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Showing posts with label Balung/巴隆. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2024

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau(formerly known as Tawao) is the divisional capital of Tawau Division & also district capital of Tawau District even the third largest city of Sabah & the local government seat of Tawau Municipal Council/Majlis Perbandaran Tawau where is contains the diesel power plants, public hospital, ferry services to Indonesian part of Sebatik Island, Nunukan & Tarakan of Indonesia, commercial seaport, bus terminal & domestic airport services that comes crowded during the Tawau International Cultural Festival which is held in the Tawau Municipal Council Field, it is also served as the terminus of Pan-Borneo Highway/Sabah Route 13/Asian Highway 150(AH150), it is famous for its geographical indication called Cocoa and Balung Lemongrass Tea & also Sang Nyuk Mee, Salted Fish & Amplang/Fish Crackers etc., it is formerly titled as Cocoa Capital of Asia.

斗湖是在斗湖市议会草场举办的斗湖国际文化节期间吸引人潮的拥有柴油发电厂、公共医院、前往印尼的塞巴提克岛的印尼部分、努努干与打拉根的渡轮服务、商业码头、公车总站和本地机场服务的沙巴第三大城市兼斗湖省的省会与斗湖县的县府甚至是斗湖市议会(Majlis Perbandaran Tawau)的地方政府所在地,它也作为泛婆罗洲大道/泛婆罗洲高速公路/沙巴十三号公路/亚洲公路一百五十号线(AH150)的终站,它以其地理标志产品可可和巴隆香茅茶还有生肉面、梅香咸鱼与炸鱼饼(Amplang)等闻名,它从前被誉为亚洲可可之都。

Attractions in Tawau/斗湖景点:
I.Tawau Bell Tower/斗湖钟楼:
It is the belfry located in the Tawau Town Padang(Field) where is the only structure has been survived from World War II in the Tawau that built by prisoners of war on 1921.
II.Tawau Tanjung Market/斗湖丹绒菜市场:
Tawau Tanjung Market is the largest indoor market of Malaysia & also Urban Transformation Centre(U.T.C.) of Tawau which is selling the local fruits, vegetables, handicrafts & dried preserved foods like salted fish, dried prawn & dried anchovies etc. that famous for its top floor known as Hang Market/Pasar Gantung.
斗湖丹绒菜市场是以其顶层悬挂市场(Pasar Gantung)闻名的售卖着当地水果、蔬菜、手工艺术品以及如咸鱼、虾米和江鱼仔等干货等的全马来西亚最大的室内市场兼斗湖的城市转型中心。
III.Teck Guan Cocoa Museum/德源可可博物馆:
It is the only museum of Malaysia with cocoa processing plant & manufacturing factory which is opened by local Malaysian entrepreneur, Teck Guan Group that contains the theater for showing the cocoa industry of Tawau & also selling the cocoa related products called Hoko & showing the samples of cocoa products, it is need to visit by booking first. Cocoa Beans is the seed of cocoa tree which is originated from America that can be used to produce chocolate, cocoa powder, desserts & cocoa liquor etc.

这是由马来西亚本地企业德源集团(Teck Guan Group)所开的售卖着名叫Hoko 的与可可相关的产品以及展示着可可产品的样本的拥有展示着斗湖的可可种植业的戏院的全马来西亚唯一一间拥有可可加工厂和制造厂的博物馆,它需预订先才能参观。可可是源自于美洲可用以制造巧克力、可可粉、甜品和可可浆等的可可树的种子。
IV.Pu Zhao Temple(Persatuan Buddhist Tawau)/斗湖普照寺:
The Buddhist temple of Tawau where is founded on 1980s that contains the Mahavira Hall(大雄宝殿) with well decorative caisson ceiling(藻井) & bas reliefs, Seven Storeyed Pagoda that each levels is contains a Buddha statue called Abundant Treasures Pagoda(多宝佛塔) & columbarium & Chinese ancestral tablets hall(万寿堂), these three buildings are built on 2023. Buddhism is the religion that founded by Gautama Buddha/Shakyamuni Buddha with its main symbols are five coloured Buddhist flag & Dharma Wheel, its most iconic structure is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex of Bodh Gaya from India. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗拱), curved roof & eaves etc.


