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Showing posts with label Kampung Air Dingin/冷水村. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kampung Air Dingin/冷水村. Show all posts

Friday 1 April 2022

Area 3 of Kelantan/吉兰丹第三区:Tumpat/道北

Wat Machimmaram/玛晶玛浪坐佛寺
Tumpat(also known as Ttupak) is the district capital & local government seat of Tumpat District & also third largest city of Kelantan where is contains the bus terminal, railway train services, public hospital & immigration checkpoint to Tak Bai of Narathiwat Province of Thailand has been titled as Little Siam/Little Thailand of Malaysia due to several Thai Buddhist temples are built up in here, it is also the terminus of KTM East Coast Line that famous for Muslim religious tourism site related to local religious scholar, late Tok Selehor/Abdul Rahman Othman. The Bijih Bridge/Jambatan Bijih where is the abandoned port for transporting the iron ore during the past is also located in here. 
道北是因这里建立了许多泰式佛寺而被誉为小暹罗/小泰国的拥有公车总站、铁道火车服务、公共医院以及前往泰国陶公府榻拜的边境关卡的道北县的县府与地方政府所在地兼吉兰丹第三大城市,它也以与当地宗教学者已故Tok Selehor/Abdul Rahman Othman穆斯林宗教胜地闻名的马来亚铁道局东海岸路线的终站。从前用以运送铁矿的被废弃的码头比吉桥也坐落在这里。  
Attractions in Tumpat/道北景点:
I.Tian Hou Kong Temple/天后宫:
It is the newly built Chinese temple where is managed by local social organization named Kelantan Hainan Association(吉兰丹海南会馆) that dedicated to Chinese Goddess of Sea, Lord Mazu to replace the old temple & decorated with reliefs, Lord Mazu statue like blessing lamps & wishing well. The Mazu Belief is the Chinese folk belief which is dedicated to the most influential goddess of sea of China who is originally called Lin Moniang(林默娘) that originated from Mazu Temple of Meizhou(湄洲妈祖祖庙) of Putian City in the Fujian Province of China has been described as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.
II.Kite Museum/风筝博物馆:
Kite Museum/Muzium Wau is the second kite museum of Malaysia located near the official venue of Kelantan International Kite Festival known as Sri Tujoh Beach/Geting Beach which is showing the different type of kites of Malaysia & other countries such as Japan, Thailand & Australia etc., it is famous for kites like Wau Bulan, Wau Jala Budi & Wau Kucing etc. The Kite is invented by late Mr.Mozi/Mo Di(墨子/墨翟) or Mr.Lu Ban/Gongshu Ban/Gongshu Pan(鲁班/公输般/公输盘) of Zhou Dynasty of China Civilization that used as tool of signaling & communication for military purpose.

风筝博物馆是位于吉兰丹国际风筝节的官方举办地点斯里都朱海滩附近展示着马来西亚和如日本、泰国和澳大利亚/澳洲等其他国家的不同类型的风筝的全马来西亚第二间风筝博物馆,它以像月亮风筝(Wau Bulan)、吉打传统风筝(Wau Jala Budi)及猫风筝(Wau Kucing)等闻名。风筝是中国周朝的墨子/墨翟先生或鲁班/公输般/公输盘先生所发明用以军事上信号用途以及通讯用途的工具。

III.Pengkalan Kubor Duty Free Zone/彭加兰古堡免税区:
Pengkalan Kubor Duty Free Zone/彭加兰古堡免税区
Pengkalan Kubor Duty Free Zone/彭加兰古堡免税区
Pengkalan Kubor Duty Free Zone/彭加兰古堡免税区
Pengkalan Kubor Duty Free Zone is the duty free zone which is selling the kitchenware, tablewares, clothes, snacks, pillows, blankets, chocolate, street foods & toys etc. Duty Free Shops are the commercial store that selling tourism products whose are exempted from national & international taxes & duties in the international border checkpoint, international seaport, international airport, international train stations & duty free zones etc. & the first duty free shop in the world is located in the Shannon Airport of Shannon of Ireland where is founded by Irish merchant, late Mr.Brendan O'Regan.

