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Showing posts with label Melor/默罗. Show all posts

Sunday 13 March 2022

Area 1 of Kelantan/吉兰丹第一区:Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁

Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁:
Sultan Ismail Petra Arch(Dataran Rehal)/苏丹伊斯迈佩特拉拱门(书架广场)
Kota Bharu(also known as K.B.) is the state capital of Kelantan & also largest city of Kelantan even the local government seat of Kota Bharu Islamic City Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam & headquarters of Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority/Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu(KADA) where is named after Malay words mean new city due to establishment of Kota Bharu as new capital by former Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Muhammad II on 1844, it is also contains the terminus of Route 8, Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium, bus terminal, domestic airport services, future railway train services(future terminus of East Coast Rail Link/ECRL), trishaw services & public hopsital, it has been titled as Islamic City of Malaysia/Bandaraya Islam because the Muslim in the Kota Bharu are very respect to the Islamic culture & customs. The local products of Kota Bharu are the Nasi Dagang, Nasi Kerabu, Khao Jam, Nasi Tumpang, Nasi Kak Wok, Baba Ice Cream & Budu etc. The sister city of Kota Bharu is the Kasaoka of Japan. The famous Kelantan Match(Chilly Brand) Factory which is the only surviving match factory of Malaysia since 1933 is also located in here. Futhermore, the Kota Bharu is also place of origins of local Malaysian supermarket chain, Mydin which is founded by local entrepreneur, late Mr.Mydin Mohamed on 1957. Located near the Kota Bharu are the Kubang Kerian where is the royal capital/Bandar Diraja of Kelantan & also headquarters of National Kenaf & Tobacco Board/Lembaga Kenaf & Tembakau Negara(LKTN) has been titled as Al-Muhammadi Royal City/Bandar Diraja Al-Muhammadi & Ketereh where is the local government seat of Ketereh District Council/Majlis Daerah Ketereh that named after the Malay name of cashew fruit has been titled as Islamic Municipality/Perbandaran Islam.

哥打峇鲁(哥市)(也称为哥打巴鲁)的名字源自于马来文Kota Bharu 意译为新城因前吉兰丹苏丹莫哈末二世(Sultan Muhammad II)于一八四四年将哥打峇鲁定为新首都而命名的吉兰丹州首府与最大城市甚至是哥打峇鲁市议会(Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam)的地方政府所在地与格姆布农业发展局(Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu/KADA)的总部,它也拥有八号公路的终站、苏丹莫哈末四世体育馆、公车总站、本地机场服务、未来铁道火车服务(未来东海岸衔接铁道的终站)、三轮车服务和公共医院,因哥打峇鲁的穆斯林很尊敬伊斯兰教的文化与习俗而被誉为马来西亚伊斯兰城。哥打峇鲁的特产有担岗饭、蓝花饭、青叶饭、隆邦饭、锅姐饭、巴巴冰淇淋/巴巴雪糕、吉兰丹鱼露等。创立于一九三三年全马来西亚唯一仅存的火柴厂辣椒牌火柴厂也坐落在这里。另外,哥打峇鲁也是由本地企业家已故迈丁莫哈末(Mydin Mohamed)先生在一九五七年所创立的马来西亚本地超级市场连锁店迈丁的发源地。哥打峇鲁的姐妹城市有日本的笠岡。位于哥打峇鲁附近就是被誉为Al-Muhammadi 皇城的吉兰丹的皇城兼国家烟草及红麻局(LKTN)的总部古邦阁亮以及被誉为伊斯兰镇的以腰果的马来名字Ketereh 来命名的格底里县议会(Majlis Daerah Ketereh)的地方政府所在地格底里(前名为革地芽)。
Attractions in Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁景点:
XXX.Andalusia Mosque/安达卢西亚清真寺

Attractions in Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁景点:
I.Great Hall Palace(Istana Balai Besar)/吉兰丹大皇宫:
Great Hall Palace(Istana Balai Besar)/吉兰丹大皇宫
Pitis Bank/比蒂斯银行
Independence Square(Padang Merdeka)/独立广场
It is official palace of royal ruler of Kelantan State called Sultan which is built in 1845 for royal office, coronation ceremony & Sultan's Birthday celebration purposes etc., it is contains a Sultan Ismail Petra Arch/Dataran Rehal & the mini money storing bank which is storing the official currency of Kelantan known as Pitis before the British colonial era that built on era of Sultan Muhammad III called Pitis Bank/Bank Pitis. The Kelantan Sultanate is the one of older monarchies of Malaysia & the present monarchy since 1775 are the descendants of Long Yunus & his son, Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad. Located near the palace is the Independence Square/Padang Merdeka(formerly known as Padang Bank) that contains the World War I Monument.

