dataran Empangan Timah Tasoh)/知马打索湖广场:
Timah Tasoh Dam/知马打索湖
Timah Tasoh Dam(also known as Tasoh Lake) Square is the waterfront square of water supply dam & also geosite of Perlis National Geopark which is contains the photo spots, lake cruise, sailing complex, fishing site, camping site, mini geopark gallery & fish feeding site etc. that famous for migratory birds & freshwater fishes like Snakeheads, Tilapia, Catfishes & Marble Goby etc. has been nicknamed as Guilin of Malaysia, the dam is also largest flood control dam of Malaysia about 19km2 & its volume is 33 million m3. it is named after the two rivers called Timah River/Sungai Timah & Tasoh River/Sungai Tasoh that meeting on this site during the past & also discovered fossils of ocean of ancient Gondwanaland supercontinent. The earliest dam that built in the world is Jawa Dam of Jordan.

乌鳢/生鱼、罗非鱼/非洲鱼、鲶鱼/塘虱鱼云斑尖塘鳢/笋壳鱼等淡水鱼闻名的拥有拍照区、游湖船、帆船中心、钓鱼区、露营区、小型地质公园展览厅与喂鱼区等的水供水坝兼玻璃市国家地质公园的地质区的湖滨广场,此水坝也是约十九平方公里及其容量约三千三百万立方米的全马来西亚最大的防洪水坝,它是以从前在这里交汇的知马河(Sungai Timah)与打索河(Sungai Tasoh)来命名同时也发现古代超大陆冈瓦纳大陆海洋的化石。全世界最早建造的水坝就是约旦名为Jawa 的水坝。
XXXVI.Timah Tasoh Freshwater Fish Sanctuary/知马打索湖淡水鱼养殖场:
It is the only freshwater fish sanctuary of inland fishermen of Perlis where is managed by Department of Fisheries of Malaysia/Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia that opened to public for visiting, it is also provided boat rental services, fish feeding activities & camping site etc.

它是由马来西亚渔业局(Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia)所管理的开放让公众参观的全玻璃市唯一一座内陆渔民的淡水鱼养殖场,它也提供租船服务、喂鱼活动与露营区等。
XXXVII.Cabang Mari Hill(Bukit Cabang Mari)/察邦山公园:
It is the foothill recreational park of twin peak limestone hills of Chuping Formation & also geosite of Perlis National Geopark about 390m tall known as Chabang Hill/Bukit Chabang where is formed by activities of tectonic plate during the orogeny of Indonesia, it can feeding the goats & taking photo of unique scene of sunset between the two hills. 

Food around Kangar/加央周围美食:
In the Kangar, visitors can tasting the Indonesian Curry Rice/Nasi Kari Indonesia which is the rice cuisine that served with curry meats & curry seafoods etc. but not originated from the Indonesia in the CCS Embassi Coffee Shop & MGH Indonesian Curry Rice & buying the Apom/Apong which is the pancake that originated from Appam of India that cooked with fermented rice batter & coconut milk on the small pan & then addded corn grains the during the night. Furthermore, visitors can also tasting the Pulut Ikan Masin/Pulut Ikan Kering(the chicken meat version called Pulut Ayam) which is the steamed glutinous rice that served with fried salted fish & coconut slices & coconut floss pancake called Pek Nga/Lempeng Kelapa etc. in the Warung Tepi Sawah 2769 which is the stall located near the paddy fields during the morning. In the Kuala Sanglang where is the border town between the Perlis & Kedah that divided by canal, visitors can buying the local Spring Festival/Chinese New Year festive food called Kuih Tapa.
在加央,游客可在高宾茶餐室的阿华印尼咖哩饭与MGH 印尼咖喱饭品尝配搭咖喱肉类和咖喱海鲜等来吃但不是源自于印尼的印尼咖哩饭以及在晚上购买源自于印度的印度亚邦糕(Appam)的以发酵米浆与椰浆在小圆盘上烘烤后添加玉米粒/玉蜀黍粒的薄饼亚榜糕(也有人误认为是曼煎糕)。另外,游客也可在早上期间到位于稻田旁的Warung Tepi Sawah 2769 摊位品尝配搭炸咸鱼和椰丝来吃的蒸糯米饭咸鱼糯米饭(它还有鸡肉的版本)以及椰子煎饼在由运河分割成玻璃市与吉打的边界市镇双弄港口,游客可购买当地春节/农历新年节庆食物豆包糕(Kuih Tapa)。