V.Tawau Hot Springs Recreational Park/斗湖温泉休闲公园:
Tawau Hot Springs Recreational Park is the hot springs pool of Tawau which is provided the accommodation facilities. Hot Springs is the geothermal hot temperature water spring which its water came from crust of Earth with water temperature is above the human body temperature, some hot springs has the medical purpose & safe temperature so that it is suitable for bathing.

斗湖温泉休闲公园是提供住宿设施的斗湖的温泉池。 温泉/热水湖是泉水从地球地壳冒出来泉水温度高过人体体温的地底高温泉水水池,一些温泉/热水湖则拥有医疗作用与安全温度所以它可适合泡澡。

VI.Sankina Hotspring Park/善勤温泉乐园:
Sankina Hotspring Park is the water park that contains hot springs pools. Hot Springs is the geothermal hot temperature water spring which its water came from crust of Earth with water temperature is above the human body temperature, some hot springs has the medical purpose & safe temperature so that it is suitable for bathing.


VII.The Peaks Observation Deck/The Peaks 观景台:
The Peaks Observation Deck is the hilltop observation deck about 1234 feet high above sea level with cafe & photo spots etc. where can overlooking the Tawau & sunset, it is operating from noon to night & need to visit by paying the entrance fee.

The Peaks 观景台是海拔约一千两百三十四尺高的拥有咖啡厅与拍照区等的可瞭望斗湖与日落的山顶瞭望台,它在中午至晚上运作及需付入门票来参观。
VIII.Bukit Gemok Nature Centre/葛莫山自然中心:
It is the forest reserve where is famous for its one of longest canopy walkway of Sabah about 231m long that need to reach after six huts, it is also accommodation facilities.

IX.Tawau Hills Park/斗湖山公园
It is the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park of the Board of Trustees of Sabah Parks where is breeding the flora & fauna like Shorea faguetiana/Yellow Meranti, Elephant Ear Orchid, hornbills & pheasants etc., it is also only tropical rainforest of Borneo with volcanic soil, it is contains the hot springs, lowland garden, Dipterocarp garden, mountain hiking areas like Bombalai Hill/Bombalai Volcano/Gunung Berapi Bombalai(530m high), Mount Magdalena/Gunung Magdalena(1312m high), Mount Lucia/Gunung Lucia(1202m high) & Mount Maria/Gunung Maria(1083m high) & waterfalls such as Table Waterfalls & Bukit Gelas Waterfalls etc. & provided the accommodation facilities. Tropical Rainforest is the ecosystem located in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer/Northern Tropic & Tropic of Capricorn/Southern Tropic which does not have dry seasons, warm temperature & average annual rainfalls is high. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

这座是抚育着像法桂(黄)娑罗双木、象耳蝴蝶兰、犀鸟和雉鸡等动植物的沙巴公园董事会(Board of Trustees of Sabah Parks)的国际自然保护联盟国家公园,它也是婆罗洲唯一含有火山土壤的热带雨林,它拥有温泉、低地公园、龙脑香木公园、如名为邦巴莱火山(Bombalai Hill/Bombalai Volcano/Gunung Berapi Bombalai)(五百三十米高)、马格达莱纳山(Mount Magdalena/Gunung Magdalena)(一千三百一十二米高)、卢西亚山(Mount Lucia/Gunung Lucia)(一千两百零二米高)和玛丽亚山(Mount Maria/Gunung Maria)(一千零八十三米高)的登山区和像桌子瀑布(Table Waterfalls)及武吉哥拉斯瀑布(Bukit Gelas Waterfalls)等瀑布以及提供住宿设施。热带雨林是位于北回归线(Tropic of Cancer/Northern Tropic)与南回归线(Tropic of Capricorn/Southern Tropic)之间的赤道地带内没有旱季、温度暖和与高雨水量的生态系统。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。

