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Showing posts with label Batu Danau/峇都达瑙. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2024

Area 5 of Sarawak/砂拉越(沙捞越)第五区:Miri,Mulu,Bario & Limbang/美里、姆鲁、峇里奥与林梦

Miri,Mulu,Bario & Limbang/美里、姆鲁、峇里奥与林梦:
Miri is the divisional capital of Miri Division & district capital of Miri District & also local government seat of Miri City Council/Miri City Hall/Majlis Bandaraya Miri/Dewan Bandaraya Miri even the second largest city of Sarawak where its name is derived from ethnic group called Jatti Meirek/Mirek/Miriek that contains the gas fired power plant, public hospital, commercial seaport, immigration checkpoint to Kuala Belait of Brunei, bus terminal, express boat services & domestic airport services has been titled as Seahorse City, Resort City & Oil Town due to its seahorse sculptures, tourist attractions & oil field, it is also the hometown of famous architect & also entrepreneur, Mr.Teo Ah Khing(张祖德) who is created the urban planning of Putrajaya of Malaysia & Palm Jebel Ali of Dubai of United Arab Emirates and founded the China Horse Club(CHC 杰士马主俱乐部) & workplace of local Sape master, Mr.Mathew Ngau Jau has been titled as Living Person of National Heritage of Malaysia, it is comes crowded during the Borneo Jazz Festival, Miri Gong Xi Bazaar during the Chinese New Year season & Miri City Christmas Parade during the Christmas season. The sister cities of Miri are the Guangning County & Hualien County of China.
美里是因其海马塑像、旅游景点和油田而被誉为海马城、度假城和石油镇的其名字源自于名为Jatti Meirek/Mirek/Miriek 的民族的拥有天然气发电厂、公共医院、商业码头、前往文莱/汶莱的瓜拉马来奕的边境关卡、公车总站、快艇码头和本地机场服务的美里省的省会与美里县的县府兼美里市政厅/美里市政局(Majlis Bandaraya Miri/Dewan Bandaraya Miri)的地方政府所在地甚至是砂拉越/沙捞越第二大城市,它也是创造马来西亚布城与阿联酋迪拜/杜拜的杰贝阿里棕榈岛等的城市规划与创立CHC 杰士马主俱乐部的著名建筑师兼企业家张祖德先生的故乡与被誉为马来西亚国家遗产活人物的当地沙贝琴(Sape)乐手马修(Mathew Ngau Jau)先生工作地点,它在婆罗洲爵士节、春节/农历新年季节的美里缤纷市集与圣诞节季节的美里市圣诞游行期间吸引人潮。美里的姐妹城市有中国的广宁县与花莲县。
Attractions in Miri/美里景点:

Markets around Miri/美里周围市场(Click here/请按这里)
Attractions in Miri/美里景点:
I.Petroleum Museum/石油博物馆:
Petroleum Museum is the museum located on the Canada Hill/Bukit Kanada/Bukit Tenaga which is showing the history of petroleum industry of Sarawak & information about petroleum such as formation of petroleum and natural gas, lists of oil fields of the world & geology etc. that famous for its first oil well of Sarawak since 1910 known as Grand Old Lady & the huge signage of Miri. Petroleum is the fossil fuel that formed from ancient fossilized organic materials beneath the surface of the Earth & Natural Gas is the fossil fuel & also hydrocarbon gas that found along the petroleum, both are also used as fuels of vehicles.

II.Tamu Muhibbah & Tamu Khas Market/农夫市集
It is the market which is selling the local fruits, vegetables, handicrafts & geographical indication of Kelabit Highlands like Bario Rice etc.


III.Miri Handicraft Centre/美里手工艺术中心:
It is the handicraft centre which is selling the local Northern Sarawak handicrafts such as textiles, basketry, pottery, beadworks & woodcarving products etc. from different races of Sarawak like Iban, Melanau, Bidayuh & Orang Ulu etc.