彭加兰古堡免税区是售卖着厨具、餐具、服饰、零食、枕头、毯子、巧克力、街头美食和玩具等的免税区。免税商店是在国际边界关卡、国际港口、国际机场、国际火车站与免税区等内售卖着免除国家与国际税务和关税的旅游产品的商店以及全世界第一间免税商店是由爱尔兰商人已故布伦丹·奥雷根(Brendan O'Regan)先生在爱尔兰香农的香农机场内创立。
IV.Wat Phikulthong Buddhist Temple/站佛寺:
Wat Phikulthong Buddhist Temple/站佛寺
It is the Thai Buddhist temple where is contains a huge standing Buddha statue known as Buddhalila which is facing a small Buddha statue & the deity statue known as Phothan Nadam, it is also the first Buddhist temple in Malaysia has been received the royal Kathin(monk robe) from former King of Thailand, late King Bhumibol Adulyadej/Rama IX(ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช), it is comes crowded during the Loy Krathong Festival. Loy Krathong Festival is the Thai/Tai festival which is the festival for thanksgiving the Thai Goddess of Water & also Hindu Goddess of Ganges River, Lord Phra Mae Khongkha/Ganga by making the decorative baskets called Krathong to float on river that held on full moon of 12th Month of Thai Lunar Calendar. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa. 
这是含有一尊面向小型佛像名为Buddhalila 的巨型站佛佛像和名叫Phothan Nadam 的神像的泰式佛寺,它也是在二零零八年成为全马来西亚第一间获得前泰王已故普密蓬·阿杜德/郑固/拉玛九世(King Bhumibol Adulyadej/Rama IX/ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช)赠送皇家僧袍的佛寺,它在水灯节期间充满人潮。水灯节是在每个泰历十二月的满月期间举办的以制造装饰性水灯(Krathong)在河流上漂浮来感恩泰国女水神兼印度恒河女神恒河女神(Phra Mae Khongkha/Ganga)的泰族节庆。 佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。
V.Wat Cheng Buddhavas/大伯公寺:
Wat Cheng Buddhavas/大伯公寺
It is the only Thai Buddhist temple of Malaysia that contains the deities statues of Chinese God of Land, Tua Pek Kong/Tudigong/Dagogong/Fudezhensheng(福德正神/大伯公/土地公) & Taoist God of Moral called Lao Zi/Li Er/Grand Pure One/Supreme Old Lord/Daode Tianzun(老子/李耳/太清/太上老君/道德天尊) & also contains a hundred years old Holy Well/Telaga Nammon. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa. 

VI.Wat Mai Suwankhiri(Dragon Boat Temple)/迈苏旺基里佛寺(龙船寺):
Wat Mai Suwankhiri(Dragon Boat Temple)/迈苏旺基里佛寺(龙船寺)
Wat Mai Suwankhiri(Dragon Boat Temple)/迈苏旺基里佛寺(龙船寺)
Wat Mai Suwankhiri(Dragon Boat Temple)/迈苏旺基里佛寺(龙船寺)
It is the Buddhist mythical beast dragon(Naga) boat shaped Thai Buddhist temple on the water surface, it is also contains a new three storeyed Buddhist temple that contains a Standing Buddha statue about 80 feet high on the rooftop & the wax statue of former Chief Abbot, late Reverend Phor Than Dee & the shrine that enshrined & preserved the corpse of late Reverend Phor Than Dee. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa. 
这是建在水面上佛教传说神兽那伽龙王(Naga)船形状的佛寺的泰式佛寺,它也拥有另一间新建的拥有一座约八十尺高的站佛在屋顶上及含有前佛寺住持已故昙迪(Phor Than Dee)长老的蜡像的三层楼佛寺还有安置与保存着已故昙迪长老的遗体的大殿。佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。  