CCS Embassi Indonesian Curry Rice/Nasi Kari Indonesia
Location/位置: Jubli Perak Road(Route R14)/Jalan Jubli Perak,Kangar
Location/位置: Jubli Perak Road(Route R14)/Jalan Jubli Perak,Kangar
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.436306, 100.191278 
*Near the Ten Ten Department Store
*10 百货商店附近
Coconut Milk Douhua/Dounao & Cendol Pulut
Location/位置: Meranti Bukit Lane/Lorong Meranti Bukit,Kangar

MGH Indonesian Curry Rice/Nasi Kari Indonesia
MGH 印尼咖哩饭
Location/位置: Baru Road/Jalan Baru,Kangar
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.435478, 100.188515
保记 Ais Kacang/A.B.C.
Location/位置: Seri 2 Road/Jalan Seri 2,Kangar
Beng Laksa Laksa Lemak,Assam Laksa & Laksa Campur/Mixed Laksa
Beng Laksa 椰浆叻沙、亚叁叻沙与椰浆亚叁混杂叻沙
Location/位置: Raja Syed Alwi Road(Route R1)/Jalan Raja Syed Alwi,Kangar 
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.426278, 100.196944

Ah Kaw Rojak
Location/位置: No.32,Maju 9 Road/Jalan Maju 9,Taman Kemajuan,Kangar
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.422944, 100.199722 
Warung Tepi Sawah 2769 Pulut Ikan Kering,Pulut Ayam & Pek Nga(Morning)
Warung Tepi Sawah 2769 咸鱼糯米饭、鸡肉糯米饭与椰丝煎饼(早上)
Location/位置: Route 111,Kangar
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.449722, 100.165111
Anjung Keli Catfish Cuisine
Anjung Keli 鲶鱼/塘虱鱼佳肴
Location/位置: Pdg.Behor-Guar Ayed Alwi Road(Route 186)/Jalan P.B.-G.S.A.,Kangar
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.429750, 100.217028

Kak Su Laksa Laksa Perlis
Kak Su Laksa 玻璃市叻沙
Location/位置: Siakap 1 Road/Jalan Siakap 1,Kuala Perlis
Shar'nis Corner Grilled Fish/Ikan Bakar
Shar'nis Corner 马来烧鱼
Location/位置: Kuala Perlis Road(Route 81)/Jalan Kuala Perlis,Kuala Perlis
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.395471, 100.128424

Hai Thien Siamese Steamed Fish & Spicy Fried Catfish
Location/位置: Kuala Perlis Road(Route 263)/Jalan Kuala Perlis,Kuala Perlis
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.394519, 100.129400
Kak Chik Belacan
Kak Chik 峇拉煎/马来盏
Location/位置: Route R152,Kampung Sungai Berembang,Kuala Perlis
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.369750, 100.142639
AA Bayu Utara Enterprise Belacan
AA Bayu Utara Enterprise 峇拉煎/马来盏
Location/位置: Route R152,Kampung Sungai Berembang,Kuala Perlis
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.361361, 100.144889
Pak Su Din Belacan
Pak Su Din 峇拉煎/马来盏
Location/位置: Route R152,Kampung Sungai Berembang,Kuala Perlis 
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.363028, 100.144417
H.M.Belacan 峇拉煎/马来盏
Location/位置: Route R152,Kampung Sungai Berembang,Kuala Perlis
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.359750, 100.145444
Belacan Madu Enterprise 
Belacan Madu Enterprise 峇拉煎/马来盏
Location/位置: Route R140,Kampung Sungai Berembang,Kuala Perlis 
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.355861, 100.146750


Arau Palace/亚娄皇宫
Arau is the royal capital/Bandar Diraja of Perlis where is contains the bus terminal & railway train service, the palace & royal gallery will be opened to public for visiting during the Raja of Perlis's Birthday celebration on 17 July every year, it is the birthplace of local athlete, Mr.Abdul Latif Romly who is the gold medalist on 2016 & 2020 Paralympic Games. It is also comes crowded during the Arau Chinese New Year Carnival in the Arau Old Town/Pekan Lama Arau. Located near the Arau is the Pauh where is the town & also Malaysian Chinese New Village/Kampung Baru that named after the wild mango species that famous for bamboo shoots & Chaozhou/Teochew Style Cai Guo/Chai Kueh with Bamboo Shoots.