IV.Miri Sikh Temple(Gurdwara Sahib Miri)/美里谒师所:
Miri Sikh Temple/Gurdwara Sahib Miri is the one of three Sikh temples/gurdwaras in Sarawak where is enshrined the religious text & also eternal Guru of Sikhism called Guru Granth Sahib/Adi Granth that famous for its well historic underground well. Sikhism is the religion founded by Guru Nanak with main symbol is Khanda, its main iconic structure is the Golden Temple/Sri Harmandir Sahib from Amritsar of India. Sikh community is the one of Indian community whose are majority lived in Punjabi State of India & believed the Sikhism.
V.Miri Tua Pek Kong Temple/美里大伯公庙:
Miri Tua Pek Kong Temple is the Chinese temple located near the Miri Fish Market where is dedicated to Chinese God of Land, Lord Tudigong/Dabogong/Fudezhenshen/Tua Pek Kong(土地公/大伯公/福德正神) that built in 1913, it is famous for three legends of this temple(the temple is built for drive out evil spirits purposes, the temple is surviving from World War II & the temple is surviving from great floods) & also the tallest standing Lord Tudigong/Dabogong statue of Malaysia about 7m high, it is also hosted the 2016 Tua Pek Kong Festival/Dabogong Festival Malaysia. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.

VI.Wireless Walk/威尔乐斯走廊:
Wireless Walk is the food pedestrian street along the North Yu Seng Road/Jalan North Yu Seng about 500m long where is also the first container dining precinct of Miri that selling the local street foods, its name is named after the Kampung Wireless located near this road.

VII.Miri City Fan(Dataran Kipas Miri)/美里扇形广场:
Miri City Fan is the city square of Miri where is contains the Botanical Garden, Islamic Garden, Chinese Garden, library, public swimming pool & amphitheatre etc. that famous for night fountains & Hundred Surnames Monument with most Chinese surnames in a monument of Malaysia known as The Inheritance(承·启) which is recorded about 133 Chinese surnames.
VIII.Miri City Hall/美里市政局:
Miri City Hall is the new city hall building of Miri about nine levels where is looks like oil barrel shaped that its Level 10 rooftop is opened to public for visiting by obtaining the permission first.

IX.Miri-Sibuti Coral Reefs National Park/美里-实务地珊瑚礁国家公园:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

Miri-Sibuti Coral Reefs National Park is the marine national park of South China Sea where is contains the famous scuba diving sites such as Anemone Garden, Barracuda Point, Sri Gadong Wreck & Kenyalang Artificial Reef etc. that need to arrive by boat services from Miri Marina. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.
美里-实务地珊瑚礁国家公园是需美里游艇码头(Miri Marina)的船只服务来到达的拥有著名潜水地点如海葵园(Anemone Garden)、梭子鱼之家(Barracuda Point)、诗里加东沉船废墟(Sri Gadong Wreck)以及肯雅兰人造礁(Kenyalang Artificial Reef)等的南海/南中国海的海洋国家公园。浮潜相信是源自于希腊的古克里特文明与在现代才发展成为潜水。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
X.Coco Cabana/滨海城:
Coco Cabana is the sunset viewing point & also event space where is facing the South China Sea that famous for its seahorse lighthouse, it is also the official venue of Miri Country Music Fest. Seahorse is the marine fish of Hippocampus genus of Syngnathidae family where its male seahorses are give birth of child & the first lighthouse of the world is believed to be the Pharos of Alexandria of Egypt.

XI.Saberkas Night Market(Pasar Malam Saberkas)/青统夜市:
Saberkas Night Market is the night market located in the Saberkas Commercial Centre which is selling the local street foods, forest products, household items & handicrafts etc.

XII.Hai Long Si Temple/海龙寺斗姆宫:
It is the Chinese temple which is dedicated to Chinese Folk Gods & Taoist Gods of Charles's Wain, Lord Nine Emperor Gods(九皇大帝/九皇爷) that famous for its two loong sculptures known as Azure Dragon(青龙) position loong & White Tiger(白虎) position loong, it is comes crowded during Nine Emperor Gods Festival(九皇爷诞). Nine Emperor Gods Festival(also known as Vegetarian Festival in Thailand) is the Chinese festival of South East Asia that celebrating the deity birthday of Nine Emperor Gods whose are believed to be the Chinese Gods of Charles's Wain or the figures from various legends from first day to ninth day of Ninth Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar with eating vegetarian. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.


XIII.Lotus Hill San Ching Tian Temple/莲花山三清殿:
Lotus Hill San Ching Tian Temple is the largest Taoist temple of South East Asia where is dedicated to the Three Pure Ones of Taoism(三清): Taoist Supreme God called Lord Yuanshi Tianzun/Jade Pure One(元始天尊/玉清), Second Taoist Supreme God called Lord Lingbao Tianzun/Supreme Pure One(灵宝天尊/上清) & Taoist God of Moral called Lord Lao Zi/Li Er/Grand Pure One/Supreme Old Lord/Daode Tianzun(老子/李耳/太清/太上老君/道德天尊). Taoism is founded by Taoist Priest/Master, Zhang Daoling/Zhang Ling(张道陵/张陵/张天师) according to the philosophy of Tao Te Ching(道德经) that created by Lao Zi/Li Er with its main symbol is Yin & Yang/Taijitu(阴阳/太极图), its main iconic sacred site is the Louguantai(楼观台/说经台) of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy.