VII.Kampung Laut Art Heritage Square(Laman Warisan Seni Kampung Laut)/甘榜拉务艺术遗产广场:
It is the town square with wooden mosque which is the one of oldest mosques in Malaysia about over 200 years that built without nails & moved from original site from Kampung Laut to the Nilam Puri of Ketereh on 1967 due to flooding & moved back to Kampung Laut on 2022 known as Kampung Laut Mosque. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia. Located near the mosque is the Kampung Laut Serunding Heritage Square/Laman Warisan Serunding Kampung Laut which is selling the meat floss/Serunding.
这是拥有建于约超过两百年在一九六七年因水灾而从甘榜拉务原地迁移到格底里尼兰布里(Nilam Puri)后在二零二二年迁回甘榜拉务的无需铁钉制造的木制清真寺同时也是全马来西亚其中一间最古老的清真寺甘榜拉务清真寺的市镇广场。伊斯兰教是由先知穆罕默德/穆圣所创立以星月为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是沙特阿拉伯麦加的禁寺。位于清真寺附近就是售卖着肉丝(Serunding)的甘榜拉务肉丝文化广场。
VIII.Wat Machimmaram/玛晶玛浪坐佛寺:
Wat Machimmaram/玛晶玛浪坐佛寺
It is the Thai Buddhist temple where is named after the Pali word Machimmaram means the temple located in the middle due to its location is in the middle of the three Buddhist temples in the Kampung Jubakar while the Thai army are guarded during the World War II that is also contains Thai language school, it is contains the largest sitting Buddha statue of Malaysia which is representing the Buddha is practicing meditation that contains the largest Buddha Heart in the Malaysia located in the core of the statue, largest Buddha mouth of Malaysia, largest Buddhist prayer beads of Malaysia on the forehead of Buddha statue & largest Lotus Seat of Malaysia about 30m high & 47m wide, it is famous for the well-historic sandalwood made Buddha statue, the local famous Buddhist monk, late Reverend Phor Than Thit is also the former chief abbot of this temple. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa. 
这间是因其位置坐落在第二世界大战期间泰国军队驻守的甘榜珠巴卡的三间佛寺的中间而以巴利文Machimmaram 意译为中间的庙来命名的拥有泰文学校的泰式佛寺,它拥有约三十米高与四十七米宽的含有位于佛像核心内的全马来西亚最大的佛心、全马来西亚最大的佛口、在佛像的额头上的全马来西亚最大的佛珠与全马来西亚最大的莲花座等象征着正在冥想中的佛陀的全马来西亚最大的坐佛佛像,它以其充满历史性的檀香木佛像闻名,当地著名佛教僧侣已故昙铁(Phor Than Thit)长老也是这间佛寺的前住持。佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。 
IX.Wat Photivihan(Photivihan Buddhist Temple)/菩提树佛寺(大卧佛寺):
Wat Photivihan(Photivihan Buddhist Temple)/菩提树佛寺(大卧佛寺)
 It is the Thai Buddhist temple where is named after the largest & oldest Bodhi tree of Kelantan which is originated from Sri Lanka is still surviving near the Reclining Buddha statue because this Bodhi tree is planted by the chief abbot of the past called late Reverend Phor Than Phor, it is famous for the largest reclining Buddha statue of Malaysia which is representing the Buddha has been attained the Nirvana that contains columbarium below the statue about 40m long. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. Thai temple/Wat is the religious precinct that consists of temple, vihara/monastery, ubosot/ordination hall, mondop & chedi/stupa. 
这间是因当时的佛寺住持已故普昙普(Phor Than Phor)长老种植了一棵源自于斯里兰卡的菩提树而以这棵依然生长在卧佛佛像旁的全吉兰丹最大兼最老的菩提树来命名的泰式佛寺,它以约四十米长代表着佛陀达到涅磐境界及拥有骨灰殿在底下的全马来西亚最大的卧佛佛像闻名。佛教是由释迦牟尼/佛陀创立以五色佛教旗与法轮为主要标志的宗教,其最标志性的建筑物就是印度菩提伽耶的摩诃菩提寺。泰国佛寺是一间拥有佛寺、精舍(Vihara)、僧戒堂(Ubosot)、佛亭(Mondop)与佛塔(Chedi)的宗教区域。

Food around Tumpat/道北周围美食:
In the Tumpat, visitors can buying the fish crackers in the Kelaboran Jaya Enterprise(Cap Ikan Bawal) & tasting the Khao Jam which is the rice cuisine that made with over 40 herbs, coconut slices, cucumber slices, Budu & fried fish etc. in the Khao Jam Mea Thong. In the Palekbang, visitors can buying the Akok/Akok Kedut which is the traditional pastry that made with duck eggs, coconut milk, palm sugar & pandan leaves by baking inside the iron molds with charcoal & coconut shells in the roadside stall called Kak Nab. After that, visitors can tasting the Nasi Berlauk(Malay mixed curry rice of East Coast Region of Peninsular Malaysia) which is originated from Kampung Air Dingin called Nasi Air Dingin in the Husna Nasi Berlauk & Nasi Berlauk Kak Chik. Next, visitors can tasting the coconut shell baked chicken by covering the chicken with biscuit box to bake on the coconut shells oven in the Restaurant Kampung Kulim by booking first & tasting the Thai cuisine such as Standing Chicken/Volcanic Chicken which is the standing style like baked chicken with wooden stick that surrounded by flame in the Chengmai Thai Food Restaurant whose located in the Wakaf Bharu.
在道北,游客可在Kelaboran Jaya Enterprise(Cap Ikan Bawal) 购买炸鱼饼以及Khao Jam Mea Thong 内品尝以超过四十种草药、椰丝、青瓜丝、吉兰丹鱼露和炸鱼等来制造的米饭佳肴青叶饭。在巴力邦,游客可购买路边摊位Kak Nab 的用鸭蛋、椰浆、椰糖和香兰叶/班兰叶来制造的在铁模内以木炭与椰壳烘烤而成的东海岸传统糕点(Akok/Akok Kedut)。然后,游客可在Husna Nasi Berlauk 和Nasi Berlauk Kak CHIK 内品尝到源自于冷水村(Kampung Air Dingin)名称为冷水村东海岸咖喱饭(Nasi Air Dingin)的东海岸马来杂菜咖喱饭(Nasi Berlauk)。接下来, 游客可在位于华卡峇鲁的Restaurant Kampung Kulim 以预订先来品尝到以饼箱盖着鸡在椰壳烤炉中烧烤的椰壳烤鸡与在清迈泰式餐馆(Chengmai Thai Food Restaurant)品尝泰式佳肴如火焰包围着用木杆插着的相似站立的烤鸡的火山鸡。