亚娄是拥有公车总站与铁道火车服务的玻璃市州的皇城,皇宫与皇家展览厅在每年七月十七日的拉惹诞辰庆典期间开放让公众参观,它也是获得二零一六年与二零二零年残奥会金牌的本地运动员阿都拉迪夫(Abdul Latif Romly)先生的出生地。它在亚娄老街新春嘉年华期间吸引人潮。位于亚娄附近就是马来名字Pauh 以野芒果品种来命名的以竹笋与竹笋菜粿闻名的市镇兼马来西亚华人新村新路。

Attractions in Arau/亚娄景点:
I.Arau Palace/亚娄皇宫:
Arau Palace/亚娄皇宫
State Mosque/州立清真寺
Arau Palace is the official palace of royal ruler of Perlis State called Raja where is also served as royal office, venue for royal ceremonies like coronation ceremony, Raja's Birthday celebration & Chief Minister/State Minister/Menteri Besar sworn in ceremony etc. that built in 1905 has been described as National Heritage of Malaysia, it is opened to public for visiting during the night of Raja's Birthday celebration with light decorations on 17 July every year. Located near the palace are the State Mosque & Royal Mausoleum. The monarchy of Perlis(also known as House of Jamalullail) is founded by Raja Syed Hussain Jamalullail who is the descendant of first Village Headman/Penghulu of Perlis, Syed Harun Jamalullail on 1843.

Arrival Date
15 February 2013
*Maybe mistake in information.  
Malay Name
Istana Arau
The palace is not allowed the public to enter without invitations.
Route 179
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)
6.430822, 100.270791

建于一九零五年的亚娄皇宫是被列为马来西亚国家遗产的作为皇家办公室和如拉惹诞辰庆典与州务大臣宣誓就职典礼等皇家典礼的举办地点的玻璃市州皇室君主拉惹(Raja)的官方皇宫,它在每年七月十七日的拉惹诞辰庆典晚上以灯光展示来开放让公众参观。位于皇宫附近就是州立清真寺和皇陵。玻璃市的皇室贾马鲁拉尔家族是在一八四三年由玻璃市第一任村长赛阿布-峇卡(Syed Harun Jamalullail)的后裔拉惹端赛胡先/拉惹赛胡先贾马鲁拉尔(Raja Syed Hussain Jamalullail)所建立。
Istana Arau
6.430822, 100.270791 
Location Map/位置图:
II.Arau Royal Gallery(Galeri Diraja Arau)/亚娄皇家展览厅:
Arau Royal Gallery is the royal gallery which is exhibiting the royal collections of monarchy of Perlis from late Raja Syed Alwi Jamalullail to Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin that only opened to public during the Raja of Perlis's Birthday celebration on 17 July every year. The monarchy of Perlis(also known as House of Jamalullail) is founded by Raja Syed Hussain Jamalullail who is the descendant of first Village Headman/Penghulu of Perlis, Syed Harun Jamalullail on 1843.
亚娄皇家展览厅是只在每年七月十七日的玻璃市拉惹诞辰庆典开放让公众参观的展览着从已故拉惹赛义德·阿维·贾玛鲁拉(Raja Syed Alwi Jamalullail)端姑赛西拉祖丁/端古·赛义德·西拉鲁丁(Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin)的玻璃市皇室的皇家收藏品的皇家展览厅。玻璃市的皇室贾马鲁拉尔家族是在一八四三年由玻璃市第一任村长赛阿布-峇卡(Syed Harun Jamalullail)的后裔拉惹端赛胡先/拉惹赛胡先贾马鲁拉尔(Raja Syed Hussain Jamalullail)所建立。

III.Arau Heritage House(Rumah Warisan Arau)/亚娄遗产屋:
It is the tourist attraction that consists of two Malay traditional houses whose are built on 1967 & 1973 for displaying the antique & vintage items etc., it is also contains the photo spots, restaurant, woodball games, trishaw services, accommodation facilities & monument for commemorating the 20th anniversary of reign of current Raja of Perlis & also 12th King/Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin.
它是包含了建于一九六七年与一九七三年的用以展览着古董与旧物等的两间传统马来屋的旅游景点,它也拥有拍照区、餐厅、木球游戏、三轮车服务、住宿设施与用以纪念现任玻璃市拉惹兼第十二任马来西亚国王/最高元首端姑赛西拉祖丁/端古·赛义德·西拉鲁丁(Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin)在位二十周年的纪念碑。

IV.Arauberry Flea Market/Arauberry 跳蚤市场:
It is the street market located in the Arau Old Town/Pekan Lama Arau with yellow coloured shophouses & huge loong model where its theme is changing in anytime about two times every month that selling foods, handicrafts, clothes & souvenirs etc. & also provided the exhibition.