这是建于一八四五年用以作为皇家办公室、登基典礼与苏丹诞辰庆典等用途的吉兰丹州皇室君主苏丹(Sultan)的官方皇宫,它拥有一座苏丹伊斯迈佩特拉拱门/书架广场与建于苏丹莫哈末三世(Sultan Muhammad III)时代的用以储存英国殖民时期前吉兰丹的官方货币比蒂斯(Pitis)的微型存钱银行比蒂斯银行(Bank Pitis)。吉兰丹苏丹王朝是全马来西亚最古老的皇室之一以及建立于一七七五年的现在的皇室是名为隆尤努斯(Long Yunus)与其称为苏丹莫哈末一世(Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad)的儿子的后裔。位于皇宫附近就是含有第一世界大战纪念碑的前名为银行广场的独立广场。

II.Royal Regalia Museum(Jahar Palace)/皇家礼俗博物馆(扎哈皇宫):
Royal Regalia Museum(Jahar Palace)/皇家礼俗博物馆(扎哈皇宫)
It is the former palace of Sultan of Kelantan where is built in 1887 that named after the name of a tree called Jahar has been turned into the museum for showing the royal customs of Kelantan Sultanate & personal adornments, textiles, clothes & copperwares of Kelantan Sultanate even the weapons of Kelantan, it is also National Heritage of Malaysia. The Kelantan Sultanate is the one of older monarchies of Malaysia & the present monarchy since 1775 are the descendants of Long Yunus & his son, Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad.

这是建于一八八七年现已改为用以展示吉兰丹苏丹王朝的皇家礼俗以及吉兰丹苏丹王朝的个人装饰品、纺织品、服饰和铜制品甚至吉兰丹的武器的博物馆的以一颗名叫Jahar 的树来命名的吉兰丹苏丹的皇宫,它也是马来西亚的国家遗产。吉兰丹苏丹王朝是全马来西亚最古老的皇室之一以及建立于一七七五年的现在的皇室是名为隆尤努斯(Long Yunus)与其称为苏丹莫哈末一世(Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad)的儿子的后裔。

III.Royal Museum Kelantan(Batu Palace)/吉兰丹皇家博物馆(巴都皇宫):
Royal Museum Kelantan(Batu Palace)/吉兰丹皇家博物馆(巴都皇宫)
It is the former residence of sixth King/Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia & also former Sultan of Kelantan, late Sultan Yahya Petra which is built in 1939 has been turned into the museum that showcasing the history, royal collections & historical artifacts of Kelantan Sultanate including the clothes, photos & gifts etc. & also the interior design like the living room, dining room & bedrooms etc. especially the Blue Room, Yellow Room & Peach Room etc. The Kelantan Sultanate is the one of older monarchies of Malaysia & the present monarchy since 1775 are the descendants of Long Yunus & his son, Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad.

这是建于一九三九年现已改为展示着包括服饰、照片和礼物在内的吉兰丹苏丹皇朝历史、皇家收藏品与历史文物还有其像客厅、饭厅与睡房等尤其是蓝房、黄房与桃房等内观设计的博物馆的第六任马来西亚国王/最高元首兼前吉兰丹苏丹已故苏丹叶海亚·佩特拉(Sultan Yahya Petra)的故居。吉兰丹苏丹王朝是全马来西亚最古老的皇室之一以及建立于一七七五年的现在的皇室是名为隆尤努斯(Long Yunus)与其称为苏丹莫哈末一世(Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad)的儿子的后裔。

IV.Handicraft Village & Museum/手工艺术村与博物馆:
Handicraft Village & Museum/手工艺术村与博物馆
Handicraft Village & Museum/手工艺术村与博物馆
Handicraft Village & Museum/手工艺术村与博物馆
Handicraft Village is the handicrafts complex which is contains a handicrafts museum that displaying the handicrafts of Kelantan such as Batik fabrics & Songket fabrics has been described as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage etc. & also their patterns & making process.
V.Tengku Anis Bazaar/东姑阿尼斯市场:
Tengku Anis Bazaar is building where is named after former Raja Perempuan of Kelantan, Tengku Anis that famous for largest 3D art museum of East Coast Region of Peninsular Malaysia with cultural themed arts & upside down room etc. known as Kota Bharu 3D Art & Heritage Centre. The trick art is invented by the American artist called Mr.Kurt Wenner.  
东姑阿尼斯市场是以前吉兰丹苏丹后东姑阿尼斯(Tengku Anis)来命名的以含有文化主题艺术和颠倒房间等的全马来西亚半岛东海岸最大的三维立体艺术博物馆哥打峇鲁三维立体艺术与遗产中心闻名的建筑物。幻觉艺术是由美国艺术家库尔特·温纳(Kurt Wenner)先生所发明。

VI.Muhammadi Mosque/莫哈末迪清真寺:
Muhammadi Mosque/莫哈末迪清真寺
Muhammadi Mosque where is the state official mosque & also former Islamic educational centre of Kelantan that named after former Sultan of Kelantan, late Sultan Muhammad IV & built in Western architectural style on 1931, it is need to visit by free guided tour services of International Islamic Information Centre. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.
莫哈末迪清真寺是建于一九三一年西式建筑风格的以前吉兰丹苏丹已故苏丹莫哈末四世/苏丹穆罕默德四世(Sultan Muhammad IV)来命名的吉兰丹州官方清真寺兼前伊斯兰教育中心,它需国际伊斯兰资讯中心的免费导览服务来参观。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。