XIV.Piasau Nature Reserve/卑尔骚自然保护区:
Piasau Nature Reserve is the coastal forest reserve of Sarawak Forestry Corporation which is contains the visitor centre & jungle trails that famous for its hornbills & provided research programme etc., it is breeding over 100 species of flora & fauna.

卑尔骚自然保护区是以犀鸟闻名的拥有游客中心与森林路径以及提供研究计划等的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的滨海森林保护区,它抚育着超过一百种动植物品种。
XV.Brighton Beach(Tanjung Lobang Beach)/布莱登海滩(丹绒罗邦公园):
Brighton Beach/Tanjung Lobang Beach is the beach recreational area & also oldest recreational park of Miri which is facing the South China Sea that can be overlooking the sunset & seahorse lighthouse of Coco Cabana & also contains food court.
XVI.Miri Airport Road Outcrop/美里机场路矿脉岩石:
Miri Airport Road Outcrop is the laterite outcrop with many layer which is formed by uplifting from the sea bed about 10 million to 15 million years ago. 

XVII.Miri Crocodile Farm & Mini Zoo/美里鳄鱼园与微型动物园:
Miri Crocodile Farm & Mini Zoo is the first & largest crocodile farm of Northern Sarawak that breeding the different species of crocodiles & also binturong, sunbear, python, porcupine & monkey etc. The name of Crocodile is came from Ancient Greek word κροκόδιλος means lizard & it is the predator & nocturnal animal which has the very well sensitivity of smell & good night vision. It also can swimming in saltwater because it contains salt gland to filter out the salt like crying.

美里鳄鱼园与微型动物园是饲养了不同品种的鳄鱼还有熊狸、马来熊、蟒蛇、刺猬和猴子等的砂拉越/沙捞越北区第一间与最大的鳄鱼园。鳄鱼的英文名Crocodile 是源自古希腊文κροκόδιλος 意译为蜥蜴,它是拥有高敏感度的嗅觉以及很好的夜间视觉令它成为捕食者与夜行性动物。它也可在咸水内游行因它拥有像流泪般除去盐分的盐腺。

XVIII.Tusan Beach/杜山海滩:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Tusan Beach is the beach recreational area of Subis where is facing the South China Sea that famous for its horse head drinking water shaped like limestone cliff but it has been collapsed on 2020 & blue tears phenomenon. The blue sands/blue tears is the natural phenomenon formed by the chemcial reaction called bioluminescence effect of the dinoflagellates with blue lights during the night for defensing themselves from predators. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

XIX.Lambir Hills National Park/蓝比尔山国家公园:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

Lambir Hills National Park is the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation where is breeding over 1000 species of trees, more than 1000 species of insects & more than 100 species of birds etc. so that it has been described as one of most ecologically diverse areas in the world, it is famous for its jungle trails to the waterfalls like Latak Waterfall & Pantu Waterfall etc. & contains the accommodation facilities. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

蓝比尔山国家公园是抚育了超过一千种树的品种、超过一千种昆虫品种和超过一百种鸟类品种等而被列为全世界其中一座最多样性的生态区的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国际自然保护联盟国家公园,它以前往拉塔瀑布(Latak Waterfall)和班杜瀑布(Pantu Waterfall)等瀑布的森林路径闻名及拥有住宿设施。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。  
XX.Niah National Park/尼亚国家公园:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Niah National Park is the limestone caves national park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation located in the Mount Subis/Gunung Subis that famous for its the Trader's Cave which is served as business site of guano & swiftlet bird nest traders, Great Cave has been discovered one of oldest human skeletons of South East Asia called Deep Skull & also served as the swiftlet bird nest & guano whose are collected by Penan community by principle of avoid overharvesting, the Moon Cave/Gan Kira which is need to walk by light of torchlights before heading to Painted Cave/Gua Kain Hitam & Painted Cave/Gua Kain Hitam with Pre-historic rock arts & wooden boat shaped coffins etc., it is also contains an archaeological museum, it has been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site with Cultural Property on 2024 with title of The Archaeological Heritage of Niah National Park’s Caves Complex, it is need to arrive by boat services. Karst Cave is the cave that formed with soluble rocks that dissolved by rainwater & groundwater whose are contains organic acid. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