V.Nat Pokok Getah/橡胶园市场:
Nat Pokok Getah is the morning market located inside the rubber estate which its name means rubber tree day market in local words that selling local fruits, vegetables, meats, fishes & street foods etc. from Friday to Sunday. The rubber tree is the tree that originated from the Amazon Rainforest & its latex can making the natural rubber which can used to make protecting gloves & shoes etc.

VI.Tok Dun Hill(Bukit Tok Dun)/督敦山
Tok Dun Hill is the hill located between the state border of Perlis & Kedah about 325m high that can viewing sunrise & sea of mist, its departure point is the water tower located not far from Maktab Rendah Sains MARA(M.R.S.M.) Arau.

督敦山是位于玻璃市和吉打边界之间的可瞭望日出与云海的约三百二十五米高的山丘,其出发地点是位于亚娄MARA 科学初级学院不远处的水塔

Food around Arau/亚娄周围美食:
In Pauh, visitors can buying the Chaozhou/Teochew Style Cai Guo/Chai Kueh with Bamboo Shoots which is rice milk made dumpling that fullfilled with bamboo shoots slices, minced meat, dried shrimp & long beans etc. by reservation first. Cai Guo is the snack which is originated from the Shanwei City of Guangdong Province of China.

Chaozhou/Teochew Style Cai Guo/Chai Kueh with Bamboo Shoots
Location/位置: Pauh
Tel for address & reservations/询问地址与预订拨电: 017-5423608
Padang Besar/巴东勿刹:
Padang Besar(also known as Padang/P.B./Padang Besa & formerly known as Padang Jangam) is the terminus of Route 7 & KTM West Coast Railway Line located near the border between Malaysia & Thailand where is contains railway train services & immigration checkpoint to another part of Padang Besar/Padang Besa/Padang/Siam Pekan in the Songkhla Province of Thailand that famous for shopping centres like Padang Besar Duty Free Complex, it is the birthplace of the local athlete, Mr.Mohammad Ridzuan who became the first Summer Paralympic Games Gold Medalist on 2016. Located nor far from Padang Besar is the Chuping where is the home of last Awang Batil(storyteller) of Malaysia, Mr.Romli Mahamud/Bang Li has been titled as Living Person of National Heritage of Malaysia.

巴东勿刹(前名为巴东占干)是位于马来西亚与泰国之间边界附近以如巴东勿刹免税购物中心的购物中心闻名的拥有铁道火车服务与前往泰国宋卡府部分的巴东勿刹/暹卜干的边境关卡的七号公路以及马来亚铁道局西海岸路线的终站,它也是二零一六年成为马来西亚第一位夺得夏季残奥会金牌得主的当地运动员莫哈末里祖安(Mohammad Ridzuan)先生的出生地。位于巴东勿刹不远处就是被誉为马来西亚国家遗产活人物的马来西亚最后一位说故事者(Awang Batil)容利马末(Romli Mahamud/Bang Li)先生的家园朱宾。

Attractions in Padang Besar/巴东勿刹景点
I.Arked Niaga Padang Besar/巴东勿刹商业市集:
Arked Niaga Padang Besar(also known as Gapura Square) is the commercial shopping district of Padang Besar which is selling the clothes, foods, jewellery, electronics & sports equipments etc. with main market, shophouses, restaurants, stalls & accomodation facilities etc. that need to enter by paying the cashless parking fee, it is contains the local sellers & Thai sellers.
II.Padang Waremart/巴东勿刹购物中心:
Padang Waremart is the shopping centre which is selling clothes, comestic, toys, foods, jewellery, bags, kitchenwares & shoes etc. 

