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Showing posts with label Lubok Antu/鲁勃安都. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2024

Area 1 of Sarawak/砂拉越(沙捞越)第一区:Petra Jaya,Kuching,Serian & Simanggang/博特拉再也、古晋、西连与成邦江

Petra Jaya,Kuching,Serian & Simanggang/博特拉再也、古晋、西连与成邦江:
Petra Jaya/博特拉再也:
Petra Jaya(also known as Kuching North) is the state administrative centre of Sarawak & also former capital of Kingdom of Sarawak even local government seat of North Kuching City Hall/Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara where is named after the sixth King/Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia & also former Sultan of Kelantan, late Sultan Yahya Petra that famous for the geographical indication of Sarawak called Sarawak Layer Cake/Kek Lapis Sarawak & Ikan Terubuk Masin, it is also contains the Sarawak Stadium & future autonomous rapid transit services, it has been awarded the International Awards for Liveable Communities on 2012. Located near the Petra Jaya is the Santubong where is the former capital of Sultanate of Sarawak/Kesultanan Sarawak Darul Hana that famous for its Mount Santubong/Gunung Santubong, largest archaeological site of Malaysia called Santubong Archaeological Park & dolphins watching has been listed as one of geosite of Sarawak Delta National Geopark/Sarawak Delta Geopark.
博特拉再也(另名为古晋北区)是以第六任马来西亚国王/最高元首兼吉兰丹前苏丹已故苏丹叶海亚·贝特拉(Sultan Yahya Petra)来命名的以砂拉越/沙捞越的地理标志产品砂拉越/沙捞越千层糕以及咸长尾鱼闻名的砂拉越/沙捞越的州行政中心兼砂拉越/沙捞越王国的旧都城甚至是古晋北区市政局(Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara)的地方政府所在地,它也拥有砂拉越/沙捞越体育馆以及
Attractions in Petra Jaya/博特拉再也景点:
IX.Borneo Samariang Resort City/婆罗洲三马连度假城(Closed/已关闭)
XV.Wallace Centre/华莱士别墅(Under Renovation/修复中)
Attractions in Petra Jaya/博特拉再也景点:
Astana is the official residence of Governor/Yang Dipertua Negeri of Sarawak where is the former palace of White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak that built in 1870 as the bridal gift for Ranee of second White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Rajah Charles Brooke called late Ranee Margaret Alice Lili de Windt, it also served as the Governor office & official venue of Governor's Birthday celebration & Premier sworn in ceremony etc. Kingdom of Sarawak/Brooke Dynasty is the British built Kingdom of Sarawak that founded by White Rajah James Brooke on 1841 & ended with White Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke on 1946. Governor/Yang Dipertua Negeri is the ceremonial head of state of Sarawak state.

建于一八七零年的阿斯塔纳宫是作为第二任砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国王/白人拉惹已故拉惹查尔斯·布鲁克(Charles Brooke)的皇后已故Margaret Alice Lili de Windt 皇后的婚礼礼物的前沙捞越/砂拉越王国白人拉惹的皇宫兼砂拉越/沙捞越州元首的官方住所,它也作为州元首办公室和州元首诞辰典礼和总理宣誓典礼的举办地点。砂拉越(沙捞越)王国/布鲁克王朝是从一八四一年国王/白人拉惹詹姆斯·布鲁克(James Brooke)所创立至一八四六年国王/白人拉惹查尔斯·维纳·布鲁克(Charles Vyner Brooke)为结束的英国人在砂拉越/沙捞越所建立的王国。州元首(Yang Dipertua Negeri)是砂拉越/沙捞越州的象征性州长。

II.Pengkalan Sapi/瑟拉比码头:
Beware of crocodiles.
Pengkalan Sapi is the riverfront park & also pier of water taxi/bot penambang services of Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak located near the Darul Hana Bridge & Astana where is contains the pedestrian walkway & car park etc.

III.D.B.K.U.Orchid Park/古晋北区市政局兰花园:
It is the orchid gardens of Kuching North City Hall/Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara(D.B.K.U.) which is famous for its state flower of Sarawak, Normah Orchid. Orchids is one of the largest family of flowering plants in the world & some type of orchids are the national flowers of some countries like Singapore. 

IV.State Legislative Assembly Building/砂拉越(沙捞越)州立法议会大厦:
It is the state legislative seat of Sarawak for replacing the old building on the 2009 where is the largest & oldest legislative assembly of Malaysia that founded on 1867 in Bintulu.


V.Fort Margherita(Brooke Gallery)/马格丽达古堡(布鲁克展览厅):
It is former fortress of Kingdom of Sarawak & also former police museum which is named after the former Ranee of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Ranee Margaret Alice Lili de Windt that built in 1880 has been turned into the museum that displaying the history of Kingdom of Sarawak like family tree of Brooke Dynasty, national flag of Kingdom of Sarawak & portrait & bust of first White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Rajah James Brooke, coat of arms of Kingdom of Sarawak, badger from Astana can be found on coat of arms of Kingdom of Sarawak & national anthem of Kingdom of Sarawak etc., it is provided volunteer programme, the museum is also contains the mausoleum of royal family members of Kingdom of Sarawak including the last Rajah Muda of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Rajah Muda Anthony Brooke called Brooke Family Graveyard. Kingdom of Sarawak/Brooke Dynasty is the British built Kingdom of Sarawak that founded by White Rajah James Brooke on 1841 & ended with White Rajah Charles Vyner Brooke on 1946.
这是建于一八八零年以前砂拉越/沙捞越王国的皇后已故Margaret Alice Lili de Windt 皇后来命名的砂拉越/沙捞越王国的前堡垒兼前警察博物馆,现已改为提供志工计划的展览着砂拉越/沙捞越王国的历史像布鲁克王朝的家族族谱、砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国旗与砂拉越/沙捞越王国第一任国王/白人拉惹已故国王/白人拉惹詹姆斯·布鲁克(James Brooke)肖像画和半人身塑像、砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国徽、在砂拉越/沙捞越王国国徽可找到的来自阿斯塔纳宫的獾以及砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国歌等的博物馆,这间博物馆也拥有包括砂拉越/沙捞越王国最后一任王储已故安东尼·布鲁克王储(Anthony Brooke)在内砂拉越/沙捞越王国皇室成员的陵墓布鲁克墓园。砂拉越(沙捞越)王国/布鲁克王朝是从一八四一年国王/白人拉惹詹姆斯·布鲁克(James Brooke)所创立至一八四六年国王/白人拉惹查尔斯·维纳·布鲁克(Charles Vyner Brooke)为结束的英国人在砂拉越/沙捞越所建立的王国。
VI.Ibu Pertiwi Square(Dataran Ibu Pertiwi)/祖国广场:
Ibu Pertiwi Square/Dataran Ibu Pertiwi is the square located near the Fort Margherita & State Legislative Assembly Building of Sarawak where is contains the tallest flagpole of Malaysia & South East Asia that holding the State Flag of Sarawak called Ibu Pertiwi(means Motherland) about 99m tall called Ibu Pertiwi Flagpole, the flag raising ceremony will be held on first Sunday of every month.
祖国广场是位于马格丽达古堡与砂拉越/沙捞越州立法议会大厦附近约九十九米高的挂着砂拉越/沙捞越州旗祖国(Ibu Pertiwi)的东南亚与马来西亚最高的旗杆祖国旗杆的广场,升旗仪式将在每个月的第一个星期日进行。
VII.Eco Mall/Eco Mall 广场:
Eco Mall is the shopping mall which is owned by local Malaysian entrepreneur, Eco Mall Sdn.Bhd. that famous for largest cat mural of Malaysia about 76m long & 17.3m high that created by local artist from Penang, Mr.Simon Tan(陈逸宽) called Eco Mao. Mural is already appeared during the Paleolithic era & the first shopping mall in the world is believed to be the Trajan's Market from Rome of Italy.
Eco Mall 广场是由马来西亚本地企业Eco Mall 有限公司(Eco Mall Sdn.Bhd.)所经营的以由来自槟城/槟榔屿的陈逸宽先生所创造的名叫Eco Mao 的约七十六米长及十七点三米高的全马来西亚最大的猫壁画闻名的购物广场。壁画在旧石器时代就已经出现了以及全世界第一间购物广场相信是意大利罗马的图拉真市场。
VIII.Cat Museum/猫博物馆:
Cat Museum is the first cat museum in the world located inside the Kuching North City Hall/Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara(D.B.K.U.) with four galleries where is displaying the cat themed memorabila about over 4000 including the private collections of former director of Department of National Museum/Jabatan Muzium Negara, late Mr.Shahrum Yub, collections of Garfield & collections of Hello Kitty etc. & also history of Kuching like naming of Kuching & history of first capital of Sarawak called Santubong etc. even the resources related to Felidae such as cat cultures in different ethnic groups & different themes of the world including comics, theatre, arts, stamps, funerals, advertisement & music etc. House Cats are the animals whose have poor colour vision but their night vision & sense of smell are better than human & also can hearing ultrasound.
猫博物馆是含有四间展览厅来展览着包括名为已故Shahrum Yub 先生的前国家博物馆局(Jabatan Muzium Negara)总监的私人收藏品、加菲猫收藏与吉蒂猫收藏等超过四千个猫主题纪念物还有古晋的历史象古晋的命名和砂拉越/沙捞越第一座首都山都望的历史等甚至与猫科相关的资讯如包括漫画、剧院、艺术、邮票、丧礼、广告和音乐等在内世界不同民族及不同主题的猫文化的位于古晋北区市政局内的全世界第一间猫博物馆。家猫是一群低彩色视力但夜间视力与嗅觉优越过人类及也可听见超声波的动物。 

IX.Buntal Fishermen's Village(Kampung Buntal)/文丹渔村:
It is the Malay fishermen's village of Santubong which is named after the Buntal River/Sungai Buntal that famous for mangrove walkway called Buntal Esplanade, homestay, Chinese seafood restaurants, migratory birds about over 30 species such as Far Eatern Curlew & Nordmann's Greenshank etc., Belacan, Cincalok & seafoods like razor shells/Ambal(harvesting from October to February) & jellyfishes(harvesting during March or April) etc. Malay is the ethnic group which are majority lived in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore & Brunei.