VII.Islamic Museum Kelantan/吉兰丹伊斯兰博物馆:
Islamic Museum Kelantan/吉兰丹伊斯兰博物馆
Islamic Museum is the former residence of former Chief Minister/State Minister/Menteri Besar of Kelantan called late Mr.Hassan Mohd.Salleh & also former office of Islamic Religious & Malay Customs Council Kelantan/Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan which is built in Kelantanese Malay architectural style on 1902 that displaying the history of Islam of Kelantan. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia. 
建于一九零二年的伊斯兰博物馆是展览着吉兰丹的伊斯兰历史的吉兰丹马来式建筑风格的名为已故Hassan Mohd.Salleh 先生的前吉兰丹州务大臣的故居兼前伊斯兰宗教与马来礼俗局(Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan)的办公室。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。

VIII.World War II Memorial(Kerapu Bank)/第二世界大战博物馆(克拉布银行)
World War II Memorial(Kerapu Bank)/第二世界大战博物馆(克拉布银行)
It is former The Mercantile Bank of India since 1912 where is showing the history & historical artifacts of World War II like the landing of Japanese army in the Kuala Pak Amat Beach of Peninsular Malaysia on 1941, Death Railway/Burma Railway/Siam-Burma Railway/Thai-Burma Railway & Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki etc. that contains a military pillbox, it is also contains the historical gallery of Kelantan, it is also National Heritage of Malaysia.
IX.Royal Jetty Clock Tower(Menara Tinjau Tambatan Diraja)/皇家码头钟楼:
Royal Jetty Clock Tower(Menara Tinjau Tambatan Diraja)/皇家码头钟楼
It is the lookout tower located near the Royal Jetty/Tambatan Diraja about 150m high which can overlooking the Kelantan River/Sungai Kelantan, it is need to pay entrance fee for visiting.


X.Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场:
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
Siti Khadijah Central Market/海迪彻(赫蒂彻)中央市场
It is the central market of Kota Bharu(formerly known as Buluh Kubu Central Market/Pasar Besar Buluh Kubu) where is named after the wife of founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad called Siti Khadijah/Khadija that selling the local street foods, seafood, fruits, vegetables, meats, kitchenwares & clothes etc. about three levels, its interior is decorated with different colours to replace the original green colour. Located near the market is the Pokok Pinang Market where is the Chinese market & also the only market of Kota Bharu that selling pork.
XI.Kelantan Museum/吉兰丹博物馆:
Kelantan Museum/吉兰丹博物馆
Kelantan Museum/吉兰丹博物馆
Kelantan Museum/吉兰丹博物馆
It is state official museum of Kelantan which is the former Kota Bharu Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu that exhibiting the history of Kelantan from past to current, resources about Kelantan like districts & tourism etc. & culture of Kelantan such as replica model of Pre-historic cave, UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Malaysia known as Makyong Theatre, Shadow Puppet Theatre/Wayang Kulit & Rebana Ubi/Giant Drum etc., it is also National Heritage of Malaysia. 
这是前身为哥打峇鲁市议会的展览着从前到现在的吉兰丹历史如、像县属与旅游业等吉兰丹的资讯与吉兰丹的文化如史前洞穴的仿造模型、马来西亚的联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产玛蓉剧(Makyong)、皮影戏(Wayang Kulit)与大鼓(Rebana Ubi)等的吉兰丹州的官方博物馆,它也是马来西亚的国家遗产。

XII.Kelantan Art Gallery(Balai Seni Lukis Kelantan)/吉兰丹画廊:
It is the state official art gallery of Kelantan located near the Tourist Information Centre which is the former office of British advisor of Kelantan that showing the art masterpieces of local artists of Kelantan.
XIII.Cultural Centre(Gelanggang Seni)/文化中心:
Cultural Centre/Gelanggang Seni is the cultural performances venue which is showing the performing arts like Shadow Puppet/Wayang Kulit, Silat(UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage), Giant Drum/Rebana Ubi, kite/wau making demonstration & spinning top/Gasing etc.

文化中心是展示着像皮影戏(Wayang Kulit)、席拉(Silat)(联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产)、热巴那鼓(Rebana Ubi)、风筝(Wau)制作展示和陀螺(Gasing)等表演艺术的文化表演举办地点。
XIV.Langgar Royal Mausoleum/浪雅皇陵:
It is the royal mausoleum of Kelantan Sultanate but
not confused with royal mausoleum of Kedah with same name located near the royal mosque where is also contains the final resting site of founding ruler of Kelantan Sultanate, Long Yunus. The Kelantan Sultanate is the one of older monarchies of Malaysia & the present monarchy since 1775 are the descendants of Long Yunus & his son, Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad. 
它是位于皇家清真寺旁拥有吉兰丹苏丹王朝的开国统治者隆尤努斯(Long Yunus)的长眠之地的吉兰丹苏丹王朝的皇陵。吉兰丹苏丹王朝是全马来西亚最古老的皇室之一以及建立于一七七五年的现在的皇室是名为隆尤努斯(Long Yunus)与其称为苏丹莫哈末一世(Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad)的儿子的后裔。
XV.Collectibles Museum/收藏品博物馆:
It is the museum where is famous for largest Hot Wheels cars models collection of Malaysia about over 30000 cars models. Hot Wheels is the American cars model brand where is invented by American businessman, late Mr.Elliot Handler.
它是以超过三万辆汽车模型的全马来西亚最大的风火轮(Hot Wheels)汽车模型收藏闻名的博物馆。风火轮是由美国商人已故艾略特·汉德勒(Elliot Handler)先生所发明的美国汽车模型品牌。
XVI.Kota Bharu Rainbow House(Rumah Pelangi Kota Bharu)/哥打峇鲁彩虹屋
It is the houses of small riverside village located near the Kelantan River/Sungai Kelantan known as Kampung Sungai Budor has been transformed into rainbow colours under developed by cooperation of local government, local social organization & public university called National University of Malaysia/Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(U.K.M.).