X.Teck Guan Cocoa Village/德源可可庄园:
It is the cocoa plantations of local Malaysian entrepreneur, Teck Guan Group which is famous for its tree house that served as filming site of Malaysia-China co-production film known as "Tears of the Mom"(母亲的眼泪), natural waterfalls of Cocoa Cultural Spring & natural formed Columnar Basalt that provided the accommodation facilities, picnic site, zipline, cafe & cocoa cultivation demonstrations etc., it is need to visit by paying the entrance fee. Cocoa Beans is the seed of cocoa tree which is originated from America that can be used to produce chocolate, cocoa powder, desserts & cocoa liquor etc.

这是以其作为马来西亚与中国合作的电影《母亲的眼泪》的取景地的树屋、可可文化泉的天然瀑布和天然形成的柱状玄武岩闻名的提供住宿设施、野餐区、溜索、咖啡厅和可可播种展示等的马来西亚本地企业德源集团(Teck Guan Group)的可可园,它需付入门票才能参观。可可是源自于美洲可用以制造巧克力、可可粉、甜品和可可浆等的可可树的种子。
Food in Tawau/斗湖美食:
In the Tawau, visitors can tasting the Sang Nyuk Mee which is the pork noodles soup that cooking with sliced pork, lard & vegetables etc, it is invented by local hawker from Peninsular Malaysia, Mr.Wang Ji Xing(English translate)(王集兴).

Nasi Kuning & Coffee(Located inside the Tawau Tanjung Market)
Location/位置: Dunlop Road/Jalan Dunlop

Kam Ling Fresh Seafood Black Pepper Mantis Shrimp,Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp,Steamed Crab,Steamed Pomfret & Thai Style Jellyfish with Corallina Officinalis
Location/位置: Chen Fook Road/Jalan Chen Fook

森记瓦煲鸡饭 Claypot Chicken Rice & Pot Stickers(behind the Kam Ling Fresh Seafood)
Location/位置: Chen Fook Road/Jalan Chen Fook

Hing Lee Sang Nyuk Mee
Location/位置: Baru Road/Jalan Baru
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 4.246889, 117.890528

Hing Lee Sang Nyuk Mee
Location/位置: Jambu Lane/Lorong Jambu 

Mui Lok Roti Kahwin & Layer Cake
Location/位置: Budi Road/Jalan Budi

Karmel Cafe Drumstick/Youtiao Kahwin,Sponge Bun & Sour Lemon Bun
Location/位置: Hwa Dat 3 Road/Jalan Hwa Dat 3
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 4.250313, 117.913219

Yuan Yuan Soto Seafood,Soto Chicken & Soto Mixed Beef
Location/位置: Megah Jaya Road/Jalan Megah Jaya
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 4.257731, 117.924827

Markets around Tawau/斗湖周围市场:
Tawau Tanjung Market
Location/位置: Dunlop Road/Jalan Dunlop,Tawau
Semporna(formerly known as Tong Talun/Hujung Hutan) is the district capital & local government seat of Semporna District where is served as official venue of Regatta Lepa which is the sea parade of traditional sailing boat of Bajau community called Lepa-Lepa that held on April every year, the Semporna is the one of seaweeds breeding areas of Malaysia. It is also the gateway to islands & snorkeling and scuba diving sites of Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea of Coral Triangle but they are located on the ocean of Eastern Sabah Security Zone, it is also the hometown of local traditional Bajau Laut dancer, Ms.Intan Sulga has been titled as Living Person of National Heritage of Malaysia.
仙本那是作为每年四月举办的名叫里巴船的巴遥/巴夭社群的传统帆船的海上游行彩船节的举办地点的仙本那县的县府与地方政府所在地,仙本那也是全马来西亚最大的海藻生产区之一。它也是前往珊瑚金三角的西里伯斯海/苏拉威西海上的岛屿与浮潜和潜水地点的入口但它们位于沙巴东部安全特区的海洋内,它也是被誉为马来西亚国家遗产活人物的当地传统巴瑶/巴夭舞蹈舞者英旦苏嘉(Intan Sulga)女士的故乡
Do not stay in the quietly place & going out during the night.
The destinations of Semporna are need to arrive by tour operators.
The islands of Semporna are the warning zone which is guarded by armed forces.