尼亚国家公园是位于苏比斯山(Gunung Subis)内以其作为蝙蝠粪与燕窝商人们贸易地点的贸易洞(Trader's Cave)、发现名为Deep Skull 的东南亚最古老的人类骨骸之一同时也作为本南社群以避免过于采集的原则下所采集的燕窝和蝙蝠粪的主洞(Great Cave)、没到壁画洞穴之前需手电筒灯光来步行的月亮洞(Moon Cave/Gan Kira)和含有史前岩画和木制船形棺材的壁画洞穴(Painted Cave/Gua Kain Hitam)等闻名的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的石灰岩洞穴国家公园,它也拥有一间考古博物馆,它已在二零二四年以尼亚国家公园洞穴群考古遗产的称号被列为联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产,它需船只服务来到达。溶洞是由被含有有机酸的雨水与地面水溶解有溶性岩石形成的洞穴。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
XXI.Baram Regional Museum(Fort Hose)/峇南地区博物馆(霍斯堡):
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

It is the former wooden fortress of Kingdom of Sarawak located in the official venue of Baram Regatta that held once every three years & also birthplace of Mr.Yii Kah Hoe(余家和) who is local composer that studying the local folk music of Malaysia called Marudi with domestic airport services which is named after the British colonial administrator & also ethnographer, late Mr.Charles Hose since 1898 that displaying the heritage artifacts of local races etc. The Marudi is also famous for Marudi Fried Kuey Teow, Handmade Breads & Freshwater Fishes Noodles etc.
它是位于拥有本地机场服务的每三年一次的峇南河帆船赛的官方举办地点兼研究马来西亚民间音乐的本地作曲家余家和先生的出生地马鲁帝内建于一八九八年以英国殖民行政官兼民族学家已故查尔斯·霍斯(Charles Hose)先生来命名的展示着当地民族的历史文物等的沙捞越/砂拉越王国的前木制堡垒。马鲁帝也以马鲁帝炒粿条、手工面包与淡水鱼面等闻名。
XXII.Loagan Bunut National Park/罗干布奴国家公园
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Loagan Bunut National Park is the national park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation where is also the largest natural lake of Sarawak about 650 hectares with peat swamp that famous for its bird watching, traditional fishing method of Berawan community called Selambau & ancient burial platforms of Berawan community known as Lejeng etc., it is also provided jungle trekking, accommodation facilities & boat services, it is suitable for visiting during the dry season. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.
罗干布奴国家公园是以其观鸟活动、“设篮包”(Selambau)的巴拉湾社群的传统捕鱼方式和巴拉湾社群埋葬平台(Lejeng)等闻名的约六百五十公顷的含有泥炭沼泽的全沙捞越/砂拉越最大的天然湖泊兼砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国家公园,它也提供森林徒步、住宿设施与船只服务,它适合在旱季期间到访。湿地区是可拥有洪水控制、净化水源与平衡海岸线用途的生态系统。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
Food around Miri/美里周围美食:  
In the Miri, visitors can buying the Pong Peah/Qing Tang Bing where its name, Pong Peah is derived from Hokkien/Minnan Dialect means expand that fulfilled with with maltose, orange cake & onion oil in the Chop Chin Leong Confectionery. In Marudi, visitors can tasting the Marudi Fried Kuey Teow which is the local version of Fried Kuey Teow that frying with rice milk made noodles Kuey Teow but it is thick like rice cake & the handmade bread with three flavours(Butter, Shredded Coconut & Red Bean Paste) & toast bread in the Jong Seng Loong Cafe.
阿生咖喱饭 Curry Rice(Located inside the Miri Central Market)
Location/位置: Brooke Road/Jalan Brooke,Miri  
Chop Chin Leong Pong Peah/Qing Tang Bing
Location/位置: Swee Khim Road/Jalan Swee Khim,Miri
Chan's Restaurant Marudi Fried Kuey Teow,Fried Tapah Fish with Salad & Stir-Fried Pork 
Location/位置: Raja Road/Jalan Raja,Marudi

Jong Seng Loong Handmade Breads
Location/位置: Permaisuri Road/Jalan Permaisuri,Marudi
HK Restaurant Marudi Fried Kuey Teow 
Location/位置: Perpaduan Road/Jalan Perpaduan,Marudi

Choa Ho Jin Curry Fried Kuey Teow(Located inside the Marudi Market)
Choa Ho Jin 咖喱炒粿条(位于马鲁帝市场内)
Location/位置: Merpati Road/Jalan Merpati,Marudi