XVII.Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫:
Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫
Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫
Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫
Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫
Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫
Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple/镇兴宫
It is one of oldest Chinese temple in Kota Bharu located in the Kampung Cina(唐人坡)(oldest Chinese settlement of Kota Bharu near the Kelantan River/Sungai Kelantan that famous for traditional Chinese New Year festive food, Kuih Bangkit) where is famous for royal giant drum that gifted by former Sultan of Kelantan, late Sultan Muhammad II on 1879 & altar table of Chinese & Taoist Martial God of Prosperity, Lord Zhao Gongming etc. that dedicated to Chinese Goddess of Sea, Lord Mazu(妈祖/天后娘娘) since 1790, it is formerly dedicated to Chinese & Taoist Martial God of Prosperity, Lord Zhao Gongming(赵公明/赵元帅/赵玄坛/正一玄坛元帅), it is comes crowded during the Mazu Deity Parade which is famous for its Lord Mazu chariot crossing the burning field on every 15th Day of First Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar, the deity statue of Lord Mazu has a nickname called Second Mazu(二妈/二嫲) due to it is believed to be the second divided form of Lord Mazu statue in the Seng Choon Kiong Temple/Chiak Kha Ma Zu Temple of Ketereh. The Mazu Belief is the Chinese folk belief which is dedicated to the most influential goddess of sea of China who is originally called Lin Moniang(林默娘) that originated from Mazu Temple of Meizhou(湄洲妈祖祖庙) of Putian City in the Fujian Province of China has been described as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.

这是建于一七九零年位于吉兰丹河旁以传统春节/农历新年年饼沙尼饼/番婆饼/椰香饼的全哥打峇鲁最古老的华人集聚地唐人坡(Kampung Cina)内以一八七九年前吉兰丹苏丹已故苏丹莫哈末二世(Sultan Muhammad II)所赠送的皇家大鼓以及从前华人与道教武财神赵公明/赵元帅/赵玄坛/正一玄坛元帅的祭桌等闻名的供奉着华人女海神妈祖/天后娘娘的全哥打峇鲁最古老的华人庙宇之一,它从前供奉华人与道教武财神赵公明/赵元帅/赵玄坛/正一玄坛元帅,它在以妈祖神轿过火坑闻名的华人农历正月十五的妈祖游神庆典期间充满人潮,其妈祖神像因相信是格底里的圣春宫/赤脚妈祖庙的分身而被冠上“二妈/二嫲”的外号。妈祖信仰是源自于中国福建省莆田市的湄洲妈祖祖庙供奉原名为林默娘的中国最有影响力的海神以及它还被列为中国的联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产。中式/汉式庙宇建筑风格是根据华人/汉人风水哲理来建造像斗栱、曲线型屋顶与屋檐等建筑特色的庙宇。

XVIII.Pak Sapie & Sons Wau Gallery/沙菲宜父子风筝展览厅:
It is the workshop where is managed by son of famous kite maker, late Pak Sapie/Mr.Shafie Jusoh who has been awarded the title of Master Craftperson(Adiguru Kraf) of Malaysia on 2006 named Mr.Wan Anuar, visitors can watching the making process of Malay kite called Wau & the exhibits items like Wau Bulan, Wau Merak, Wau Kucing & Wau Seri Bulan etc. in here. The Kite is invented by late Mr.Mozi/Mo Di(墨子/墨翟) or Mr.Lu Ban/Gongshu Ban/Gongshu Pan(鲁班/公输般/公输盘) of Zhou Dynasty of China Civilization that used as tool of signaling & communication for military purpose.

这是由二零零六年被颁发为马来西亚手工艺术大师(Adiguru Kraf)的称号的已故著名风筝制造家沙菲宜(Pak Sapie/Shafie Jusoh)先生的儿子Wan Anuar 先生所经营的工作室,游客可在这里观看马来风筝(Wau)的制作过程和如名为Wau Bulan、 Wau Merak、Wau Kucing、Wau Jala Budi 以及Wau Seri Bulan 等展示品。风筝是中国周朝的墨子/墨翟先生或鲁班/公输般/公输盘先生所发明用以军事上信号用途以及通讯用途的工具。

XIX.Pantai Suri Floating Market/班底苏里水上市集:
Pantai Suri Floating Market is the first floating market of Malaysia since 2016 located on the Kelantan River/Sungai Kelantan which is selling the local street foods on every Saturday that need to arrive by boat services from Kuala Besar Jetty/Jeti Kuala Besar from Kota Bharu or Kok Majid Jetty/Jeti Kok Majid of Tumpat

在二零一六年开始的班底苏里水上市集是需哥打峇鲁Kuala Besar 码头或道北Kok Majid 码头的船只服务才能到达的在每个星期六在吉兰丹河上售卖着当地街头美食的全马来西亚第一座水上市集。
XX.Pulau Sri Tanjung/斯里丹绒岛:
Pulau Sri Tanjung is the floating market & resort located on the Kelantan River/Sungai Kelantan which is selling the local street foods on every Friday & Saturday that need to arrive by boat services from Kuala Besar Jetty/Jeti Kuala Besar from Kota Bharu or Kok Majid Jetty/Jeti Kok Majid of Tumpat. 