X.Sungai Jaong Heritage Site/查翁河:
Sungai Jaong is the one of archaeological sites of Santubong Archaeological Park located in the creek called Jaong Creek/Sungai Jaong which is the ancient iron smelting site has been discovered iron slag & heritage artifacts from Tang Dynasty & Song Dynasty of China that contains the 10 mysterious bas reliefs & images of human figure, symbols & faces called Picture Rock/Batu Gambar.
查翁河(另名为双溪查翁/查王河/双溪查王)是位于名叫查翁河的小溪内含有十座人形、标记与面颊的神秘浮雕与图案人像石雕(Batu Gambar)同时也是找到铁渣与中国唐朝和宋朝的历史文物的古代炼铁区的山都望考古公园的考古区之一。
XI.Mausoleum of Sultan Tengah/苏丹登雅陵墓:
Mausoleum of Sultan Tengah is the final resting site of only Sultan of Sultanate of Sarawak/Kesultanan Sarawak Darul Hana, Sultan Tengah
/Sultan Ibrahim Ali Omar Shah. Sultanate of Sarawak/Kesultanan Sarawak Darul Hana is the Malay kingdom which is started from 1598 until the assassination of Sultan Tengah on 1641 with its capital is Santubong.

砂拉越/沙捞越苏丹国唯一一任苏丹苏丹登雅(Sultan Tengah/Sultan Ibrahim Ali Omar Shah)的长眠之地。砂拉越/沙捞越苏丹国是以山都望为都城从一五九八年开始直到苏丹登雅在一六四一年被暗杀为结束的马来王国。

XII.Bongkissam & Bukit Maras/王吉善与武吉马拉斯山(望基三和武吉马拉):
Bongkissam & Bukit Maras is the one of archaeological sites of Santubong Archaeological Park where is the only Hindu-Buddhism monument of Sarawak has been discovered the heritage artifacts related to Hinduism & Buddhism like ritual box & Buddha statuette etc.

XIII.Crocodile Rock(Batu Buaya/Batu Boyak)/鳄鱼石:
*Beware of crocodiles
Crocodile Rock is the crocodile head shaped like rock located in the beach of Kampung Santubong(formerly known as Pasir Kuning) near the river estuary of Santubong River/Sungai Santubong where is believed to be the assassination site of only Sultan of Sultanate of Sarawak/Kesultanan Sarawak Darul Hana, Sultan Tengah/Sultan Ibrahim Ali Omar Shah on 1641 that only appeared during the low tide, some believed that the rock is formed by a crocodile has been killed by one of Princes of Majapahit Empire, Datu Merpati Jepang(after known as local leader of Kampung Santubong) & then cursing its head into rock. There are some huge rocks that contains mysterious rock arts whose are surrounded the Crocodile Rock.
鳄鱼石是位于山都望河的河口附近的甘榜山都望(前名为巴西谷宁)的海滩上低潮期间出现的相似鳄鱼头的岩石,它相信是在一六四一年砂拉越/沙捞越苏丹国唯一一任苏丹苏丹登雅(Sultan Tengah/Sultan Ibrahim Ali Omar Shah)被暗杀的地点,有人相信此石是由满者伯夷帝国其中一位王子拿督末巴迪哲邦(Datu Merpati Jepang)(后成为甘榜山都望的当地领袖)杀掉一只鳄鱼后诅咒它的头成为石头而来。在鳄鱼石周围拥有神秘岩画的巨石群。

XIV.Wallace Centre/华莱士别墅:
-Under Renovation/修复中

Wallace Centre(formerly known as Wallace Point) is the former residence of British naturalist, late Mr.Alfred Russel Wallace during his stay in Sarawak for writing the Sarawak Law which is related to Theory of Evolution. Alfred Russel Wallace is the British naturalist, anthropologist, biologist, explorer & geographer who is founded the Thoery of Evolution through Natural Selection has been influenced the Theory of Evolution of British biologist & also geologist, late Mr.Charles Darwin.

Alfred Russel Wallace)先生在砂拉越/沙捞越撰写有关进化论的沙捞越定律/砂拉越法则(Sarawak Law)期间的故居。阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士是创立了影响了英国生物学家兼地质学家已故查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)先生的进化论的自然选择理论的英国博物学家、人类学家、生物学家、探索家与地理学家。
XV.Santubong National Park/山都望国家公园:
Santubong National Park is the national park & also mountain hiking area which is contains the Mount Santubong/Gunung Santubong about 810m tall that famous for its legend of Princess Santubong & waterfalls, this national park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation is need to visit by booking first. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

山都望国家公园是拥有以山都望公主的传说闻名的约八百一十米高的山都望山和瀑布的的国家公园兼登山区,这座砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国家公园
XVI.Damai Beach/达迈海滩:
Damai Beach is the beach recreational area with food court & accomodation facilities etc. where is facing the South China Sea that famous for its hornbill sculpture. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.
XVII.Sarawak Cultural Village/砂拉越(沙捞越)文化村:
Sarawak Cultural Village is the only living museum of Sarawak which is contains the traditional houses of major ethnic groups of Sarawak: Iban, Bidayuh, Malay, Chinese, Melanau, Penan & Orang Ulu & also provided the sculpture park which is created on International Stone Sculptors Camp on 2003, cultural shows, dancing & music classes & interactive music workshop etc., it is comes crowded during the Rainforest World Music Festival. Iban is the ethnic group whose are majority lived in Sarawak of Malaysia, Brunei & West Kalimantan of Indonesia. Bidayuh is the ethnic group whose are majority lived in the Southern Sarawak of Malaysia & Northern Region of West Kalimantan of Indonesia. Malay is the ethnic group which are majority lived in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore & Brunei. Chinese/Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group in the world which are majority lived in China, Thailand, Indonesia, United States, Malaysia & Singapore. Melanau is the ethnic group of Sarawak whose are majority lived in the Central Sarawak. Penan is the nomadic ethnic group whose are majority lived in the Northern Sarawak of Malaysia & Brunei. Orang Ulu is the ethnic group of Sarawak whose are majority lived in North East Sarawak.
i.Chinese Farmhouse
-visitors can learning the architectural style of this house with pepper gardens.
ii.Malay House
-visitors can learning the traditional Malay games like Gasing/Spinning Top & Congkak etc.
iii.Melanau Tall House
-visitors can learning the making process of sago & tasting the sago pearls & sago biscuits.
iv.Orang Ulu Longhouse
-visitors can admiring the body tattooing arts, fighting sword, totem pole & musical performances etc.
v.Penan Hut
-visitors can learning the making process of blowpipe.
vi.Persada Ilmu
-the learning centre with dance studio, library, costume gallery & creativity room etc.
vii.Rainforest Stage
-official venue of Rainforest World Music Festival.
viii.Iban Longhouse 
-visitors can looking the Pua Kumbu weaving, hanging skulls & musical performances etc.
ix.Bidayuh Longhouse
-visitors can experience the sugarcane crushing, paddy pounding & winnowing rice.
x.Rainforest Music House
-it is collected the musical instruments around the world.
xi.Cultural Show
-the stage where is peformed the traditional dances of Sarawak on morning & afternoon.
xii.Restaurant Budaya
-the restaurant which is selling the local cuisine of Sarawak.
xiii.Handicrafts Shop
-it is selling the local handicrafts such as headgears & beadworks etc.

砂拉越/沙捞越文化村是拥有砂拉越/沙捞越主要民族: 伊班人、比达友人、马来人、华人、马兰诺人、本南人和乌鲁人的传统房屋还提供在二零零三年国际石雕大师营所创造的雕塑公园、文化表演、舞蹈与音乐课程和音乐互动工作室等的全砂拉越/沙捞越唯一一间活博物馆,它在热带雨林世界音乐节期间吸引人潮。伊班族是大多数居住在马来西亚的砂拉越/沙捞越、文莱/汶莱和印尼的西加里曼丹的民族。比达友族是大多数居住在马来西亚砂拉越/沙捞越南部和印尼西加里曼丹北部的民族。马来族是一个大多数居住在马来西亚、印尼、泰国、新加坡与文莱/汶莱的民族。华人/汉族是大多数居住在中国、泰国、印尼、美国、马来西亚与新加坡的全世界最大的民族。马兰诺族是大多数居住在砂拉越/沙捞越中部的砂拉越/沙捞越民族。本南族是大多数居住在马来西亚的砂拉越/沙捞越北部与文莱/汶莱的游牧民族。乌鲁族是大多数居住在砂拉越/沙捞越东北部的砂拉越/沙捞越民族。
-游客可观看普哇库布(Pua Kumbu)纺织、悬挂头颅和音乐表演等。
XVIII.Kuching Wetlands National Park/古晋湿地国家公园:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
It is the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park has been described as RAMSAR Site where is breeding the endangered species like Proboscis Monkey & Irrawaddy Dolphin etc. that need to arrive by booking the river cruise from tour operators, it is also one of geosites of Sarawak Delta National Geopark/Sarawak Delta Geopark. The wetland area is the ecosystem where can functioning as flood control, water purification & shoreline stabilization. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance is established in Ramsar of Iran on 1971.


XIX.Talang-Satang National Park/打浪-沙当国家公园:
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Talang-Satang National Park is the national park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation located on South China Sea where is the first marine national park of Sarawak that consists of four islands(Talang Besar Island/Pulau Talang Besar, Talang Kecil Island/Pulau Talang Kecil, Satang Besar Island/Pulau Satang Besar & Satang Kecil Island/Pulau Satang Kecil), it is famous for the hatchery of Green Sea Turtle & Hawksbill Sea Turtle, it is also one of geosites of Sarawak Delta National Geopark/Sarawak Delta Geopark, it is only can visiting by booking the day trips or sea turtles volunteer programme or booking snorkeling & scuba diving tour from national park office. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. The sea turtle is the reptile which is the female will be back to the beach to dig a hole for laying eggs after mating that their eggs are temperature-dependent sex determination(T.S.D.).

打浪-沙当国家公园是位于南海/南中国海上含有四座岛屿(大打浪岛、小打浪岛、大沙当岛和小沙当岛)的砂拉越/沙捞越第一座海洋国家公园兼砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国家公园,它以绿蠵龟和玳瑁孵蛋区闻名,它也是砂拉越/沙捞越三角洲国家地质公园的地质区之一,它只可从国家公园办公室那里预订一日游或海龟志工计划或浮潜和潜水活动导览游来参观。浮潜相信是源自于希腊的古克里特文明与在现代才发展成为潜水。海龟是一种雌性在交配后回到海滩上挖洞生蛋的其蛋是温度决定性别机制的爬行类动物。

The Tourist Attractions has been closed or current operating is unknown:
I.Borneo Samariang Resort City/婆罗洲三马连度假城:
Borneo Samariang Resort City is the integrated resort where is opened by local Malaysian entrepreneur called Sentoria Group that contains the water park. The first amusement park in the world is the Dyrehavsbakken/Bakken that located in the Copenhagen of Denmark.