III.Padang Besar Duty Free Complex/巴东勿刹免税购物中心:
It is the duty free complex which is selling the clothes, bags, watches, perfumes & chocolates etc. Duty Free Shops are the commercial store that selling tourism products whose are exempted from national & international taxes & duties in the international border checkpoint, international seaport, international airport, international train stations & duty free zones etc. & the first duty free shop in the world is located in the Shannon Airport of Shannon of Ireland where is founded by Irish merchant, late Mr.Brendan O'Regan.
这是售卖着服饰、手提袋、手表、香水和巧克力等的免税购物中心。免税商店是在国际边界关卡、国际港口、国际机场、国际火车站与免税区等内售卖着免除国家与国际税务和关税的旅游产品的商店以及全世界第一间免税商店是由爱尔兰商人已故布伦丹·奥雷根(Brendan O'Regan)先生在爱尔兰香农的香农机场内创立。
IV.Perlis Agrovet Park/玻璃市畜牧生态园:
It is the agro tourism park of Veterinary Services Department/Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar of Perlis where is famous for its ostrich farm that can be feeding the ostriches & photo spots, it is also breeding the peacocks, ponies, deers & pigeons etc. Ostrich is the flightless bird which is the largest living bird species in the world & its egg is also the largest bird egg in the world that its large eyes can helping it see the predators from long distance & its legs can caused injured seriously or death to human by kicking.

它是以其可喂鸵鸟的鸵鸟园以及拍照区闻名的玻璃市州兽医局(Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Perlis)的农业旅游公园,它也饲养孔雀、幼马、鹿和鸽子等。鸵鸟是全世界仅存最大的飞禽品种的非飞行飞禽,它的蛋也是全世界最大的鸟蛋。它的大眼睛可让它从远方距离看见捕食者以及它的脚如果踢到人类会导致其受重伤或死亡。

V.Superfruits Valley/超级水果谷:
Superfruits Valley is the largest superfruits farm of Malaysia & also largest fig farm of Malaysia which is planted fig, passion fruit, lemon & gac etc. Fig is the fruit of native plant of Ficus genus of Moraceae family from Mediterranean region where can be made jam, juice, confection & canned food etc. The fruits are the fruit seeds of the flowering plants which is juicy & sweet or sour taste.


VI.Chuping Kenaf Plantations/朱宾大麻槿种植园:
Chuping Kenaf Plantations is the kenaf plantation with photo spots located in the former site of largest sugarcane plantations of Malaysia where is owned by local Malaysian entrepreneur, Kenaf Venture Global(K.V.G.) Sdn.Bhd. that comes crowded during the flower blooming season on December. Kenaf is the native Hibiscus genus plant of Africa where its natural fibers can be used to make rope, twine, clothes, paper & construction materials etc.
朱宾大麻槿种植园是在十二月花开期间吸引人潮的位于全马来西亚最大的甘蔗园的前地点内由马来西亚本地企业Kenaf Venture Global(K.V.G.) 有限公司(Kenaf Venture Global(K.V.G.) Sdn.Bhd.)所经营的含有拍照地点的大麻槿/洋麻/红麻种植园。大麻槿/洋麻/红麻是其天然纤维用以制造绳子、麻绳、服饰、纸张与建筑材料等的非洲原生木槿属植物。