斯里丹绒岛是需哥打峇鲁Kuala Besar 码头或道北Kok Majid 码头的船只服务才能到达的在每个星期五与星期六在吉兰丹河上售卖着当地街头美食的水上市集与度假村。
XXI.Mek Mas Beach/美玛士海滩
Mek Mas Beach is the beach recreational area where is facing the South China Sea that famous for its man made sand dunes & split beach. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

XXII.Moonlight Beach(Pantai Cahaya Bulan)/月光海滩:
Pantai Cahaya Bulan(P.C.B.)(formerly known as Pantai Cinta Berahi/Beach of Passionate Love) is the beach recreational area which is facing the South China Sea that famous for kite flying, its former name is believed to be originated from story of a loverlorn British soldier was pining for love along the beach during the World War II. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.


XXIII.Pengkalan Datu Floating Market/彭卡兰大图水上市集:
Pengkalan Datu Floating Market is the floating market & also farmers market located near the Pengkalan Datu River/Sungai Pengkalan Datu where is selling local street foods etc. that operating on every Saturday, it is provided traditional Kelantanese boat/Perahu Kolek river cruise along the Pengkalan Datu River/Sungai Pengkalan Datu where can be watching the Ar-Rahman Mosque.
彭卡兰大图水上市集位于彭卡兰大图河附近每个星期六运作的售卖着当地街头美食的水上市集兼农贸市集,它提供沿着彭卡兰大图河行走可看见阿拉赫曼清真寺的吉兰丹传统船只(Perahu Kolek)游河船。
XXIV.Pulau Gajah Mosque/浮罗卡查清真寺:
Pulau Gajah Mosque is wooden mosque located in the Pulau Gajah where is built in mixed architectural styles of Malay, Indonesian, Turkish & Yemeni. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.
XXV.Pulau Gajah Fishermen's Market(Pasar Nelayan Pulau Gajah)/浮罗卡查渔市:
Pulau Gajah Fishermen's Market is the fishermen's market located in the islet that formed by Pengkalan Datu River/Sungai Pengkalan Datu & Raja Gali River/Sungai Raja Gali known as Pulau Gajah which is selling the local fresh seafood that transported from fishermen's boats on 2pm.

XXVI.Nusuk Beach/努苏海滩:
Nusuk Beach is the beach recreational area which its name means hide in Kelantanese Malay word that facing the South China Sea with swings & direction signboard of other beaches of Kelantan & countries of Indochina etc.
The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.


XXVII.Wakaf Che Yeh Night Market/华卡仄业夜市:
Wakaf Che Yeh Night Market/华卡仄业夜市
Wakaf Che Yeh Night Market/华卡仄业夜市
Wakaf Che Yeh Night Market/华卡仄业夜市
Wakaf Che Yeh Night Market/华卡仄业夜市
Wakaf Che Yeh Night Market/华卡仄业夜市
Wakaf Che Yeh is the commercial zone where is named after the hut(waqf) in here that built by a man called Che Yeh during the past, it is contains the 24 hours wholesale market which is selling clothes, daily needs & street foods etc. that moved from location of KB Mall of Kota Bharu to here, it is operating as wholesale market on day & night market on night.

华卡仄业是以从前这里的由一位名为Che Yeh 的人物所建的亭子(Waqf)来命名的商业区,它拥有从哥打峇鲁的哥打峇鲁购物广场所在地点搬迁至这里售卖着服饰、日常用品以及街头美食等的二十四小时的批发市场,它以白天作为批发市场及夜晚作为夜市来运作。
XXVIII.State Palace(Istana Negeri)/州皇宫:
State Palace is the official residence of royal ruler of Kelantan called Sultan where is venue of the Sworn in Ceremony of Chief Minister/State Minister/Menteri Besar of Kelantan & other royal ceremonies etc. & the meeting place of Conference of Malay Rulers on 1987 that built on 1978. The Kelantan Sultanate is the one of older monarchies of Malaysia & the present monarchy since 1775 are the descendants of Long Yunus & his son, Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad.