婆罗洲三马连度假城是由马来西亚本地企业建乐集团(Sentoria Group)所开含有水上乐园的综合性度假村。全世界第一间游乐园是丹麦哥本哈根的巴根游乐园。

Food in Petra Jaya/博特拉再也美食:
In the Petra Jaya, visitors can buying the Sarawak Layer Cake/Kek Lapis Sarawak which is the multi layered & multi coloured cake that originated from Spekkoek/Lapis Legit/Spekuk of Indonesia in the Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah & Mira Cake House.
在博特拉再也,游客可在Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah 和Mira Cake House 购买到源自于印尼的印尼千层糕(Spekkoek/Lapis Legit/Spekuk)的多层与多种颜色的蛋糕砂拉越/沙捞越千层糕。
Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah Sarawak Layer Cake/Kek Lapis Sarawak
Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah 砂拉越/沙捞越千层糕
Location/位置: Gersik Road/Jalan Gersik(Located near the mosque/位于清真寺附近)
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.560867, 110.353786

Mira Cake House Sarawak Layer Cake/Kek Lapis Sarawak
Mira Cake House 砂拉越/沙捞越千层糕
Location/位置: Kampung Pulo Ulu Road/Jalan Kampung Pulo Ulu
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.560164, 110.352288
Kuching South is the state capital & largest city of Sarawak & divisional capital of Kuching Division & also district capital of Kuching District even the local government seat of South Kuching City Council/Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan where its name is believed to be derived from Malay word means cat or trading port of India called Cochin or Chinese words, 古井 means ancient well that contains the headquarters of Sarawak Energy Berhad, Sarawak Forestry Corporation, Regional Corridor Developement Authority(RECODA)/Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy(SCORE) and Malaysian Pepper Board/Lembaga Lada Malaysia(MPB), Borneo Convention Centre Kuching(B.C.C.K.), free trade zone, public hospitals, bus terminal called Kuching Central/Kuching Sentral Bus Terminal, future autonomous rapid transit services(built on the former railway track), water taxi services, express boat services, commercial seaport & international airport services has been titled as World Crafts City, Cat City & City of Unity/Bandaraya Perpaduan, it is also famous for its tungsten ore, antimony ore, handicrafts like Songket, Pua Kumbu & Keringkam etc. & street foods such as Kolo Mee, Butter Bun, Sarawak Layered Cake/Kek Lapis Sarawak, Sarawak Laksa, Heng Hua Pa Mee, Cha Kueh, Ketchup Noodles, Kacangma Chicken, Belacan Mee Hoon, Mee Jawa Rabak, Gula Apong Fried Mee, Hong Choi Pia/Guek Pia, Three Layer Tea/Teh C Special, White Lady, Red Ice, Matterhorn/Matehon, Gula Apong Ice Cream & Shaomai etc. has been described as UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy on 2021, it is also the official venue of Kuching Food Festival with live performances which is used to commemorate the anniversary of upgrading the city status of South Kuching, it is also the birthplace of famous waterbrush painter, late Mr.Yong Mun Sen(楊曼生) has been titled as Father of Contemporary Fine Arts of Malaysia, famous film director, Mr.Tsai Ming-liang(蔡明亮) who has been awarded several international films awards from China, Italy & Germany, local famous Chinese calligrapher, late Mr.Baoyao Shen(沈保耀) who is famous for calligraphy artworks like "浪迹浮沤吟稿", "神州去来", "三色水", "牧笛", "澹园忆日" & "书湖诗海遨游选"  and Mr.Nicholas Teo(张栋梁) who is local singer that famous for cover the song of "黄昏" of Chinese Taiwan singer, Mr.Steve Chou Chuan-huing/Xiao Gang(周传雄/小刚) etc., the first shop of international fast food chain of Sarawak since 1979 known as Sugarbun, oldest newspaper of Sarawak since 1870 called Sarawak Gazette, oldest Chinese newspaper of Sarawak since 1913 called Shen Won Kie Min Sing Pao(新闻启明星期报) & oldest Malay newspaper of Sarawak since 1930 called Fajar Sarawak, the Kuching has been awarded the International Awards for Liveable Communities on 2012. The sister cities of Kuching are Johor Bahru of Malaysia, Bandung City, Pontianak & Singkawang of Indonesia, Zhenjiang, Xiamen, Kunming, Dali of China, Guro of South Korea & Jeddah of Saudi Arabia. Located near the Kuching is the Kota Samarahan where is the divisional capital of Samarahan Division, district capital of Samarahan District & local government seat of Kota Samarahan Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Kota Samarahan that served as satellite town of Kuching has been titled as Town of Knowledge/Kota Ilmu because of University of Malaysia Sarawak/Universiti Malaysia Sarawak(UNIMAS).

古晋南区(前名为龟精)是被誉为世界手艺城、猫城和团结城的其名字相信源自于马来文Kuching 意译为猫或印度贸易码头科钦或中文古井的的砂拉越(沙捞越)的州首府与最大城市兼古晋省的省会与古晋县的县府甚至是古晋南区市政厅(Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan)的地方政府所在地,它拥有砂拉越/沙捞越能源公司(Sarawak Energy)、砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)、区域走廊发展机构/砂拉越(沙捞越)再生能源走廊(RECODA/SCORE)与马来西亚胡椒局(MPB)的总部、古晋婆罗洲会展中心、自由贸易区、公共医院、公车总站古晋中央车站(Kuching Sentral)、在前火车铁轨上建造的未来智轨电车服务、水上计程车服务、快艇服务、商业码头与国际机场服务,它在二零二一年被列为联合国教科文组织创意饮食城市以及也以其钨矿、锑矿、像宋吉布(Songket)、普哇库布(Pua Kumbu)和砂拉越(沙捞越)马来传统刺绣(Keringkam)等手工艺术品及街头美食如哥罗面、牛油包、砂拉越(沙捞越)千层糕、砂拉越(沙捞越)叻沙、兴化打面、炒粿、茄汁面、益母草酒鸡、峇拉煎米粉、拉芭爪哇面、亚答糖炒甜面、风吹饼/风吹皮/烘吹饼/风筝饼/月饼、三色奶茶、白雪公主(White Lady)、红眼睛(Red Ice)、马特洪峰(Matterhorn/Matehon)、亚答糖冰淇淋/亚答糖雪糕和烧卖/烧米等闻名,它也是用以纪念古晋南区升格为市周年纪念的含有现场表演的古晋美食节的官方举办地点,它也是被誉为马来西亚现代美术之父的著名水彩画家已故楊曼生先生、获得许多来自中国、意大利和德国等的国际电影奖项的著名导演蔡明亮先生、以《 浪迹浮沤吟稿》、《神州去来》、《三色水》、《牧笛》、《澹园忆日》与《书湖诗海遨游选》等书法闻名的本地著名中文书法家已故沈保耀先生及以翻唱中国台湾歌手周传雄/小刚先生的歌曲《黄昏》闻名的本地歌手张栋梁先生的出生地以及创立于一九七九年的砂拉越/沙捞越的国际快餐连锁店舒戈邦(Sugarbun)第一间店、创立于一八七零年的全砂拉越/沙捞越最古老的报纸《砂拉越公报》(Sarawak Gazette)、创立于一九一三年的全砂拉越/沙捞越最古老的中文报纸《新闻启明星期报》与创立于一九三零年的全砂拉越/沙捞越最古老的马来文报纸《砂拉越曙光》(Fajar Sarawak)的诞生地,古晋在二零一二年获得国际花园城市竞赛活动/全球最适宜居住城市国际大奖。古晋的姐妹城市有马来西亚的新山、印尼的万隆市、坤甸和山口洋、中国的镇江、厦门、昆明和大理、南韩/韩国的九老以及沙特阿拉伯的吉达。位于古晋附近就是因砂拉越(沙捞越)马来西亚大学而被誉为知识城的作为古晋的卫星市的三马拉汉省的省会、三马拉汉县的县府与哥打三马拉汉市议会(Majlis Perbandaran Kota Samarahan)的地方政府所在地哥打三马拉汉。

Attractions in Kuching/古晋景点:

Markets around Kuching/古晋周围市场(Click here/请按这里)
Attractions in Kuching/古晋景点:
I.Kuching Waterfront/古晋河滨公园:
Beware of crocodiles.
Kuching Waterfront(also known as People Place) is the riverfront recreational park of Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak where is contains the musical fountain, crocodiles sculptures, sculpture of local Malay folk tales called Mousedeer & Crocodile, traditional boat river cruise, Sarawak Steamship Building since 1930 has been turned into the Kuching Waterfront Bazaar that selling handicrafts & souvenirs & Square Tower which is the former prison & also former fortress that built on 1879 etc., it is facing the Astana, State Legislative Assembly Building & Fort Margherita, it is also the official venue of Sarawak Regatta which is founded by second White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Rajah Charles Brooke on 1872 for replacing the inter-tribal conflict.

砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国王/白人拉惹已故拉惹查尔斯·布鲁克(Charles Brooke)在一八七二年所开创用以取代部落之间的冲突的砂拉越/沙捞越赛船盛会的官方举办地点
II.Sarawak River Cruise/砂拉越河游船
Beware of crocodiles.
Sarawak River Cruise is the river cruise along the Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak which its vessel called MV Equatorial that provided sightseeing cruise, sunset cruise & educational tour, it is need to take on by booking first. Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak is the river which is flowing from Upper Kapuas Range to South China Sea.
砂拉越河/沙捞越河游船是沿着砂拉越河/沙捞越河行走其游艇名叫MV Equatorial 的提供观光游、日落游与教育导览游的游船,它需预订先才能搭乘。砂拉越河/沙捞越河是从卡普阿斯山脉开始流向南海/南中国海为结束的河流。

III.Darul Hana Bridge/达鲁哈纳大桥:
Beware of crocodiles.
It is the S shaped pedestrian bridge where is named after the former name of Sarawak that connecting between the Petra Jaya & Kuching South with two steel towers that representing the hornbills for crossing the Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak. 

这是用以越过砂拉越河/沙捞越河的含有两座代表着犀鸟的钢塔的连接着博特拉再也与古晋南区及以砂拉越/沙捞越的前名来命名的S 形状的行人天桥。

IV.Main Bazaar/海唇街:
Main Bazaar is the oldest street of Kuching where is named after the former market in here that contains handicrafts shops & antique shops etc. has been titled as First Street of Sarawak.