Attractions in Semporna/仙本那景点
I.Bukit Tengkorak Archaeological Heritage Gallery/骷髅山考古遗产展览厅:
Bukit Tengkorak Archaeological Heritage Gallery is the archaeological site where is the part of extinct volcano has been becoming the largest pottery making factory of South East Asia during Neolithic era that need to arrive by wooden stairs, its pottery making technique is still practiced by Bajau community, it is also contains a gallery for displaying the history & archaelogical artifacts of this area like wooden coffins, human skeletons, core flakes & molluscs shells etc.

II.Pakalangan Bay/帕卡朗岸湾:
Pakalangan Bay is the recreational area where is facing the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea that contains the photo spots, picnic area, fish feeding site, cafe, barbeque site & watersports activities, it is decorated with colourful decorations & need to visit by paying the entrance fee.
III.Tun Sakaran Marine Park/敦沙卡然海洋公园:
Tun Sakaran Marine Park is the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) National Park of the Board of Trustees of Sabah Parks & also settlements of Bajau community located on the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea where is named after the 8th Governor/Yang Dipertua Negeri & also 8th Chief Minister of Sabah, late Mr.Sakaran Dandai that consists of eight islands whose are formed by volcanic activities especially the Bohey Dulang Island/Pulau Bohey Dulang that can doing jungle trekking & mountain hiking to Boheydulang Peak about 353m high, it is breeding over 700 species of marine life including corals, fishes, giant clams & marine invertebrates etc. & also contains giant clams hatchery. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era. Sama-Bajau/Bajau are the ethnic groups whose are majority lived in Malay Archipelago/Nusantara(Malaysia, Philippines & Indonesia) has been titled as Sea Gypsies/Sea Nomads & the first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.
敦沙卡然海洋公园是位于西里伯斯海/苏拉威西海上以第八任沙巴州元首兼第八任首席部长已故沙卡兰丹戴(Sakaran Dandai)先生来命名的包含了八座由火山活动形成的岛屿尤其是可进行森林徒步与前往约三百五十三米高的珍珠岛峰的登山活动的珍珠岛(Bohey Dulang)的沙巴公园董事会(Board of Trustees of Sabah Parks)的国际自然保护联盟国家公园兼巴瑶/巴夭社群的集聚地,它抚育了超过七百种包括珊瑚、鱼类、巨蚌和海洋无脊椎动物等在内的海洋生物还拥有巨蚌孵育区浮潜相信是源自于希腊的古克里特文明与在现代才发展成为潜水。巴瑶/巴夭族是被誉为海上吉普赛人的大多数居住在马来群岛/南洋群岛(马来西亚、菲律宾与印尼)的民族群体以及全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
IV.Pom Pom Island/邦邦岛:
Pom Pom Island is the island located on the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea where is famous for its scuba diving sites like Mandarin Heaven, Pit Rock, Northern Valley & Magic Rocks etc. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era.
邦邦岛是位于西里伯斯海/苏拉威西海上以其如中文天堂(Mandarin Heaven)、坑岩(Pit Rock)、北谷(Northern Valley)以及魔法岩石(Magic Rocks)等潜水地点闻名的的岛屿。浮潜相信是源自于希腊的古克里特文明与在现代才发展成为潜水。
V.Timba-Timba Island/廷巴-廷巴岛
Timba-Timba Island is island located on the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea where is contains beach recreational area, island hopping activities, sea turtle hatchery & snorkeling etc. The sea turtle is the reptile which is the female will be back to the beach to dig a hole for laying eggs after mating that their eggs are temperature-dependent sex determination(T.S.D.) & the beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.