州皇宫是作为吉兰丹州务大臣宣誓典礼与其它皇家典礼等的举办地点及一九八七年马来统治者会议的会议地点的吉兰丹州皇室君主苏丹(Sultan)的官方住所。吉兰丹苏丹王朝是全马来西亚最古老的皇室之一以及建立于一七七五年的现在的皇室是隆尤努斯(Long Yunus)与其称为苏丹莫哈末一世(Sultan Muhammad I/Long Muhammad)的儿子的后裔。

XXIX.Seng Choon Kiong Temple(Chiak Kha Ma Zu Temple)/圣春宫(赤脚妈祖庙):
It is one of oldest Chinese temple of Kelantan located in the Kampung Tok'Kong(赤脚督公村) of Ketereh near the Kelantan River/Sungai Kelantan about over 200 years old that dedicated to Chinese Goddess of Sea, Lord Mazu & it is named after the Minnan/Hokkien dialect Chiak Kha means barefoot due to the people are coming to here for praying the deities by barefoot during the past, it is also famous for its Malay words notices & historical artifacts like Lord Mazu deity statue from China called Grand Mazu(大妈/大嫲), incense burner & bronze bell etc., it is comes crowded during the fire walking ceremony of deity birthday celebration on 23th Day of Third Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar every year. The Mazu Belief is the Chinese folk belief which is dedicated to the most influential goddess of sea of China who is originally called Lin Moniang(林默娘) that originated from Mazu Temple of Meizhou(湄洲妈祖祖庙) of Putian City in the Fujian Province of China has been described as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.
这是位于吉兰丹河旁格底里赤脚督公村(Kampung Tok'Kong)内吉兰丹河旁的因从前人们赤脚来这里拜神(在闽南语/福建话中赤脚发音为Chiak Kha)而得名的供奉着华人女海神妈祖/天后娘娘的约超过两百年历史的全吉兰丹其中一间最古老的华人庙宇,它以其马来文告示和像称为大妈/大嫲的来自中国的妈祖神像、香炉与铜钟等历史文物闻名,它在每年农历三月二十三的神诞庆典的过火坑仪式吸引人潮。妈祖信仰是源自于中国福建省莆田市的湄洲妈祖祖庙供奉原名为林默娘的中国最有影响力的海神以及它还被列为中国的联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产。中式/汉式庙宇建筑风格是根据华人/汉人风水哲理来建造像斗栱、曲线型屋顶与屋檐等建筑特色的庙宇。
XXX.Andalusia Mosque/安达卢西亚清真寺:
Andalusia Mosque is the mosque which is built by local travel agency, Andalusia Travel & Tours Sdn.Bhd. that its architectural style has been inspired by architectural design of S.Zayed Grand Mosque Centre of Abu Dhabi of United Arab Emirates. S.Zayed Grand Mosque Centre is the one of largest mosques of the world which is famous for its 82 domes & largest hand knotted carpet of the world etc. that built in mixed architectural style of Mamluk, Ottoman & Fatimid. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Masjid al-Haram/Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.
安达卢西亚清真寺是由名叫Andalusia Travel & Tours Sdn.Bhd. 的本地旅行社所建造的其建筑风格受阿联酋阿布扎比/阿布达比的扎耶德大清真寺的建筑设计所启发的清真寺。扎耶德大清真寺是混合了马穆鲁克式、奥斯曼和法蒂玛式建筑风格的以八十二座窍顶与全世界最大的手结地毯等的全世界最大的清真寺之一。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。