Markets around Miri/美里周围市场:
Miri Central Market
Location/位置: Brooke Road/Jalan Brooke,Miri
Gunung Mulu National Park is the national park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation, National Heritage of Malaysia & also ASEAN Heritage Park located near the district capital of Mulu Subdistrict known as Mulu where is famous for several scenic spots such as Sarawak Chamber(largest known cave chamber in the world about 600m long, 415m wide & 80m high), Deer Cave(one of largest cave passages in the world about 120m-150m in diameter which is also one of largest free tailed bats colonies in the world that famous for its late Mr.Abraham Lincoln(16th President of United States) face like natural rock formation), Clearwater Cave System(the longest cave of Asia about 110km long) & Mount Api/Gunung Api(the mountain which is famous for its limestone pinnacles that can be found its trace on Ringgit/RM) etc., it is also provided the boat ride services, Penan longhouse tour, accommodation facilities, discovery centre, souvenirs shop, night walk & canopy walkway etc., it is also part of Heart of Borneo,  it has been described as UNESCO World Heritage Site with Natural Property on 2000. Karst Cave is the cave that formed with soluble rocks that dissolved by rainwater & groundwater whose are contains organic acid. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.
i.Deer Cave/Lang Cave Tour
ii.Clearwater Cave & Winds Cave Tour
iii.Fastlane Tour
iv.Sarawak Chamber Tour
v.Lagang Cave Tour
vi.Racer Cave Tour
vii.Pinnacles Hiking Tour
viii.Mount Mulu Summit Hiking Tour
姆鲁山国家公园是位于姆鲁副县的县府姆鲁旁的以多座景区如: 沙捞越洞穴/砂拉越洞厅(约六百米长、四百一十五米宽和八十米高的全世界最大所知的洞穴)、鹿洞(以相似美国第十六任总统已故亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)先生的面颊的天然岩石地形闻名的直径约一百二十米至一百五十米之间的全世界最大的洞穴通道之一同时也是全世界其中一座最大的犬吻蝠栖息地)、清水洞穴系统(约一百一十公里长的亚洲最长的洞穴)以及阿比山(以其可在令吉/林吉特找到其踪迹的石灰岩石峰闻名的山丘)等闻名的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构的国家公园、马来西亚国家遗产兼东盟遗产公园,它也提供游船服务、本南族长屋导览游、住宿设施、探索中心、纪念品店、夜间徒步游与树冠层吊桥等,它也是婆罗州心脏的一部分,它在二零零零年被列为联合国教科文组织世界自然遗产。溶洞是由被含有有机酸的雨水与地面水溶解有溶性岩石形成的洞穴。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。

The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.

The destinations are need to arrive by airplane services.
Avoiding travel Mount Mulu(Gunung Mulu) National Park during the rainy season.
Bario Highlands(also known as Land of a Hundred Handshakes) is the subdistrict capital of Bario Subdistrict & also villages of Kelabit community located in the Kelabit Highlands where its name means wind in the local word that famous for its Bario rice(the paddy fields will be turned into fish ponds after harvesting) & Bario salt(the salt which is produced by crystalizing water of salt springs that cooking with wood fire) whose are the geographical indications & also Kelabit community museum called Teripun, longhouse homestay of Kelabit community, World War II memorial park, airplane wreck, Prayer Mountain, pineapple & monoliths etc., it is comes crowded during the Bario Food Festival/Pesta Nukenen), its temperature is range from 12 degree Celsius to 25 degree Celsius, it has been listed as one of Top Seven Intelligent Communities by World Teleport Association(W.T.A.) on 2001, it is also the birthplace of local technocrat, Mr.Idris Jala. Kelabit is the ethnic group whose are majority lived in the Northern Sarawak of Malaysia, Brunei & North Kalimantan of Indonesia.
峇里奥高原(也称为风之谷与百握手之乡)是位于歌来毕高原内其名字源自于当地文字意译为风的以其如巴里奥米(收割后的稻田将成为养鱼池)和巴里奥盐(以柴火来烹煮盐泉的水直到水晶化来生产的盐)的地理标志产品还有名叫Teripun 的克拉毕社区博物馆、克拉毕社群的长屋民宿、第二世界大战纪念公园、飞机残骸、祷告山、菠萝/黄梨/凤梨和巨石阵等闻名的峇里奥副县的县府兼克拉毕社群的村庄群,它在峇里奥美食节(Pesta Nukenen)期间吸引人潮,其温度位于十二摄氏度至二十五摄氏度之间,它在二零零一年获得世界通讯港协会的七大智慧社区之一,它也是本地技术专家官员依德利斯·贾拉(Idris Jala)先生的出生地。克拉毕族是大多数居住在砂拉越/沙捞越北部、文莱/汶莱与印尼的北加里曼丹的民族。