Budu Ketereh
Budu Ketereh 吉兰丹鱼露
Location/位置: Main Road(Route D174)/Jalan Besar,Pengkalan Kubor
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.231116, 102.098881
Kelaboran Jaya Enterprise Fish Crackers,Prawn Crackers & Squid Crackers
Kelaboran Jaya Enterprise 炸鱼饼、炸虾饼与章鱼饼
Location/位置: Setia Utama Road/Jalan Setia Utama,Kelaboran
Khao Jam Mea Thong Khao Jam,Som Tam,Congee/Rice Porridge & Barbequed Chicken Wings
Khao Jam Mea Thong 青叶饭、青木瓜沙拉、粥与烤鸡翅
Location/位置: Terbok-Kelaboran Belukar Road(Route D21)/Jalan Terbok-K.Belukar,Kelaboran
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.184854, 102.166640

Jungkau Boat Noodle
Jungkau Boat Noodle 腌猪肉猪血果条汤
Location/位置: Route 134
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.184721, 102.109044

Coconut,Coconut Ice Cream & Som Tam(located inside the Wat Photivihan/Photivihan Buddhist Temple)
Location/位置: Route D23
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.130704, 102.137022
Husna Nasi Berlauk/Nasi Air Dingin
Husna Nasi Berlauk 冷水村东海岸咖喱饭
Location/位置: Tumpat Road(Route D21)/Jalan Tumpat,Kampung Air Dingin
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.171972, 102.186361
Nasi Berlauk Kak Chik Nasi Air Dingin
Nasi Berlauk Kak Chik 冷水村东海岸咖喱饭
Location/位置: Tumpat Road(Route D21)/Jalan Tumpat,Kampung Berangan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.161417, 102.196472
Kak Nab Akok/Akok Kedut
Kak Nab 东海岸传统糕点
Location/位置: Wakaf Bharu-Palekbang Road/Jalan Wakaf Bharu-Palekbang,Palekbang
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):
6.145833, 102.218611

Serunding Hjh.Ramlah Salleh
Serunding Hjh.Ramlah Salleh 肉丝
Location/位置: Hulu Market,Kampung Laut
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.153708, 102.230937

Chengmai Thai Food Restaurant Pla Khengsom/Thai Steamed Fish,Nam Phrik Kapee/Thai Spicy Cold Dishes,Pandan Chicken,Siamese Pork Knuckle & Standing Chicken(Night)
Location/位置: Kampung Kulim,Wakaf Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.111278, 102.192071

Restaurant Kampung Kulim Coconut Shell Baked Chicken,Hong Bak,Belut Paprik,Samchan Budu & Udang Tanghun(Night)
Restaurant Kampung Kulim 椰壳烤鸡、封肉、辣炒鳝鱼、发酵鱼酱炒猪肉与炒冬粉虾(晚上)
Location/位置: Kampung Kulim,Wakaf Bharu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 6.112435, 102.193691
*Need to walking across the railway track.
Tel for Reservation/预订拨电: 609-7199491

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Kota Bharu/哥打峇鲁
Kampung Pulai & Gua Musang/布赖与话望生
Website/网址(Lojing Highlands/罗京高原):Click here/请按这里


Kuala Krai & Tanah Merah/瓜拉吉赖与丹那美拉

Bachok & Pasir Puteh/万捷与巴西富地
Pasir Mas,Jeli & Dabong/巴西马、日里与达蓬

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...