XXXI.Wat Ariyakkhiri(Aril)/阿里雅奇里佛寺:
It is the Thai Buddhist temple where is famous for the photo spots that facing the paddy fields with wooden walkways, sky ladder, love shaped model, windmill & gazebo etc. known as Inspirasi Kampung Aril has been nicknamed as Little Bali, it is also famous for local Buddhist monk, late Reverend Phor Than Lek. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa.  
这间是以外号为小巴厘面向稻田含有木栈道、天空之梯、爱心模型、风车和凉亭等的名叫Inspirasi Kampung Aril 的拍照区闻名的泰式佛寺,它也以当地佛教僧侣已故昙烈法师闻名。佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。
Food around Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁周围美食:
In Kota Bharu, visitors can tasting the Nasi Sumatra which is the mixed rice that served with several meats, eggs, seafood & vegetable etc.(Please don't eat turtle eggs) in the Hover Restaurant, tasting the Kelantan Nasi Dagang is the rice dish that cooking with glutinous rice called Beras Nasi Dagang, red rice, white rice, coconut milk and fenugreek seeds etc. & served with Malay style fish curry, meats & pickled vegetables etc. in the Capital Restaurant, tasting the Nasi Kerabu which is the blue pea/butterfly pea petals made blue coloured rice dish that served with pickled vegetables & dried fishes etc. & its name in Southern Thailand is Khao Jam/Khao Yam in the Yati Ayam Percik that famous for Ayam Percik/Kelantanese Grilled Chicken in Kota Bharu & Su Warong Nasi Kerabu in the Ketereh, tasting the steamed rice that mixed with spices & vegetables etc. in the Nasi Ulam Cikgu, tasting the Roti Titab which is the toasted egg bread that filled with half boiled egg & kaya & Nasi Tumpang which is the mixed rice that contains meat floss or fish floss, curry sauce, dried shrimp & spicy chili sauce called Sambal etc. & packed with banana leaf in cone shape in the Kopitiam Kita, tasting the soup which is cooking with beef & served with rice called Nasi Sup in the D'Tower Soup/Lido Corner, tasting the Milo Tonggeng which is the hot chocolate drink called Milo that made by adding more powder of whole tin of Milo into the glass with Milo after boiling in the Milo Tonggeng Coffee Shop(also known as Milo Tonggeng Pok Loh), tasting the Nasi Kak Wok which is the rice that named after the founder, late Ms.Mek Wok Hassan & served with Sambal, chicken curry sauce & fried chicken in the Nasi Kak Wok in Lundang & tasting the barbequed skewer meat that dipping into the spicy peanut sauce called Satay in Satay Malaysia. Kaya is the jam made from coconut milk & egg which is famous for serving with bread in Malaysia & Singapore.
在吉兰丹,游客可在豪华餐室品尝配搭多种肉类、鸡蛋、海鲜与蔬菜等来吃的苏门答腊杂菜饭(请不要吃海龟蛋)、首都茶室内品尝是以名叫Beras Nasi Dagang 的糯米、红米、白米、椰浆和葫芦巴豆等熬煮而成的配搭马来式咖哩鱼肉、肉类与腌制蔬菜等的饭类吉兰丹搭冈饭、在哥打峇鲁以吉兰丹烤鸡闻名的Yati Ayam Percik 与格底里的Su Warong Nasi Kerabu 品尝配搭腌制蔬菜与咸鱼的蝶豆花瓣制造的蓝色饭类佳肴与在泰国南部的名字是Khao Jam/Khao Yam 的蓝花饭、在Nasi Ulam Cikgu 内品尝到混合了香料与蔬菜等的蒸饭生蔬饭(Nasi Ulam)、在Kopitiam Kita 品尝以半生熟蛋与加央为馅料的煎蛋面包(Roti Titab)和含有肉丝或鱼丝、咖哩酱、虾米及名叫叁巴(Sambal)的辣椒酱等以香蕉叶包装成圆锥形的杂菜饭隆邦饭、在D'Tower Soup/Lido Corner 内品尝以牛肉熬煮的汤配搭饭来吃的牛肉汤饭(Nasi Sup)、品尝Milo Tonggeng 咖啡店(也称为Pok Loh Milo Tonggeng)的以整罐巧克力饮品美禄(Milo)的粉添加入装满泡好的热美禄的杯内的美禄山丘(Milo Tonggeng)、在Lundang 的锅姐饭(Nasi Kak Wok)内品尝以创始人已故Mek Wok Hassan 女士来命名的配搭叁巴酱、咖哩鸡肉汁和炸鸡来吃的饭类锅姐饭(Nasi Kak Wok)以及品尝Satay Malaysia 蘸上花生辣椒酱来吃的烤肉串沙爹。加央是在马来西亚和新加坡由椰奶与蛋制作出来用以配搭面包来吃的著名果酱。
Hover Nasi Sumatra
Location/位置: Dato Pati Road/Jalan Dato Pati,Kota Bharu

B Thai Ann Coffee & Toasted Bread
Location/位置: Dato Pati Road/Jalan Dato Pati,Kota Bharu
Choo Chin Hin Bread,Yellow Noodles & Cake
Location/位置: Suara Muda Road/Jalan Suara Muda

Khuan Heong Yan Coffee & Toasted Bread
Location/位置: Che Su Road/Jalan Che Su,Kota Bharu
Capital Nasi Dagang
Location/位置: Post Office Lama Road/Jalan Post Office Lama,Kota Bharu
D'Tower Soup/Lido Corner Nasi Sup
D'Tower Soup/Lido Corner 牛肉汤饭
Location/位置: Post Office Lama Road/Jalan Post Office Lama,Kota Bharu
Sun Two Hainanese Chicken Chop
Location/位置: Temenggung Road/Jalan Temenggung,Kota Bharu

White House Toasted Bread & Nasi Dagang
Location/位置: Sultanah Zainab Road/Jalan Sultanah Zainab,Kota Bharu
Nasi Ulam Cikgu
Nasi Ulam Cikgu 生蔬饭
Location/位置: Hilir Kota Road/Jalan Hilir Kota,Kota Bharu
Murtabak Nik Yea Puding Raja,Buah Tanjung,Jala Mas & Tahi Itik
Murtabak Nik Yea 皇家布丁、蛋黄糕、甜蛋黄糕与鸭粪
Location/位置: Merbau Road/Jalan Merbau,Kota Bharu
Warisan Nasi Kukus(Night)
Warisan 马来蒸饭(晚上)
Location/位置: Kebun Sultan Road/Jalan Kebun Sultan,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.130685, 102.243211
Satay Suria(Night)
Satay Suria 沙爹(晚上)
Location/位置: Kebun Sultan Road/Jalan Kebun Sultan,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.130685, 102.243211