V.Indian Mosque/印裔清真寺:
It is the first floating mosque of Sarawak & also Indian Muslim mosque where is built in Middle Eastern architectural style that fulfilled with LED lights for replacing the old mosque. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia. Indian is the largest diaspora population in the world that mostly lived in India, United States, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Singapore.


VI.India Street Pedestrian Mall/印度街:
India Street(formerly known as Kling Street) is pedestrian street where is selling the Indian textiles etc. that famous for its Unity Arch & old Indian Muslim mosque since 1834 called India Mosque/Kuching Town Mosque. Indian is the largest diaspora population in the world that mostly lived in India, United States, Saudi Arabia, Nepal, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Singapore. Located near the street is the Kuching Open Air Market/Tower Market which is the former fire station has been turned into the food centre with remnants of fire station is th tower.
VII.Chinese History Museum/华族历史文物馆:
It is the museum which is the former Chinese court & also headquarters of Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Sarawak that built in 1912 for displaying the history & culture of different dialect groups of Chinese community of Sarawak, it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS). Chinese/Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group in the world which are majority lived in China, Thailand, Indonesia, United States, Malaysia & Singapore.


VIII.Siew San Teng Temple(Tua Pek Kong Temple)/寿山亭大伯公庙:
Siew San Teng Temple/Tua Pek Kong Temple is the well-historic Chinese temple where is also the one of few buildings that survived from 1884 Great Fire of Kuching that dedicated to Chinese God of Land, Lord Tudigong/Dabogong/Fudezhenshen/Tua Pek Kong(土地公/大伯公/福德正神) so that the street in front of the temple is called Temple Street, it is famous for its well-historic incense burner & couplets & managed by five local Chinese social organizations. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc. Located not far from temple is the Sa Kak Bo/Triangle Ground(三角坡) where is the former recreational site & former prison has been turned into the traffic light zone.

IX.Hong San Si Temple(Kueh Seng Onn Temple)/凤山寺:
It is the Chinese temple located in the street which its name is derived from opera stage called Wayang Street/Hock Soon Street(花香街/牛屎街/福顺街) where is dedicated to Chinese God of Loyalty & also Patron God of Nan'an of Fujian Province of China called Lord Guangze King(广泽尊王/郭忠福/郭圣公) that built in 1848 & famous for its Wayang Park(花香园), it is managed by local Chinese social organization, Kuching Hockien Association(古晋福建公会),Wayang Street is also the former site of noodles stall of family of local film director, Mr.Tsai Ming-liang(蔡明亮). Guangze King Belief is the Chinese folk religion which is originated from Fengshan Temple(凤山寺) of Nan'an of Fujian Province of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.
这是建于一八四八年位于其名字源自于开花植物或青楼女子或牛车停靠处的花香街/牛屎街/福顺街内以其花香园(Wayang Park)闻名的供奉着华人忠孝神兼中国福建省南安保护神广泽尊王/郭忠福/郭圣公的华人庙宇,它由当地华人社团古晋福建公会所管理,花香街/牛屎街也是当地电影导演蔡明亮先生的家族的卖面摊位的前地点。广泽尊王是源自于中国福建省南安的凤山寺的华人民间信仰。中式/汉式庙宇建筑风格是根据华人/汉人风水哲理来建造像斗栱、曲线型屋顶与屋檐等建筑特色的庙宇。

X.Carpenter Street/亚答街
Carpenter Street(formerly known as Bak Kow Street/Bak Street) is the main neighbourhood of Chinese community where its name is derived from several carpentries are settled up in here & its Chinese name is derived from the shophouses that its roof is covered with the Attap leaves during the past that famous for its Harmony Arch, traditional trades and time-honored brandsuch as goldsmiths, tinsmiths, watch shops, tailor shop, framing shops & furniture shops etc., the Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple(玄天上帝庙/老爷宫) which is the Chinese temple that dedicated to Chinese & Taoist God of Northern, Taoist God of Water & also one of Taoist Four Guardian Gods of Northern, Lord Zhenwu The Great/Xuan Tian Shang Di/Xuanwu(真武大帝/玄天上帝/玄武))(Vietnamese called Trấn Vũ and Japanese called Genbu/玄武) since 1863 & rebuilt on 1889 & Lau Ya Keng(阳春台) which is the Chinese opera stage that famous for selling the local street foods like Kuey Chap, Pork Satay, Kolo Mee, Sarawak Laksa & Fish Ball Glass Noodles Soup etc., it is comes crowded during the Hungry Ghost Festival & Mid Autumn Festival. Excep for that, the Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple is also famous for rituals of borrowing the blessing items like Sugar Lion, Traditional Sugar Figurine, Mandarin Orange & Gold Flower during the First Full Moon Festival/Chap Goh Mei on Fifteenth day of First Month of Chinese Lunar Calendar every year. Chinese/Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group in the world which are majority lived in China, Thailand, Indonesia, United States, Malaysia & Singapore.

亚答街(前名为木扣街/木街)是其名字源自于从前这里的店屋是以亚答叶盖顶而得名以及其英文名字则源自于多间木匠店在此设立而得名的以其亲善门、像金铺、白铁匠、钟表行、洋服店、镜店和家具店等老行业和老字号、建于一八六三年及在一八八九年重建的供奉着华人民间信仰与道教北方神、道教水神兼道教北极四圣之一真武大帝/玄天上帝/玄武(越南人称为Trấn Vũ 与日本人称为Genbu/玄武)的玄天上帝庙/老爷宫以及以售卖着像粿汁、猪肉沙爹、哥罗面、砂拉越(沙捞越)叻沙和冬粉鱼丸汤等当地街头美食闻名的中式戏剧舞台阳春台闻名的古晋主要华人社区,它在盂兰盆节和中秋节期间充满人潮。除此之外,玄天上帝庙/老爷宫也以每年农历正月十五日元宵节的借像糖狮、糖塔、大桔与金花的福物的仪式闻名。华人/汉族是大多数居住在中国、泰国、印尼、美国、马来西亚与新加坡的全世界最大的民族。

XI.Sarawak Tourism Complex/砂拉越(沙捞越)旅游资讯中心:
It is old court house & also former government office of Sarawak since 1871 that contains clock tower with model of dragon is spitting the pearl that built on 1883, tourist information centre, cafe, restaurant, Charles Brooke monument & Ranee Museum that showing the biography and private collections of former Ranee of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Ranee Margaret Alice Lili de Windt etc., the Japanese Building which is built by prisoners of wars of World War II is also located in here.

这间是建于一八七一年拥有建于一八八三年含有龙吐珠模型的钟楼、旅游咨询中心、咖啡厅、餐厅、查尔斯·布鲁克(Charles Brooke)纪念碑和展示着沙捞越/砂拉越王国前皇后已故Margaret Alice Lili de Windt 皇后的生平经历与私人收藏品的皇后博物馆(Ranee Museum)等的砂拉越/沙捞越的旧法庭大厦兼前政府办公室,由第二世界大战的战俘们所建造的日本屋也坐落在这里。

XII.Round Tower 1886 Cafe & Restaurant/圆塔1886 咖啡厅与餐厅:
Round Tower is the former fortress of Kingdom of Sarawak & also former headquarters of Sarawak Craft Council which is built in 1886 has been transformed into the restaurant.


XIII.Textile Museum Sarawak/砂拉越(沙捞越)纺织博物馆:
It is the former medical centre known as The Pavilion which is built in 1907 has been turned into the museum that exhibiting the Sarawakian textiles like Pua Kumbu & UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage called Songket fabric etc., it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS).

这间是建于一九零七年已改为展览着如普哇库布(Pua Kumbu)和联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产宋吉布(Songket)等砂拉越/沙捞越人的纺织品的博物馆的医疗中心四方楼,它也是亚欧博物馆联盟成员之一。

XIV.Main Post Office of Kuching/古晋邮政总局:
Main Post Office of Kuching is the general post office of Kuching where is the former police station & White Rajah's stables that built in Neoclassical architectural style on 1931 under design Irish architect, late Mr.Denis Santry. The Neo-Classical is the architectural style that founded in Italy during Neoclassical movement which is the structures are built by following the architectural styles of the Ancient Greek & Ancient Rome.

建于一九三一年的古晋邮政总局是从作为警察局与白人拉惹的马棚的改为由名为已故Denis Santry 先生的爱尔兰建筑师所设计拥有新古典主义建筑风格的古晋的邮政总局。新古典主义建筑风格是在意大利新古典主义运动时期产生以建筑物依据古希腊与古罗马的建筑风格来建造的建筑风格。
XV.Brooke Dockyard Industrial Heritage Museum/布洛克船坞工业遗产博物馆:
-Under Construction/建造中...

XVI.Kuching City Mosque/古晋市清真寺:
Kuching City Mosque(also known as Kuching Division Mosque) is the former state official mosque of Sarawak that built in Mughal architectural style on 1968 for replacing the old mosque. Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia. The Mughal architectural style is the architectural style that created by Mughal Empire of India that featured the Onion domes & vaulted gateway.


XVII.Kuching Sikh Temple(Gurdwara Sahib Kuching)/古晋谒师所:
Kuching Sikh Temple/Gurdwara Sahib Kuching is the one of three Sikh temples/gurdwaras in Sarawak where is founded on 1912 & rebuilt on 1982 for enshrining the religious text & also eternal Guru of Sikhism called Guru Granth Sahib/Adi Granth that famous for golden dome. Sikhism is the religion founded by Guru Nanak with main symbol is Khanda, its main iconic structure is the Golden Temple/Sri Harmandir Sahib from Amritsar of India. Sikh community is the one of Indian community whose are majority lived in Punjabi State of India & believed the Sikhism.
XVIII.Satok Commercial Square(Medan Niaga Satok)/沙督商业广场:
It is the commercial centre of Satok where is famous for Satok Weekend Market that selling local fruits, vegetables, fishes, forest products, handicrafts & street foods etc. on every Saturday & Sunday.
XIX.Satok Suspension Bridge/沙督吊桥:
It is the iconic rebuilt pedestrian suspension bridge of Kuching where is connecting the Petra Jaya & Kuching for crossing the Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak that replaced the Kingdom of Sarawak era old suspension bridge has been collapsed.

