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Showing posts with label Merbok/马莫. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merbok/马莫. Show all posts

Saturday 26 November 2022

Area 5 of Kedah/吉打第五区:Merbok/马莫

Merbok is the town where its name is believed be derived from Langkasuka-Malay word means declaratory place or Malay name of Zebra Dove that famous for Bujang Valley/Lembah Bujang civilization & royal mausoleum of first Sultan of Kedah, Sultan Mudzaffar Shah I, it is also part of Jerai Geopark/Geopark Jerai. Located near the Merbok are the Semeling where is famous for Satay/Sate & Big Pau/Da Bao that contains the only surviving charcoal kiln of Kedah called Kim Lai Charcoal Kiln.

马莫是其名字源自于狼牙修-马来文意译为申报地或斑姬地鸠的马来名字的以布秧谷文明以及第一任吉打苏丹慕查法沙一世(Sultan Mudzaffar Shah I)的皇陵闻名的市镇,它也是日莱峰国家地质公园的一部分。位于马莫附近就是以沙爹和大包闻名及拥有全吉打唯一仅存的炭窑厂林金来炭窑厂的新文英/锡米岭。
Attractions in Merbok/马莫景点:
I.Archaeology Museum of Bujang Valley/布央谷考古博物馆:
Archaeology Museum of Bujang Valley/布央谷考古博物馆
Archaeology Museum of Bujang Valley/布央谷考古博物馆
Archaeology Museum of Bujang Valley is the first archaeological museum of Malaysia with two galleries where is exhibiting the history & heritage artifacts of Bujang Valley/Lembah Bujang civilization like entrepôt of entrepôt, religious artifacts related to Animism, Hinduism & Buddhism(deities statues & Buddhagupta inscription) & trading goods from other countries such as ceramics, beads & glass materials etc. that famous for its ancient wooden boats called Perahu Sagor & four Hindu Candi/temples like Candi Bukit Batu Pahat/No.8 Site has been titled as National Heritage of Malaysia, Candi Pendiat/No.16 Site, Candi Pengkalan Bujang/No.16 & Candi Bendang Dalam/No.50 Site. Candi is the place of worship or cremated site of kings or priests of Hinduism & Buddhism, some gates, ruins & bathing pools also titled as Candi.

布央谷考古博物馆是以其名叫Perahu Sagor 的古代木舟以及被誉为马来西亚国家遗产的武吉峇都巴辖神庙/第八号区、班迪神庙/第十六号区、布秧河岸神庙/第十六号区和本当达兰神庙/第五十号区的印度教禅邸/神殿/神庙(Candi)闻名的含有两间展览厅来展览着布秧谷文明的历史遗迹历史文物如布秧谷文明的转口港、与万物有灵论、印度教和佛教相关的宗教文物(神像与佛陀笈多石碑/Buddhagupta)和像陶瓷、珠子和玻璃物品等的来自其他国家的贸易产品的全马来西亚第一间考古博物馆。禅邸是印度教与佛教的宗教场所或国王或祭司的骨灰埋葬地点,一些古代拱门、遗址和浴池也被称为禅邸。

II.Sungai Batu Archaeological Site/双溪巴都考古区:
It is the archaeological site of oldest civilization of South East Asia known as Ancient Kedah/Kedah Tua Civilization about 97 archaeological sites where can be dating back to 535 B.C. that served as the former religious centre, entrepôt & iron smelting site has been described as National Heritage of Malaysia, its archaeological excavation is started on 2009.


III.Xuan Ling Gong Temple/玄灵宫:
It is the well decorative Chinese temple of Semeling where is dedicated to Chinese Folk Gods & also Taoist Gods of Charles's Wain Nine Emperor Gods(九皇大帝/九皇爷) that famous for its high loong sculpture lampstand about 33 feet high, it is the only Nine Emperor Gods Temple of Malaysia with high lampstand, it is also comes crowded during the Nine Emperor Gods Festival. Nine Emperor Gods Festival(also known as Vegetarian Festival in Thailand) is the Chinese festival of South East Asia that celebrating the deity birthday of Nine Emperor Gods whose are believed to be the Chinese Gods of Charles's Wain or the figures from various legends from first day to ninth day of Ninth Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar with eating vegetarian. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.