The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
The destinations are need to arrive by airplane services or four wheel drive vehicles.
Limbang(formerly known as Pangkalan Tarap) is the divisional capital of Limbang Division/Bahagian Limbang & also district capital & local government seat of Limbang District where its name is derived from fruit from Limbang River/Sungai Limbang that contains the immigration checkpoints to Kuala Lurah & Bangar of Brunei, public hospital & domestic airport services has been titled as Golden Triangle of Borneo, Little Hat Yai & Hometown of Buffalo due to it is the nightlife destination located between Sarawak, Sabah & Brunei where is hosted the Pesta Babulang, it is famous for rare Durian Kura Kura/Tortoise Durian without durian smell which is growth up in the root of tree.
The destinations of Limbang are need to arrive by tour operators.
Attractions in Limbang/林梦景点:
I.Limbang Esplanade(Dataran Jubli Emas)/林梦河滨公园:
Limbang Esplanade is the riverfront recreational park of Limbang River/Sungai Limbang which is contains the monument of Limbang Rebellion on 1962.


II.Limbang Tamu Market(Wet Market)/林梦市场:
Limbang Tamu Market/Wet Market is the main market of Limbang which is selling the local fruits, vegetables, seafoods & street foods etc.


III.Limbang Night Street Market/林梦夜市:
Limbang Night Street Market is the night market of Limbang which is selling the local street foods.

IV.Bukit Mas Lake Gardens/武吉马士湖滨公园:
Bukit Mas Lake Gardens is the lake gardens of Limbang which its summit can overlooking the scenic view of Brunei including the Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Bridge which is one of longest bridges of South East Asia about 30km long for connecting the Temburong District & mainland of Brunei that contains a small Buddhist shrine, it is also the site where was discovered the gold jewelleries of Majapahit Kingom era on 1899 has been housed inside the museum of Brunei.


V.Limbang Museum(Old Fort)/林梦博物馆:
It is the museum & former Old Fort building located in the Bukit Mas which is built in 1897 & rebuilt on 1991 after fire tragedy on 1989 that displaying the history & culture of different ethnic groups of Limbang region like musical instruments, beadworks, tree bark fabrics & weavings etc. that famous for replica Majapahit Kingdom era gold jewellery of Bukit Mas(the true one housed inside the museum of Brunei).

V.Limpaki Wetland/林巴奇湿地:
It is the mangrove forest which is breeding animals like Proboscis Monkey & Firefly etc. that need to visit by river cruise services that provided by tour operators. The Mangrove Forest is the coastal ecosystem that occurs in tropical region & subtropics region with mangrove trees whose are growth in the blackish water, it can protecting the coastal area from erosion, tsunami & storms. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization.


VI.Batu Danau/峇都达瑙:
Batu Danau is the official venue of harvest festival of Bisaya community which is contains the buffalo racing competition, beauty pegeant competition & cultural peformances etc. that held on June about 2 days every year called Pesta Babulang. Bisaya is the ethnic group whose are majority lived in Limbang of Sarawak, Brunei & Southern Sabah.
VII.Meritam Volcanic Mud(Lumpur Bebuak Kampung Meritam)/甘榜默里丹火山泥盆:
Meritam Volcanic Mud are the only mud volcanoes tourist site of Sarawak about 4 acres with approximately 40 mud volcanoes where its maximum height can reached 80cm high that can doing volcanic mud bath, the locals are believed that the volcanic mud has healing purpose & beauty purpose. Mud volcano is the geological formation which is formed with eruption of mud, liquid & gas & some mud volcanoes can be used as mud bath purpose.
You can also visited/你也可到访:
Petra Jaya,Kuching,Serian & Simanggang/博特拉再也、古晋、西连与成邦江
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bako,Borneo Highlands,Lundu & Bau/巴哥、婆罗洲高原、伦乐与石隆门 
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Sibu & Betong/诗巫与木中
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bintulu & Mukah/民都鲁与木胶
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Miri,Mulu,Bario & Limbang/美里、姆鲁、峇里奥与林梦
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里  
Website/网址(Lawas/老越):Click here/请按这里
END of Trip of Sarawak

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...