VII.Hottest Point(Titik Terpanas)/马来西亚最热点:
It is the monument of Chuping located in the Kampung FELDA Roundabout/Bulatan Kampung FELDA which is marked the hottest point of Malaysia with temperature about 40.1 Degree Celcius has been recorded on 9 April 1998. Located near the monument is the thermometer signboard of Hottest Point of Malaysia that recorded the 40.1 Degree Celcius.
VIII.Mata Ayer F.R.I.M.Research Station/马打亚逸马来西亚森林研究院研究所研究站:
It is the teak research station of Forest Research Institute Malaysia(F.R.I.M.) located in the Mata Ayer Forest Reserve where is contains teak gallery, camping sites & canopy walkway etc., the canopy walkway about 100m long & 17m high is need to walk by paying the entrance fee. Teak is the natvie tropical dedicous mint family tree of South Asia & South East Asia that can used to make furniture & boat. The headquarters of F.R.I.M. is located in the Kepong.
IX.Cave of Darkness(Gua Kelam) Recreational Park/暗窿休闲公园:
Cave of Darkness(Gua Kelam) Recreational Park/暗窿休闲公园
Cave of Darkness(Gua Kelam) Recreational Park/暗窿休闲公园
Cave of Darkness(Gua Kelam) Recreational Park/暗窿休闲公园
Cave of Darkness(Gua Kelam) Recreational Park/暗窿休闲公园
Gua Kelam is the limestone caves complex which is consists of two caves, the Gua Kelam 1 is the natural limestone cave & also passageway between Kaki Bukit & Wang Kelian where is discovered by British man on 1935 that need to go inside until reached the Secret Garden by suspension bridge about 370m long. Furthermore, Located near the Gua Kelam 1 is the second longest limestone mining cave of South East Asia & also former tin mining site with underground river known as Gua Kelam 2 where is formerly need to arrive by tram services near the Gua Kelam that need to visit by hiring a guide, this park is also contains a 3D Art Gallery for displaying the information of Gua Kelam with 3D arts, natural specimens, heritage artifacts, sound effects & QR code & a mirror maze, the Gua Kelam is also the geosite of Setul Formation of Perlis National Geopark. The Tin ore is the material that used to make pewter, can, solder, chemicals, tin plating & tin alloy etc. & karst cave is the cave that formed with soluble rocks that dissolved by rainwater & groundwater whose are contains organic acid.
X.Meranti Lake Recreational Forest/美兰蒂湖休闲森林:
Meranti Lake/Tasik Meranti is the former tin mining site located in the Wang Mu Semi-Deciduous Forest Zone where its water sources is formed the underground river of Gua Kelam that can be doing camping, jungle trekking & mountain hiking activities to Bukit Pelarit etc. The Tin ore is the material that used to make pewter, can, solder, chemicals, tin plating & tin alloy etc. Semi-Decidious Forest is the forest of tropical region & subtropical region which some plants will lost part of leaves during the autumn & winter seasons or dry seasons & sometimes will loss all the leaves.
美兰蒂湖是位于旺姆半落叶林范围区内其水源形成暗窿(Gua Kelam)的地下河的可进行露营、森林徒步与前往柏拉里山(Bukit Pelarit)的登山活动等的前锡矿采矿区。锡矿是用来制作锡制品、罐头、焊锡、化学物品、镀锡板与锡合金等的材料。半落叶林是一些植物将在秋季与冬季或干旱季节期间失去部分叶子与有时会失去所有叶子的热带区与副热带/亚热带地区的森林。
XI.Wang Kelian View Point/旺吉辇瞭望台
It is the lookout point of Wang Kelian about 304m high where can watching limestone hills of Setul Formation, Kubang Pasu Formation & Chuping Formation like Chabang Hills, sunrise & sea of mist that need to pay the entrance fee.  


XII.Perlis State Park/玻璃市州立公园:
Wang Kelian/旺吉辇
Perlis State Park is the state park of Perlis & also geosite of Perlis National Geopark located in the Wang Mu Semi-Deciduous Forest Zone of longest limestone mountain range of Malaysia about 38km long called Nakawan Range where is breeding the endemic species such as Cycas clivicola & Stump-tailed Macaque etc. that famous for Wang Burma 1 Cave and Wang Burma 2 Cave with different shape of stalactites & stalagmites like curtains, pillars & cascades etc. & northernmost point of Peninsular Malaysia(highest peak of Perlis) about 733m high known as Mount Perlis/Gunung Perlis etc., it is need to visit by hiring a guide. Semi-Decidious Forest is the forest of tropical region & subtropical region which some plants will lost part of leaves during the autumn & winter seasons or dry seasons & sometimes will loss all the leaves. Located near the state park is the former site of border market of Wang Kelian & immigration checkpoint to Wang Prachan of Satun Province of Thailand.


Food around Padang Besar/巴东勿刹周围美食:
In the Kaki Bukit, visitors can tasting the Big Pau/Da Bao(大包) which is fulfilled with meats, egg, jicama & mushroom that made with unique steaming process by light bulbs in the enclose space & selling them by do it now, sell it now concept in the Khuan Bee Shop by reservation first. Pau/Baozi is believed to be founded by the military strategist called Zhuge Liang(诸葛亮) from Three Kingdoms era of China.
Khuan Bee Big Pau/Da Bao
Location/位置: Route R13,Kaki Bukit
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.643207, 100.208143
Tel for Reservation/预订拨电: 04-9457673

You can also visited the Kedah State/你也可到访吉打州:
Alor Star,Jitra & Kuala Nerang/亚罗士打、日得拉与瓜拉尼浪 

Kulim & Baling/居林与华玲
Website/网址(Caishenye Temple Serdang/西岭财神爷庙):Click here/请按这里
Yan,Pendang & Sik/铅埠、本当与锡
Sungai Petani/双溪大年
Langkawi Island(Pulau Langkawi)/兰卡威(浮罗交怡)
Private Hospitals in Kangar/加央私人医院:
KPJ Perlis Specialist Hospital
玻璃市KPJ 专科医院
Location/位置: Kangar-Alor Setar Road(Route 7)/Jalan Kangar-Alor Setar
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.433047, 100.186718
END of Trip of Perlis

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...