VI.Mataking Islands/马达京岛:
Mataking Islands is the resort islands located on the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea where is provided island hopping services, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, night beach walk & bird watching etc. that famous for its peacock sanctuary, sea turtle hatchery & first underwater post box of Malaysia located inside the shipwreck called Mataking 1.
马达京岛是位于西里伯斯海/苏拉威西海上以孔雀园、海龟孵蛋区以及全马来西亚第一座位于名叫Mataking 1 的船骸内的水底邮箱闻名的提供环岛游服务、浮潜、潜水活动、划皮艇、夜间海滩徒步游以及观鸟活动等的度假岛屿。
VII.Mabul Island/马布岛
Mabul Island is the island located on the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea which is famous for former oil rig which was decommissioned in 1985 & moved to here on 1997 known as Seaventures Dive Rig. Oil rig is the structure which is used for extracting the petroleum & natural gas beneath the seabed. Petroleum is the fossil fuel that formed from ancient fossilized organic materials beneath the surface of the Earth & Natural Gas is the fossil fuel & also hydrocarbon gas that found along the petroleum, both are also used as fuels of vehicles.

马布岛是位于西里伯斯海/苏拉威西海上以在一九八五年退役及在一九九七年迁至此地的前石油钻井平台Seaventures Dive Rig 闻名的岛屿。石油钻井平台是用以抽取海床底下的石油与天然气的建筑物。石油是一种在地球表面底由古代化石有机物所形成的化石燃料以及天然气是一种与石油一同发现的化石燃料烃兼碳氢化合物气体,两者都用作交通工具的燃料。
VIII.Kapalai Island/卡帕莱岛:
Kapalai Island is the island located on the Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea where is famous for its floating chalets that built on stilts that provided the kayaking, snorkeling & scuba diving etc. 
IX.Sipadan Island Park/西巴丹岛公园:
Sipadan Island Park is the only oceanic island of Malaysia located on the extinct volcanic cone of Celebes Sea/Sulawesi Sea which is the one of richest marine habitats of the world that breeding more than 400 species of aquatic life including sharks, barracudas, manta rays, corals, jellyfishes & sea turtles etc. has been titled as one of top dive sites of the world, it is managed by Board of Trustees of Sabah Parks, it is famous for scuba diving sites like Barracuda Point, North Point, Drop Off, Turtle Cavern(mausoleum of sea turtles), Coral Garden, Hanging Gardens & South Point etc. Snorkeling is believed to be originated from Ancient Crete Civilization of Greece & developing into scuba diving in the modern era & the first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.
西巴丹岛公园是位于西里伯斯海/苏拉威西海的死火山锥上被誉为全世界最棒的潜水区之一的抚育了超过四百种水栖动物包括鲨鱼、梭子鱼、蝠鲼、珊瑚、水母和海龟等的全世界最丰富的海洋栖息地之一的全马来西亚唯一一座海洋岛屿,它是由沙巴公园董事会所管理,它是以梭子鱼点(Barracuda Point)、北角(North Point)、码头悬壁(Drop Off)、海龟穴/海龟墓(Turtle Cavern)、珊瑚公园(Coral Garden)、空中花园(Hanging Gardens)及南角(South Point)等潜水地点闻名。浮潜相信是源自于希腊的古克里特文明与在现代才发展成为潜水以及全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。 
Lahad Datu/拿笃:
Lahad Datu is the district capital & local government seat of Lahad Datu District located in the Eastern Sabah Security Zone where is contains the Palm Oil Industrial Cluster(P.O.I.C.), public hospital, bus terminal & domestic airport services that famous for its Blue Ring Reef on Darvel Bay of Coral Triangle & oldest Pre-historic archaeological site of Borneo known as Mansuli Valley, it is also the happening site of 2013 Lahad Datu Standoff/Operation Daulat/Operasi Daulat on 2013.

Do not stay in the quietly place & going out during the night.
The destinations of Lahad Datu are need to arrive by tour operators.