XX.Independence Square(Padang Merdeka)/独立广场:
Independence Square/Padang Merdeka(formerly known as Central Padang) is the happening site of declaration of establishment of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 where is the former sports field, police parade ground & amusement park of Kuching that famous for hundred years old cotton trees, it is the former site of heroes monument before moved to Sarawak Museum Park/Taman Muzium, sometimes it is also served as official venue of Malaysia Day Celebration.
XXI.St.Thomas's Cathedral/圣汤姆斯教堂:
It is the Anglican church & also oldest church of Sarawak where is founded on 1851 & rebuilt on 1956 that famous for 33 steps for representing the life of Jesus Christ, the bell tower with a peal of eight bells that made from Great Britain, 12 pillars that supporting the church for symbolizing the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ, room beam with figures of Christianity & the amber coloured glass windows made by Great Britain etc. Christianity is the religion founded by Jesus Christ with the main symbol is Christian Cross, its main iconic structure is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Located near the church is the St.Thomas Secondary School which is the oldest school of Sarawak that founded on 1848.


XXII.Songket & Keringkam Gallery/宋吉布与砂拉越马来传统刺绣展览厅:
Songket & Keringkam Gallery is the gallery which is showing the different type of Songket fabrics has been described as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Malaysia & Keringkam embroideries. Songket is the traditional handwoven fabric of Peninsular Malaysia & Sarawak which is made with gold or silver thread by looms & Keringkam is the embroidery which is used to make Malay female scarf of Sarawak by gold or silver thread.


XXIII.Borneo Cultures Museum/婆罗洲文化博物馆
Borneo Cultures Museum(also known as New Museum) is the one of largest museums of South East Asia & also largest museum of Malaysia even the state official museum of Sarawak about five levels where is displaying the history, culture, archaeology, nature & arts of Sarawak by multimedia technology & augmented reality technology etc. that famous for Melanau burial pole called Jerunai/Kelidieng has been discovered in the Kampung Sungai Ud, wooden boat shaped coffins has been discovered in the Niah National Park, replica rock arts of Niah National Park, archaeological artifacts of Santubong, masks, beads & traditional costumes etc., visitors can also learning about meaning of voices of birds & taboos of rainforest in traditional beliefs of Sarawak, it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS). Furthermore, the museum is also contains temporary exhibition gallery, souvenirs shop & restaurant that selling the Umai Pizza & Sago Worm Pizza etc.
i.Children Gallery(Level 2)
-it is displaying the resources about natural conservation & recycle.
ii.Arts & Crafts Gallery(Level 2)
iii.In Harmony with Nature Themed Gallery(Level 3)
-it is displaying the culture & customs of different races of Sarawak from coastal to highlands.
iv.Time Changes Themed Gallery(Level 4)
-it is showing the history & archaeology of Sarawak from Pre-historic era to Malaysia era.
v.Object of Desire Themed Gallery(Level 5)
-it is exhibiting the local handicrafts of different indigenous groups of Sarawak.

婆罗洲文化博物馆是约五层以在甘榜双溪勿(Kampung Sungai Ud)发现的名叫Jerunai/Kelidieng 的马兰诺族墓柱、在尼亚国家公园发现的船形木棺、仿造的尼亚国家公园的岩画、山都望的考古文物、面具、珠子以及传统服饰等闻名的以多媒体科技和增强现实/扩增实景科技等来展览着砂拉越/沙捞越的历史、文化、考古学、自然与艺术的东南亚最大的博物馆之一兼全马来西亚最大的博物馆甚至是砂拉越/沙捞越州官方博物馆,游客可了解鸟鸣在砂拉越/沙捞越原始信仰的意义,它也是亚欧博物馆联盟成员之一。另外,博物馆也含有暂时性展览厅、纪念品店与售卖着马兰诺族鱼生(Umai)披萨和硕莪虫披萨的餐厅等。

XXIV.Old Sarawak Museum/旧砂拉越(沙捞越)博物馆:
Only can visited by free guided tour services of Borneo Cultures Museum.

It is the oldest museum of South East Asia & also former state official museum of Sarawak where is built in 1891 that formerly showing the natural specimen & ethnography of Sarawak & also famous for Kenyah murals, it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS). Outside the museum is the replice model of Picture Rock/Batu Gambar of Santubong. Located near the museum is the Sarawak Museum Park/Taman Muzium where is contains the heroes monument, oldest Chinese cemetery of Kuching with Lin(林) family ancestral tomb & Summer House that selling local street foods like Belacan Mee Hoon etc.

这是建于一八九一年从前展示着砂拉越/沙捞越的自然标本和民族学以及也以肯雅族壁画闻名的东南亚最古老的博物馆兼前砂拉越/沙捞越州官方博物馆,它也是亚欧博物馆联盟(ASEMUS)成员之一。博物馆外面有山都望人像石雕(Batu Gambar)的仿造模型。位于博物馆附近就是拥有英雄纪念碑、含有林家祖坟的全古晋最古老的华人墓园以及售卖着如峇拉煎米粉的当地街头美食的凉亭等的砂拉越/沙捞越博物馆公园。
XXV.Art Museum/艺术博物馆:
Art Museum is the former State Library which is built in 1949 that displaying the arts of Sarawak, it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS).
XXVI.Natural History Museum/自然历史博物馆
Natural History Museum(also known as "Second Ladies Club") where is the former government office that built on 1908 for exhibiting the natural specimen collections of Sarawak including the mammals, reptiles, fishes & birds etc., it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS). The research of natural history is began with the Ancient Greek philosophers especially late Mr.Aristotle.
自然历史博物馆是建于一九零八年用以展览着包括哺乳类、爬行类、鱼类和鸟类等砂拉越/沙捞越的自然标本收藏的前政府办公室,它也是亚欧博物馆联盟成员之一。 自然历史的研究是由古希腊哲学家们尤其是已故亚里士多德(Aristotle)先生所开始。

XXVII.Sarawak Islamic Museum/砂拉越(沙捞越)伊斯兰博物馆:
It is the former Islamic religious school which is built in 1930 has been turned into the museum that displaying the history of Islam, science & technology, Islamic architecture, education, weapons & costumes etc. of Sarawak, it is also one of members of Asia-Europe Museum Network(ASEMUS). Islam is founded by Prophet Muhammad with main symbol is Star & Crescent, its main iconic structure is the Great Mosque of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.

XXVIII.St.Joseph's Cathedral/圣约瑟教堂:
St.Joseph's Cathedral(formerly known as St.Joseph Church) is the Roman Catholic church where is built on 1969 with its rooftop is made with Belian/Eusideroxylon Zwageri wood. Christianity is the religion founded by Jesus Christ with the main symbol is Christian Cross, its main iconic structure is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. 

XXIX.Unity Park(Taman Perpaduan)/团结公园:
Unity Park(formerly known as Reservoir Park/Taman Budaya) is the recreational park where is contains the unity monument with two hands, former water supply reservoir & World War II air raid shelter.
XXX.M.B.K.S.Pictorial Gallery/南市图片文物馆:
M.B.K.S.Pictorial Gallery is the gallery located in the Kuching South City Council/Majlis Bandaraya Kuching South(M.B.K.S.) where is showing the history of Kuching from British colonial era to establishment of Malaysia by photographs & heritage artifacts like photos of human figures whose visited the Kuching, chairs of city council, traditional trades of Kuching, historical documents, stamps & portraits of White Rajahs of Kingdom of Sarawak etc.


XXXI.Kuching Civic Centre/古晋民众中心:
Kuching Civic Centre is the civic centre of Kuching where is contains an umbrella shaped observation tower & first planetarium of Malaysia called Sultan Iskandar Planetarium. The first planetarium in the world is the Zeiss-Planetarium Jena from Jena of Germany.


XXXII.Upside Down House Kuching/古晋颠倒屋:
It is the first upside down gallery of Sarawak which is contains the upside down rooms such as upside down kitchen, upside down bedroom, upside down living room, upside down study room & upside down bathroom etc. & also contains the Reverse Perspective 3D Art Gallery. The first upside down house in the world is appeared in the Szymbark of Poland. 


XXXIII.Tiong Hock Kiong Temple/毕打拿忠福宫广泽尊王庙:
Tiong Hock Kiong Temple
is the Chinese temple where is dedicated to Chinese God of Loyalty & also Patron God of Nan'an of Fujian Province of China called Lord Guangze King(广泽尊王/郭忠福/郭圣公) that famous for largest Lord Guangze King statue of Malaysia & three sacred stones whose are praying subjects of local believers. Guangze King Belief is the Chinese folk religion which is originated from Fengshan Temple(凤山寺) of Nan'an of Fujian Province of China. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.

XXXIV.Padungan Road/浮罗岸路:
Padungan Road is the street & also former Malay village where is named after the one of tributaries of Sarawak River/Sungai Sarawak that contains the Chinese shophouses including the traditional Chinese pastry shops, coffee shops & restaurants etc. whose are first built by China born merchant, late Mr.Song Kheng Hai(宋庆海), it is famous for its three Cat Statues zones especially Great Cat of Kuching which is commemorating the the Kuching has been recognized as city on 1988 will wearing different costumes during the different festivals, World War II monument & Chinese archway with the Chinese words"南海,瀛洲" & "物华,天宝" that written by local Chinese calligraphers etc.

XXXV.Tun Jugah Foundation/敦朱加基金会:
Tun Jugah Foundation is the building where is contains the museum that displaying the textiles like Pua Kumbu, biography of local politician, late Mr.Jugah Anak Barieng & private beads collections of founder of this foundation, late Ms.Margaret Linggi.

敦朱加基金会是拥有展览着像普哇库布(Pua Kumbu)的纺织品、当地政治家已故朱加·巴里恩(Jugah Anak Barieng)先生的生平经历和这间基金会的创办人已故Margaret Linggi 女士的私人珠绣收藏品的博物馆的大厦。 

XXXVI.Lim Fah San Monastery Association/古晋林华山观音堂公会:
It is the Chinese temple where is dedicated to Chinese, Buddhist & Taoist Goddess of Mercy, Lord Avalokiteśvara(观世音菩萨/观音大士/慈航真人/慈航大士) that founded before 1867 by Hakka community, it is famous for 
contributors stone inscription during the era of Guangxu Emperor/Aisin Gioro Zaitian(光绪帝/景皇帝/清德宗爱新觉罗·载湉) of Qing Dynasty of China & huge statue of Lord Avalokiteśvara etc. The Goddess of Mercy/Avalokiteśvara's Birthdays is celebrated during the Nineteenth Day of Second Month(Birthday), Nineteenth Day of Sixth Month(Enlightment Day) & Nineteenth Day of Ninth Month(Nirvana Day) of Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.