Zawanie Nasi Kukus & Grilled Honey Chicken
Zawanie 马来蒸饭与蜜糖烤鸡
Location/位置: Kampung Sireh Road(Route D111)/Jalan Kampung Sireh,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.112809, 102.237657
Zakini Nasi Kukus
Zakini 马来蒸饭
Location/位置: Long Yunus Road/Jalan Long Yunus,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.137263, 102.245406
Yati Ayam Percik & Nasi Kerabu
Yati Ayam Percik 吉兰丹烤鸡与蓝花饭
Location/位置: Long Yunus Road/Jalan Long Yunus,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.128180, 102.256382
Maksu Nab Nasi Air(Closed)
Maksu Nab Nasi Air 马来粥(已关闭)
Location/位置: Hospital Road/Jalan Hospital,Kota Bharu
Lieniey Nasi Kerabu Tumis
Lieniey Nasi Kerabu Tumis 蓝花饭
Location/位置: Abdul Kadir Adabi Road/Jalan Abdul Kadir Adabi,Kota Bharu
Kopitiam Kita Roti Titab & Different Flavours Rice of Kelantan like Nasi Tumpang
Kopitiam Kita 蛋加蛋加央面包与吉兰丹不同口味的饭类如隆邦饭
Location/位置: Sri Cemerlang 14/27 Road/Jalan Sri Cemerlang 14/27,Kota Bharu
Sup Belut Tali Air Eel Soup/Sup Belut
Sup Belut Tali Air 黄鳝汤
Location/位置: Bayam Road(Route D108)/Jalan Bayam,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.117639, 102.265611 

U Lang Corner Khao Jam & Laksam
U Lang Corner 青叶饭与吉兰丹叻沙
Location/位置: Wakaf Mek Zainab Road/Jalan Wakaf Mek Zainab,Kota Bharu
Nasi Ulam Eh Poh(Located near the Mek Chinese(Tin Hin Kong) Temple)
Nasi Ulam Eh Poh 生蔬饭(位于镇兴宫附近)
Location/位置: Kampung Cina,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.143856, 102.234809

Warung Pak Mat Pulau Pisang Sup Kepala Ikan(Fish Head Soup) & Teh Tarik Madu(Honey Teh Tarik)
Warung Pak Mat Pulau Pisang 鱼头汤与蜜糖拉茶
Location/位置: Kuala Besar Road(Route D101)/Jalan Kuala Besar,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.182333, 102.246667
Keropok Cap Kapal Fish Cracker/Keropok Ikan
Keropok Cap Kapal 炸鱼饼/炸鱼条
Location/位置: Pantai Kundur Road/Jalan Pantai Kundur,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.182556, 102.247154
D'Syaz Cafe Maggi Ketam(Night)
D'Syaz Cafe Maggi Ketam 方便面螃蟹/快熟面螃蟹(晚上)
Location/位置: Moonlight Beach Road(Route 223)/Jalan Pantai Cahaya Bulan,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.185778, 102.263611

Milo Tonggeng
Location/位置: Dusun 2 Road/Jalan Dusun 2,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.120417, 102.242861

Nasi Kak Wok
Location/位置: TNB Road/Jalan TNB,Lundang,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.102524, 102.257759
Che Su Gulai Kawah
Che Su Gulai Kawah 吉兰丹咖喱牛肉
Location/位置: Pintu Geng Road(Route D111)/Jalan Pintu Geng,Kota Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):
6.096250, 102.230556

Kak Mah Abg Lah Gulai Kawah
Kak Mah Abg Lah 吉兰丹咖喱牛肉
Location/位置: KK 5/1 Road/Jalan KK 5/1,Kubang Kerian

Satay Malaysia(Night)
Satay Malaysia 沙爹(晚上)
Location/位置: Pengkalan Chepa Road(Route 57)/Jalan Pengkalan Chepa,Pengkalan Chepa
By T Laksam
By T Laksam 东海岸叻沙
Location/位置: Raja Perempuan Zainab II Road(Route 131)/Jalan R.P.Zainab II,Pengkalan Chepa
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.132194, 102.303611
Su Warong Nasi Kerabu
Su Warong Nasi Kerabu 蓝花饭
Location/位置: Main Road(Route 8),Kampung Batu 11 Ketereh 
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.976359, 102.249935
Kak Na Gulai Kawah
Kak Na Gulai Kawah 吉兰丹咖喱牛肉 
Location/位置: Kubang Tin-Pauh Lima Road(Route D128)/Jalan K.T.-P.L.,Ketereh
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.994889, 102.320694

Markets around Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁周围市场:
Siti Khadijah Central Market
Location/位置: Buluh Kubu Road/Jalan Buluh Kubu,Kota Bharu
Wakaf Che Yeh Integrated Market
Location/位置: Nik Abdul Aziz Road(Route 8),Wakaf Che Yeh

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁
Kampung Pulai & Gua Musang/布赖与话望生
Website/网址(Lojing Highlands/罗京高原):Click here/请按这里

Kuala Krai & Tanah Merah/瓜拉吉赖与丹那美拉

Bachok & Pasir Puteh/万捷与巴西富地
Pasir Mas,Jeli & Dabong/巴西马、日里与达蓬
Private Hospitals in Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁私人医院:
KPJ Perdana Specialist Hospital
哥打峇鲁KPJ 专科医院
Location/位置: Bayam Road(Route D108)/Jalan Bayam
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.121692, 102.243566
Shopping Malls in Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁购物广场:
Lotus's Hypermarket Kota Bharu
Location/位置: Datuk Wan Halim Road/Jalan Datuk Wan Halim
AEON Mall Kota Bharu
Location/位置: Khurasan Road

Mydin Mall Kota Bharu
Location/位置: Tunjung Avenue/Jalan Persiaran Tunjung

Giant Superstore Kota Bharu
Location/位置: Lagenda Avenue/Persiaran Lagenda

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...