Attractions in Lahad Datu/拿笃景点
I.Mount Silam(Gunung Silam)/诗南山
Mount Silam is the highest point of Lahad Datu about 884m high where is the mountain hiking area that famous for its Tower of Heaven/Menara Kayangan which can overlooking the Darvel Bay.


II.Danum Valley Conservation Area/丹浓谷保护区:
Danum Valley Conservation Area is the nature reserve where is one of most complex ecosystems of the world that breeding the endangered species such as Banteng, Sumatran Rhinoceros(smallest living rhinoceros species with two horns), Borneo Elephant/Borneo Pygmy Elephant(smallest Asian Elephant subspecies), Clouded Leopard, Bornean Orangutan & Proboscis Monkey etc., it is famous for its Shorea faguetiana/Yellow Meranti tree, canopy walkway with viewing platforms & ancient burial sites of Kadazan-Dusun community etc., it is also part of Heart of Borneo, it is need to visit by booking first from tour operators.

丹浓谷保护区是抚育着如爪哇野牛、苏门答腊犀牛(含有两支角的最小的活着的犀牛品种)、婆罗洲侏儒象(最小的亚洲象亚种)、云豹、婆罗洲猩猩和长鼻猴等濒危物种的全世界其中一座最复杂的生态系统兼自然保护区,它以其法桂(黄)娑罗双木、含有瞭望台的树冠层吊桥以及卡达山杜顺族的古代埋葬区等闻名,它也是婆罗洲之心(Heart of Borneo)的一部分,它需从旅游社中预订先来参观。

III.Tabin Wildlife Reserve/踏缤野生动物保护区:
Tabin Wildlife Reserve is the nature reserve where is contains resort that provided the jungle trekking, night safari, night walk, herbal foot soak & bird watching etc., the mud volcanoes in here is the natural salt lick for wildlife in here, it is breeding the endangered species like Sumatran Rhinoceros, Borneo Elephant/Borneo Pygmy Elephant & Banteng/Tembadau etc. & also birds like hornbills & famous for Lipad Waterfalls.
踏缤野生动物保护区是拥有提供着森林徒步、夜间驾车游、夜间徒步游、草药泡脚以及观鸟活动等的度假村的自然保护区,这里的泥火山是这里野生动物的天然盐沼,它抚育了像苏门答腊犀牛、婆罗洲侏儒象和爪哇野牛等濒危物种还有如犀鸟的鸟类以及以利巴德瀑布(Lipad Waterfalls)闻名。
IV.Madai-Baturong Forest Reserve Nature Centre/曼达依-峇都浓森林保护区自然中心:
Madai-Baturong Forest Reserve Nature Centre is the limestone caves nature reserve of Kunak where is contains the swiftlet bird nest harvesting cave known as Madai Cave, burial cave with ancient coffins called Baturong Cave, waterfalls & canopy walkway. Karst Cave is the cave that formed with soluble rocks that dissolved by rainwater & groundwater whose are contains organic acid.

曼达依-峇都浓森林保护区自然中心是拥有燕窝采集洞穴曼达依洞(Madai Cave)、含有古代棺材的埋葬洞穴峇都浓洞(Baturong Cave)、瀑布以及树冠层吊桥的古纳的石灰岩洞穴自然保护区。溶洞是由被含有有机酸的雨水与地面水溶解有溶性岩石形成的洞穴。

Markets around Lahad Datu/拿笃周围市场:
Lahad Datu Central Market
Location/位置: Pantai Road/Jalan Pantai,Lahad Datu

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Kota Kinabalu/哥打基纳巴卢(亚庇)
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里 
Kuala Penyu,Sipitang & Beaufort/瓜拉班佑、实必丹与保佛
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里 
Kokol Hill,Tuaran & Kundasang/可可山、斗亚兰与昆达山

Tambunan & Tenom/担布南与丹南
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Kota Belud & Kudat/古打毛律与古达 
Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 
END of Trip of Sabah


Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...