XXXVII.Malaysia-China Friendship Park/马中友谊公园:
It is the Ming Treasure Voyage(郑和下西洋) themed recreational park which is commemorating the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relationship between Malaysia & China that famous for its Zheng He(郑和) statue & artificial lake etc. Zheng He(郑和) is the Chinese explorer, admiral & court eunuch from Ming Dynasty of China who has been traveling from China to Africa from 1405 to 1433. Chinese gardens is the landscaped garden that contains ponds, pavilions, halls & bridges etc.

它是用以纪念马来西亚与中国建交三十周年的以郑和塑像和人造湖泊等闻名的郑河下西洋主题休闲公园。郑和是中国明朝期间于一四零五年到一四三三年从中国巡航到非洲的探索家、海军将领与宦官。 中式庭院是拥有池塘、亭子、大堂与桥梁等的庭院。

XXXVIII.Sama Jaya Forest Park/三马再也森林公园:
Sama Jaya Forest Park(also known as Sama Jaya Nature Reserve) is the forest park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation where is contains the visitor centre, viewing tower, jogging tracks, ethno-botanical gardens & Hiroshima-Sarawak Friendship Garden etc., it is also one of geosite of Sarawak Delta National Geopark/Sarawak Delta Geopark.
三马再也森林公园(另名为三马再也自然保护区)是拥有游客中心、瞭望塔、跑步步道、民族植物学植物园和广岛-沙捞越/砂拉越友谊花园(Hiroshima-Sarawak Friendship Garden)等的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的森林公园,它也是砂拉越/沙捞越三角洲国家地质公园的地质区。

XXXIX.Borneo House Museum/婆罗洲屋博物馆
Borneo House Museum is the trick art museum where is contains the trick arts related to Sarawak such as street foods of Sarawak & landmarks of Sarawak etc. The trick art is invented by the American artist called Mr.Kurt Wenner.

婆罗洲屋博物馆是含有与沙捞越/砂拉越相关的幻觉艺术如沙捞越/砂拉越的街头美食和沙捞越/砂拉越的标志等的幻觉艺术博物馆。幻觉艺术是由美国艺术家库尔特·温纳(Kurt Wenner)先生所发明。

XXXX.Sentosa Theme Park/圣陶沙主题公园:
Sentosa Theme Park is the amusement park which is contains the trick art museum, archery zone, bumper car, go-kart racing circuit, video games room, drift bike, inline skating rink, motion game zone, shooting games zone, futsal field & art museum etc. The first amusement park in the world is the Dyrehavsbakken/Bakken that located in the Copenhagen of Denmark.

XXXXI.Pitcher Plants Exhibition & Conservation Centre/猪笼草展览与保育中心:
It is the pitcher plant garden of Kota Padawan that planted over 30 species of pitcher plants of Borneo & other countries of South East Asia including the Nepenthes rafflesiana & Nepenthes gracilis etc. Nepenthes Pitcher Plants/Tropical Pitcher Plants/Monkey Cups are the carnivorous plants whose are digested the preys by the mechanism called pitfalls traps. 

XXXXII.Kuching Buddhist Society Buddhism New Village/古晋佛教居士林佛教新村:
K.B.S.Buddhism New Village is the Buddhist temple where is contains main shrine, seven storeyed pagoda/500 Arhats Pagoda, statues of Buddha deities like Nanhai Guanyin above the Water(水上南海观音), columbarium & stupa etc. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India.

XXXXIII.D Virtual Park/D 虚拟实境公园
D Virtual Park is the first virtual reality theme park of Borneo located in the Kota Samarahan which is contains virtual reality shooting games, virtual reality horse riding game, virtual reality driving games & virtual reality slide etc. Virtual Reality is the fictionalized scene that created by the computer devices can let the persons can experience the sense like real world. The first amusement park in the world is the Dyrehavsbakken/Bakken that located in the Copenhagen of Denmark.

D 虚拟实境公园是位于哥打三马拉汉内拥有虚拟实境射击游戏、虚拟实境骑马游戏、虚拟实境驾驶游戏和虚拟实境滑梯等的全婆罗洲第一间虚拟实境主题公园。虚拟现实是以电脑器具制作出来可让人们可体验像真实世界一样的感觉的虚构环境。全世界第一间游乐园是丹麦哥本哈根的巴根游乐园。
XXXXIV.Fuk Teck K'ung Temple Beliong/吻龙福德天圣宫:
Fuk Teck K'ung Temple Beliong(also known as Beliong Chinese Temple) is the well decorative & well landscaped Chinese temple where is dedicated to Chinese God of Land, Lord Tudigong/Dabogong/Fudezhenshen/Tua Pek Kong(土地公/大伯公/福德正神) that need to arrive by boat services for crossing the Sabang River/Sungai Sabang, it is famous for Chinese pagoda which can overlooking the Sabang River/Sungai Sabang called Ci Yun Guan Zhuang Yuan Lou Huang Tian Paogda(慈云观状元楼皇天塔), Nine Dragons Walls, 24 Stories of Filial Piety Archway, Lord Caishen/God of Prosperity(财神爷) statue will playing the song of "财神到" while kneeling on the praying seat & Goddess of Mercy/Lord Avalokiteśvara(观音) statue etc., it is also hosted the 2013 Tua Pek Kong Festival Malaysia/Dabogong Festival Malaysia, the Beliong is named after the name of axe. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.
吻龙福德天圣宫是需用以越过沙邦河的船只服务来到达的供奉着华人土地神土地公/大伯公/福德正神的充满装饰性与园艺性的华人庙宇,它以名叫慈云观状元楼皇天塔的可瞭望沙邦河的中式宝塔、九龙壁、二十四孝牌坊、含有当跪着跪拜座位时会播放《财神到》的歌曲的财神爷塑像与观音塑像等闻名,它也举办二零一三年马来西亚大伯公节,吻龙的英文名字Beliong 是以斧头的名字来命名。中式/汉式庙宇建筑风格是根据华人/汉人风水哲理来建造像斗栱、曲线型屋顶与屋檐等建筑特色的庙宇。
Food in Kuching/古晋美食
In the Kuching, visitors can tasting the Mee Jawa Rabak which is yellow noodles dish that served with curry thicken soup & barbeque skewer meats called Satay & formerly selling by a Javanese called Wak Domo in the Sin Hwa Yen Cafe, Sarawak Laksa which is the noodles soup which is cooking with rice vermicelli, bean sprouts, shrimp, coconut milk, chicken meats & spicy shrimp paste called Sambal Belacan etc., the Kolo Mee which is the dried noodles that its name is derived from Chinese words, 干捞 means dried or the Kolo voice from the dry mixing of noodles, the Belacan Bee Hoon which is the rice vermicelli that served with fermented shrimp paste called Belacan & squid etc. the Cha Kueh which is the Sarawak Version of Fried Radish Cake with salty flavour & sweet flavour, the Gula Apong Fried Mee which is the fried yellow noodles that frying with palm sugar/Gula Apong & believed to be originated from Ban Hock Road/Jalan Ban Hock, the Opium Coffee/Butter Coffee(derived from former opium dens near this coffee shop) which is the coffee that mixed with butter/margarine in the Hiap Yak Tea Shop, the Datuk Ramli Fried Fish which is fried pickled mackerel(named after customer of the restaurant) that deep frying with spices, curry leaves, onions, garlic & lime etc. in the LL Banana Leaf, the Hong Choi Pia/Guek Pia which is the traditional mooncake of local Teochew/Chaoshan community of Kuching(originated from Fujian Province of China) with red seal that fulfilled with lard, sesame, orange cake & onion oil etc. & it is made by frying on the pan in the Chin Hian Chia, Mixed Vegetable Roti Canai which is the Roti Canai/Roti Prata/Fried Indian Flatbread that made with ingredients of Ground Tea/Lei Cha(擂茶) in the New Wonderful Place, the Zhao An Smoked Duck Rice which is the duck that smoked with sugarcane & served with rice in the Zhao Ann Smoked Duck Specialty of Fu Man Lou Coffeeshop, the Three Layer Tea/Teh C Special which is cold tea drink with three layers(black tea on the top layer, milk on the middle layer & palm sugar/Gula Apong on the bottom layer) that originated from Fresh Food Court, the White Lady which is the shaved ice dessert that served with evaporated milk, mango juice, longan & pineapple etc. & Matterhorn/Matehon which is ice dessert that made with Cendol, Agar-Agar jelly, grass jelly, lemon & longan. Mooncake is the traditional Chinese pastry that symbolized reunion which usually eaten after praying the God of Moon during Mid Autumn Festival.

在古晋,游客可品尝位于新华园茶室内配搭咖喱勾芡与烤肉串沙爹(Satay)来吃的从前由一位名叫豆莫先生(Wak Domo)的爪哇人所售卖的黄面佳肴拉芭爪哇面、以米粉、豆芽、虾子、椰奶、鸡肉和名叫叁巴峇拉煎的辣味虾酱来熬煮而成的砂拉越/沙捞越叻沙、其名字源自于中文干捞或拌面时发出的Kolo 的声音的干捞面哥罗面、配搭名叫峇拉煎的发酵虾膏和鱿鱼等来吃的米粉峇拉煎米粉、拥有咸味与甜味的砂拉越/沙捞越版本的炒萝卜糕炒粿、相信是源自于万福路的用亚答糖来炒的炒黄面亚答糖炒甜面、在协益茶室的混合了牛油/黄油的其名字源自于从前这里的鸦片烟馆的咖啡鸦片咖啡/牛油咖啡、在LL Banana Leaf 的以香料、咖喱叶/调料九里香、洋葱、蒜头与青柠/酸桔等油炸出来的炸腌制马鲛鱼拿督南利炸鱼(以餐厅的顾客来命名)、在振香斋饼家的以猪油、芝麻、桔饼和葱油等来制造后在平底锅上煎成的源自于中国福建省的古晋本地潮州/潮汕社群的含有红色印章的传统月饼风吹饼/风吹皮/烘吹饼/风筝饼在New Wonderful Place 的以擂茶馅料来制造的印度抛饼/印度煎饼杂菜饼、位于福满楼茶室内的诏安熏肉的用甘蔗烟熏出来的鸭配搭饭来吃的诏安熏鸭饭、发源于新鲜美食坊的含有三层(上层为红茶、中层为牛奶与底层为亚答糖)的冷茶饮品三色奶茶、配搭淡奶、芒果汁、龙眼与菠萝/黄梨/凤梨来吃的刨冰甜品白雪公主(White Lady)以及以煎蕊/晶露、燕菜、烧仙草/仙草/凉粉、柠檬与龙眼来制造的冰甜品马特洪峰(Matterhorn/Matehon)。月饼是在中秋节期间祭月之后才吃象征着团圆的汉人/华人传统糕饼。
Sin Hwa Yen Mee Jawa Rabak
Location/位置: Main Bazaar Road/Jalan Main Bazaar
Lau Ya Keng Sarawak Laksa,Rojak,Kolo Mee,Mixed Vegetable Soup,Kuey Chap & Pork Satay
Location/位置: Carpenter Street
Nyan Shin Hakka Mee & Silver Needle Noodles/Lau Shu Fen
Location/位置: Carpenter Street