IV.Pengkalan Bujang Archaeological Complex/布秧河岸考古广场:
It is the clay brick made Hindu-Buddhism Candi complex of Bujang Valley/Lembah Bujang civilization located in the ancient seaside of Pengkalan Bujang where is consists of No.19 Site, No.22 Site & No.23 Site that can be dating back to 10th Century-12 Century era has been described as one of National Heritage of Malaysia. Candi is the place of worship or cremated site of kings or priests of Hinduism & Buddhism, some gates, ruins & bathing pools also titled as Candi.

V.Merbok River Tourism Complex/马莫河旅游中心:
It is the jetty of river cruise along the Merbok River/Sungai Merbok with mangrove forest where is contains the Jerai Geopark Gallery that can learning the history, biology & geology etc. of Jerai National Geopark/Jerai Geopark, a replica charcoal kiln & monument for commemorating the Chinese Buddhist monk & translator of Tang Dynasty of China, Reverend Yijing(义净/唐义净) visiting the Ancient Kedah twice times on September 672 AD. to January 673 A.D. and January 686 A.D to October 686 A.D. Merbok River/Sungai Merbok is the river which is starting from river confluence of Bongkok River/Sungai Bongkok & Lalang River/Sungai Lalang that flowing into Straits of Malacca.
这座是拥有可了解日莱峰国家地质公园的历史、生物学和地质学等的日莱峰地质公园展览厅、一座仿造的炭窑以及用以纪念中国唐朝佛教译经僧人义净/唐义净法师在公元六七二年九月至公元六七三年一月以及公元六八六年一月至十月到访古吉打(当时叫羯荼)两次的纪念碑的沿着含有红树林的马莫河的游河船的码头。马莫河是从Bongkok 河与Lalang 河的交汇处开始流向马六甲海峡为结束的河流。 

Food around Merbok/马莫周围美食
In the Semeling, visitors can tasting the Fish Head Rice Porridge/Congee which is served with deep fried Barracuda in the Nam Hooi Coffee Shop, the Big Pau/Da Bao which is the steamed bun that fulfilled with meats & jicama etc. in the Lam Chuan Restaurant & Mei Chuan Restaurant & the Satay/Sate which is the barbequed meat skewer that served with spicy peanut sauce in the main branch of Kak Siti Satay & main branch of At Satay Semeling. Pau/Baozi is believed to be founded by the military strategist called Zhuge Liang(诸葛亮) from Three Kingdoms era of China & satay/sate is the barbequed meat skewer which is served with sauce that originated from Indonesia but also popular in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei & Thailand.
在新文英/锡米令,游客可品尝南园茶室的配搭油炸梭子鱼/竹苏鱼的鱼头粥、在南泉茶室和美泉包点茶室的以肉类和凉薯/沙葛等为馅料的蒸包子大包以及在Kak Siti Satay 的总行与At Satay Semeling 的总行品尝配搭辣花生酱来吃的烤肉串沙爹。包子是相信是由中国三国时期的军事家诸葛亮所发明以及沙爹是源自于印尼但也流行于马来西亚、新加坡、文莱/汶莱与泰国的配搭酱料来吃的烤肉串。

Nam Hooi Robert Fish Head Rice Porridge/Congee & Fish Head Noodles(Night)
南园Robert 鱼头粥与鱼头米粉(晚上)
Location/位置: Semeling Main Road/Jalan Raya Semeling,Semeling,Bedong
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.702332, 100.472163

Lam Chuan Big Pau/Da Bao
Location/位置: Semeling Main Road/Jalan Raya Semeling,Semeling,Bedong
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.702538, 100.472131

Kak Siti Satay
Kak Siti 沙爹
Location/位置: Semeling Main Road/Jalan Raya Semeling,Semeling,Bedong
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.702687, 100.472140

Mei Chuan Big Pau/Da Bao
Location/位置: Semeling Main Road/Jalan Raya Semeling,Semeling,Bedong
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.702792, 100.472101

At Satay Semeling
At Satay Semeling 沙爹
Location/位置: Semeling Main Road/Jalan Raya Semeling,Semeling,Bedong
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 5.702904, 100.472095

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Alor Star,Jitra & Kuala Nerang/亚罗士打、日得拉与瓜拉尼浪 

Kulim & Baling/居林与华玲
Website/网址(Caishenye Temple Serdang/西岭财神爷庙):Click here/请按这里
Yan,Pendang & Sik/铅埠、本当与锡
Sungai Petani/双溪大年
Langkawi Island(Pulau Langkawi)/兰卡威(浮罗交怡)
Perlis State/玻璃市州
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...