Kim Joo Kolo Mee
Location/位置: Ewe Hai Street
Tricycle Fried Chicken(Located inside the Wayang Park)
Location/位置: Wayang Street
Ah Seng Kueh Chap Dried Kuey Chap(Located inside the Rooyi Cafe)
Location/位置: Khoo Hun Yeang Road/Jalan Khoo Hun Yeang

Hiap Yak Opium Coffee/Butter Coffee
Location/位置: Kai Joo Lane/Lorong Kai Joo

Kuching Open Air Market:
Location/位置: Power Road/Jalan Power
i.Sin Kwang Heng Shaomai & Soya Bean/新光兴烧卖与豆浆水
ii.Song Hin Pork Porridge/松兴肉粥
iii.RG Gula Apong Ice Cream/RG 亚答糖冰淇淋(亚答糖雪糕)
iv.Ah Mei Mee Sapi(Beef Noodles)/亚美牛肉面
v.Kolo Mee/老牌红油面
vi.Tay Soo Kiat White Lady & Matterhorn(Metahon)/郑仕杰白雪公主与马特洪峰
vii.Chin Siang Mani Fried Egg,Belacan Midin & Fried Oyster Omelette/琼香马尼菜炒蛋、峇拉煎米丁与蚝煎
viii.Lai Chi Kan/五味汤 
Min Huat Sarawak Laksa
Location/位置: Khoo Hun Yeang Street/Jalan Khoo Hun Yeang

LL Banana Leaf Datuk Ramli Fried Fish
LL Banana Leaf 拿督南利炸鱼
Location/位置: Rubber 1 Lane/Lorong Rubber 1
Summer House Belacan Mee Hoon
Location/位置: Reservoir Road/Jalan Reservoir
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.553251, 110.343413

Swee Kang Ais Kacang,White Lady & Matterhorn/Metahon
Location/位置: Taha Road
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.556504, 110.338475
Yong Hua Mee Sapi & Beef Bak Kut Teh
Location/位置: Satok 5 Lane/Lorong Satok 5,Satok
Fu Yong Terung Asam Stir-fried Three-layer Pork(Located inside the Petanak Central Market)
Location/位置: Petanak Road/Jalan Petanak

Khee Hiang Herbal Tea
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.556711, 110.353558

Chop Guan Hock Chinese Bacon Dried Meat/Rougan
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.556356, 110.354096
Fock Hai Big Pau/Da Bao
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.556324, 110.354110
Sin Kwang Foochow Big Pau/Da Bao
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.555896, 110.355848

Sin Hian Chia Mooncake & Puffed Rice
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.555417, 110.356306
Chin Hian Chia Hong Choi Pia/Guek Pia
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.554961, 110.356649
Abee Traditional Buns Steamed Butter Bun & Baked Butter Bun
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):
1.554570, 110.356887
Noodle Descendants(known as Sin Min Joo before moving) Kolo Mee
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):
1.554500, 110.357028
Sing Fook Seng Pork Leg Rice
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):
1.553694, 110.358194
Ta Wan Kung Kolo Mee
Location/位置: Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang Road/Jalan Datuk Wee Kheng Chiang 

Lok Thian Gentlemen's Porridge/Gentlemen's Congee
Location/位置: Padungan Road/Jalan Padungan
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.550444, 110.367556

Woon Lam Cafe 1999 Kuey Chap
云南园1999 粿汁
Location/位置: Song Thian Cheok Road/Jalan Song Thian Cheok
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.554694, 110.354000
Lepau Manok Pansoh & Nasi Aruk
Lepau 竹筒鸡与亚咯炒饭
Location/位置: Ban Hock Road/Jalan Ban Hock
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.553389, 110.351833 

Hon Hin Kolo Mee
Location/位置: Chan Chin Ann Road/Jalan Chan Chin Ann
Chong Choon Kolo Mee & Sarawak Laksa/Poh Lam Laksa
Location/位置: Chan Chin Ann Road/Jalan Chan Chin Ann
Meng Kui Heng Hua Pa Mee
Location/位置: Abell Road/Jalan Abell
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.557583, 110.355694  
Central Point/Kong Tung Tomato Fried Bihun/Tomato Fried Rice Vermicelli
Location/位置: Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui Road/Jalan Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui

Song Kheng Hai Ground Food & Recreation Centre:
Location/位置: Song Kheng Hai Road/Jalan Song Kheng Hai
i.Padungan Belacan Mee Hoon/浮罗岸峇拉煎米粉(No.26)
ii.Rihga Kompia/Kompyang & Rojak/丽佳光饼与罗惹(No.7)
iii.Lim Kee Cha Kueh/林记炒粿(No.6)

Yi Ann Kacangma Chicken
Location/位置: Sekama Avenue/Lebuh Sekama
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.548112, 110.366114
Choon Hui Sarawak Laksa
Location/位置: Ban Hock Road/Jalan Ban Hock
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.552778, 110.354390
Senilapis Sarawak Layer Cake/Kek Lapis Sarawak
Senilapis 砂拉越/沙捞越千层糕
Location/位置: No.2,Kapor Road/Jalan Kapor
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):1.537667, 110.317500

Sin Lian Shin Kolo Mee
Location/位置: Green Road/Jalan Green
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.543763, 110.332503

Kit Siang Sarawak Laksa
Location/位置: Green Road/Jalan Green
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.545478, 110.332198
Sunny Hill Ice Cream
Sunny Hill 冰淇淋/雪糕
Location/位置: Bukit Cahaya Road/Jalan Bukit Cahaya
Golden Arch Garden Laksa(inside the Golden Arch Shopping Mall)
Location/位置: Datuk Tawi Sli Road/Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.519843, 110.336916
Bintawa Kueh Chap/Kuey Chap
Location/位置: Keranji Road/Jalan Keranji
Zhao Ann Smoked Specialty Smoked Duck Rice(Located inside the Fu Man Lou Coffeeshop)
Location/位置: Setia Raja Road/Jalan Setia Raja
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.520320, 110.378439 
Stutong Community Market:
Location/位置: Setia Raja Road/Jalan Setia Raja
i.No.82 Pasties Stall/82 号糕点档
ii.妈妈档 Ketchup Noodles & Gula Apong Fried Mee/妈妈档茄汁面与亚答糖炒甜面
iii.华园 Hainanese Chicken Rice/华园海南鸡饭 
iv.88 福州食摊 Fermented Mustard Rice Noodles/88 福州食摊糟菜粉干
New Wonderful Place Mixed Vegetable Roti Canai
New Wonderful Place 杂菜饼
Location/位置: Route Q4A,Hui Sing Garden
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性):

Hui Sing Hawker Centre:
Location/位置: Hui Sing Garden
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.513505, 110.344007
i.Yong Kee Fried Ketchup Kuey Teow/荣记炒茄汁粿条(No.4)
ii.Ah Meng White Lady,Red Ice,Apaji & Matterhorn/亚明白雪公主、红眼睛、Apaji 与马特洪峰(No.21)
Sin Chong Choon Sarawak Laksa & Three Layer Tea/Teh C Special
Location/位置: Lapang Terbang 2 Lane/Lorong Lapangan Terbang 2,Green Heights
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.502556, 110.346694

Ah Pi's Kolo Mee(inside the Koufu Food Court)
圣王公(阿必)哥罗面(位于口福Food Court 内)
Location/位置: Penrissen Road/Jalan Penrissen
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.508268, 110.333488 

Fresh Food Court Three Layer Tea/Teh C Special
Location/位置: Liu Shan Bang 3 Lane/Lorong Liu Shan Bang 3,Kota Sentosa
Markets around Kuching/古晋周围市场:
Satok Commercial Square/Medan Niaga Satok
Location/位置: Matang Road(Route Q309)/Jalan Matang,Satok,Kuching
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.555972, 110.322417
Stutong Community Market
Location/位置: Setia Raja Road/Jalan Setia Raja,Stutong,Kuching
Serian is the divisional capital of Serian Division & also district capital & local government seat of Serian District where is contains the public hosptial & bus terminal that famous for durian & buffalo sculpture with unique facial expression has been titled as Durian Town, it is also the birthplace of local powerlifter, Mr.Bonnie Bunyau Gustin who won the gold medals of 2020 Paralympic Games on 2021 & 2024 Paralympic Games. Located not far from Serian is the Gedong where is famous for Songket fabrics(geographical indication of Gedong & also UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Malaysia) & giant freshwater prawns/giant river prawn/Malaysian prawn/Cherabin/Freshwater Scampi/Udang Galah and the Tebedu where is the district capital of Tebedu Distrct that contains the immigration checkpoint to Entikong of West Kalimantan Province of Indonesia.

(Bonnie Bunyau Gustin)先生的出生地。位于西连不远处就是以宋吉布(日廊的地理标志产品与马来西亚的联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产)与淡水长臂虾/马来西亚大虾/罗氏沼虾/白脚虾/金钱虾/万氏对虾/大头虾闻名的日廊以及拥有前往印尼西加里曼丹省的恩蒂孔的边境关卡的打必禄县的县府打必禄。
The destinations of Serian are need to arrive by tour operators.
Attractions in Serian/西连景点:
I.Ranchan Recreational Park/兰章瀑布休闲公园:
Ranchan Recreational Park/Taman Rekreasi Ranchan is the recreational park where is contains the multi tiered waterfalls called Ranchan Pool, lookout point, accomodation facilities & restaurant etc. Waterfalls is natural phenomenon which the water flows will be vertical drop into the plunge pool that formed with the erosion of the soft rock below the hard rock rapidly than hard rock.
兰章瀑布休闲公园是拥有名叫兰章瀑布(Ranchan Pool)的多层瀑布、瞭望台、住宿设施以及餐厅等的休闲公园。瀑布是由硬石层底下的软石层侵蚀快过硬石层而形成直垂下水潭的水流的自然现象。
II.Kampung Panchor Dayak Hot Springs/甘榜盘楚达雅温泉:
Kampung Panchor Dayak Hot Springs is the hot springs pool of Serian with changing rooms & toilets which is need to pay entrance fee. Hot Springs is the geothermal hot temperature water spring which its water came from crust of Earth with water temperature is above the human body temperature, some hot springs has the medical purpose & safe temperature so that it is suitable for bathing.


III.Silabur Cave/昔拉布山洞:
Silabur Cave is the jade coloured limestone cave where is need to visit by caving activities of tour operators because it is the Pre-historic archaeological site that famous for its local legend of formation of the cave which is caused by an old man. Karst Cave is the cave that formed with soluble rocks that dissolved by rainwater & groundwater whose are contains organic acid.

IV.KLB Garden/郭乃武苑:
KLB Garden is the tourist attraction where is commemorating the local businessman, late Mr.Kueh Lai Boo(
郭乃武) that contains rabbit farm, animal feeding activities, paddle boat, swimming pool, bumper car & accommodation facilities etc. & breeding more than 100 species of animals including the deer, Sun Bear, Binturong, parrot, goat, peacock, porcupine & cow etc. even planted more than 100 species of plants including pitcher plants, hibiscus, orchids & fruits etc.

Simanggang(formerly known as Sri Aman) is the divisional capital of Sri Aman Division & also district capital & local government seat of Sri Aman District where its former name, Sri Aman is means town of peace in Malay word due to Peace Declaration of Sri Aman on 21 October 1973(so that a model of peace pigeon has been built up in here) but changed back to original name called Simanggang on 2019 that contains the bus terminal & public hospital that famous for future longest river crossing bridge of Malaysia is still under construction about 4.8km long called Batang Lupar Bridge, Benak(the tidal bore which is occured on the Batang Lupar/Lupar River on high tide every day that mentioned inside the short story of French born British writer, late Mr.William Somerset Maugham known as The Yellow Streak has been collected inside The Casuarina Tree because of he is almost died in the Benak of Simanggang & the maneater crocodile has been killed on 1992 called Bujang Senang

成邦江(前名为斯里阿曼)是其前名斯里阿曼是在马来文意思为和平镇的因一九七三年十月二十一日斯里阿曼宣誓而命名(因此这里设立了一尊和平鸽的模型)但在二零一九年改回旧名成邦江的拥有公车总站和公共医院的以约四点八公里长的建造中的未来全马来西亚最长的跨河大桥鲁巴河大桥、梦娜(Benak)(在法国出生的英国作家已故威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(William Somerset Maugham)先生的《木麻黄树》(The Casuarina Tree)所收集的短篇小说《怯懦》(The Yellow Streak)内所描述的在每天鲁巴河涨潮期间出现的江潮因他差一点就丧生于此江潮)以及在一九九二年才杀死的食人鳄白背食人鳄(Bujang Senang)闻名的斯里阿曼省的省会兼斯里阿曼县的县府与地方政府所在地。
The destinations of Simanggang are need to arrive by tour operators.
Attractions in Simanggang/成邦江景点:
I.Taman Panorama Benak/鲁巴河梦娜(江潮)节地点与观景台
Taman Panorama Benak is the official venue of Benak Festival/Pesta Benak & also recreational park where can watching the surfers are surfing on the Benak(tidal bore) of Batang Lupar River. Tidal Bore is the natural phenomenon which is formed the waves that traveling up the reverse direction of river flows. Batang Lupar/Lupar River is the third longest river of Sarawak about 275km long which is starting from Klinkang Range that flowing into the South China Sea.
鲁巴河梦娜(江潮)节地点与观景台是可观看滑浪者在鲁巴河的梦娜/江潮上滑浪的梦娜节(Pesta Benak)举办地点兼休闲公园。江潮是形成向河流流动方向反方向行走的波浪的自然现象。鲁巴河是从名叫Klinkang 的山脉开始流向南海/南中国海的约两百七十五公里长的全砂拉越/沙捞越第三长河流。
II.Fort Alice Sri Aman Heritage Museum/爱丽丝堡垒诗里阿曼遗产博物馆:
It is the former fortress & also government office of Kingdom of Sarawak since 1864 which is named after the Ranee of former White Rajah of Kingdom of Sarawak, late Rajah Charles Brooke called late Ranee Margaret Alice Lili de Windt that formerly used for avoiding attacks on the merchant ships has been turned into the historical museum of Simanggang for displaying the history of this building & Simanggang.

它是建于一八六四年现已改为用以展览此建筑物与成邦江历史的成邦江历史博物馆的以砂拉越/沙捞越王国的国王/白人拉惹已故拉惹查尔斯·布鲁克(Charles Brooke)的皇后已故Margaret Alice Lili de Windt 皇后来命名用以保护商船避免受攻击的前沙捞越/砂拉越王国的堡垒兼政府办公室。

III.Tze Yin Khor Temple/慈云阁:
Tze Yin Khor Temple is the well-historic Chinese temple where is dedicated to Chinese, Buddhist & Taoist Goddess of Mercy: Lord Avalokiteśvara(观世音菩萨/观音大士/慈航真人/慈航大士) & Servants Gods of Lord Avalokiteśvara: Lord Sudhanakumāra/Sudhana/Golden Youth(善财童子/金童) & Lord Longnv/Jade Maiden(玉女/龙女) that managed by local Chinese social organization, Simanggang Soon Heng Society(成邦江顺兴公会), it is famous for the tallest twin faced Lord Avalokiteśvara staue of Sarawak. The Goddess of Mercy/Avalokiteśvara's Birthdays is celebrated during the Nineteenth Day of Second Month(Birthday), Nineteenth Day of Sixth Month(Enlightment Day) & Nineteenth Day of Ninth Month(Nirvana Day) of Chinese Lunar Calendar. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc. Located near the temple is the sculpture of
the maneater crocodile has been killed on 1992 called Bujang Senang.

在一九九二年才杀死的食人鳄白背食人鳄(Bujang Senang)的雕塑。

IV.Rumah Sri Aman Gallery/斯里阿曼和平屋:
Rumah Sri Aman(formerly known as Rumah Simanggang/Rumah Segi Lapan) is the former residence of former local Resident of Kingdom of Sarawak where is built on 1927 that served as happening site of peace treaty between the Sarawak State Government & North Kalimantan Communist Party called Peace Declaration of Sri Aman on 21 October 1973, it has been transformed into the museum for showing the history of Rumah Sri Aman, Peace Declaration of Sri Aman & Simanggang. 

V.Mount Hosanna Chapel/和山拿教堂:
It is the Roman Catholic church located on the way to Simanggang or Kuching where its shaped like three white candles for representing the Trinity that need to reach by 100 steps. Christianity is the religion founded by Jesus Christ with the main symbol is Christian Cross, its main iconic structure is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

VI.Lachau Market(Tamu Pekan Lachau)/拉招市场:
It is the main market of Lachau for replacing the old market where is selling the local rice, vegetables, forest products, handicrafts, fruits & freshwater fishes etc. that famous for Salted Fish, Smoked Fish/Ikan Salai, Preserved Fish/Pekasam etc., it is also served as rest stop of Pan-Borneo Highway/Asian Highway 150(AH150).
它是用以取代旧市场来售卖着当地米、蔬菜、森林产品、手工艺术品、水果和淡水鱼等的拉招的主要市场,它以咸鱼、熏鱼(Ikan Salai)和腌制鱼(Pekasam)等闻名,它也是泛婆罗洲大道/泛婆罗洲高速公路/亚洲公路一百五十号线(AH150)的休息站。

VII.Batang Ai National Park/峇当艾国家公园:
Batang Ai National Park is the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation  where is need to arrive by boats of largest man made lake of Sarawak & also hydoelectric dam with water activities centre known as Batang Ai Dam that famous for orangutan & traditional Iban longhouses, it is located in the district capital of Lubok Antu with immigration checkpoint to Nanga Badau of West Kalimantan Province of Indonesia known as Lubok Antu(its name means ghost hole due to the hole that fuifilled with corpses during the war of Iban community during the past), it is contains the jungle trails to the traditional Iban burial grounds whose are the final resting site of local tribal leaders & warrior, it is also part of Heart of Borneo. Iban is the ethnic group whose are majority lived in Sarawak of Malaysia, Brunei & West Kalimantan of Indonesia. The earliest dam that built in the world is Jawa Dam of Jordan. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

峇当艾国家公园是需以含有水上活动中心的砂拉越/沙捞越最大的人造湖兼水力发电水坝峇当艾水坝的船只来到达的以红毛猩猩和传统伊班族长屋闻名的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国际自然保护联盟国家公园,它位于含有前往印尼西加里曼丹省的巴道的边境关卡的其名字意思为鬼洞因从前伊班社群的战争的尸体而得名的鲁勃安都县的县府鲁勃安都内,它拥有前往当地部落领袖和勇士的长眠之地的传统伊班族埋葬处的森林路径,它也是婆罗洲之心(Heart of Borneo)的一部分。伊班族是大多数居住在马来西亚的砂拉越/沙捞越、文莱/汶莱和印尼的西加里曼丹的民族。全世界最早建造的水坝就是约旦名为Jawa 的水坝。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
Food around Simanggang/成邦江周围美食:
Hakka Braised Duck
Location/位置: Sungai Tenggang,Simanggang
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 1.080417, 111.057639 

Markets around Simanggang/成邦江周围市场
Simanggang Market
Location/位置: Sabu Road/Jalan Sabu,Simanggang

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Petra Jaya,Kuching,Serian & Simanggang/博特拉再也、古晋、西连与成邦江
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bako,Borneo Highlands,Lundu & Bau/巴哥、婆罗洲高原、伦乐与石隆门 
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Sibu & Betong/诗巫与木中
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bintulu & Mukah/民都鲁与木胶
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Miri,Mulu,Bario & Limbang/美里、姆鲁、峇里奥与林梦
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里  
Website/网址(Lawas/老越):Click here/请按这里
Private Hospitals in Petra Jaya/博特拉再也私人医院:
Normah Medical Specialist Centre
Location/位置: Tun Datuk Patinggi Abdul Rahman Yakub Road(Route 1002)

Shopping Malls of Kuching/古晋购物广场:
The Spring Shopping Mall
Location/位置: Simpang Tiga Road(Route Q5B)/Jalan Simpang Tiga

AEON Mall Kuching Central
Location/位置: Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce Road(Route Q3A)/Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce

Boulevard Shopping Mall
Location/位置: Datuk Tawi Sli Road(Route 1)/Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...