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Showing posts with label Balingian/万年烟. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balingian/万年烟. Show all posts

Sunday 8 September 2024

Area 4 of Sarawak/砂拉越(沙捞越)第四区:Bintulu & Mukah/民都鲁与木胶

Bintulu & Mukah/民都鲁与木胶:

Bintulu is the divisional capital of Bintulu Division & also district capital of Bintulu District even the local government seat of Bintulu Development Authority/Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu where its name is believed to be derived from stream called Mentu Ulau that contains the gas fired power plants, public hospital, commercial seaport, bus terminal called Bintulu Central/Bintulu Sentral Terminal, express boat services & domestic airport services has been titled as Energy Town of Sarawak/Bandar Tenaga Sarawak because it is contains natural gas reserves, it is comes crowded during the Borneo International Kite Festival which is held in the Old Bintulu Airport, it is also famous for its geographical indication called Belacan.
民都鲁是因这里拥有天然气田而被称为砂拉越/沙捞越能源镇其名字相信是源自于名叫Mentu Ulau 的小溪的拥有天然气发电厂、公共医院、商业码头、公车总站民都鲁中央车站(Bintulu Sentral)、快艇服务与本地机场服务的民都鲁省的省会兼民都鲁县的县府甚至是民都鲁发展机构(Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu)的地方政府所在地,它在旧民都鲁机场举办的婆罗洲国际风筝节期间吸引人潮,它也以其地理标志产品峇拉煎/马来盏闻名。
Attractions in Bintulu/民都鲁景点:
I.State Council Monument(Tugu Council Negeri)/州立法议会纪念碑:
State Council Monument is the monument that commemorating the first meeting of State Legislative Assembly of Sarawak on 8 September 1867.

II.Bintulu Central Market & Tamu Market/民都鲁周末市场与中央市场:
It is the market which is selling the local fruits, vegetables & street foods etc. with cone shaped roof that representing the traditional headgear of Melanau community called Terendak.

III.Tua Pek Kong Temple/天恩亭(福德祠):
It is the well historic rebuilt Chinese temple where is dedicated to Chinese God of Land, Lord Tudigong/Dabogong/Fudezhenshen/Tua Pek Kong(土地公/大伯公/福德正神), it is also hosted the 2009 Tua Pek Kong Festival Sarawak/Dabogong Festival Sarawak(全砂大伯公节). The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.
IV.Tumbina Park Bintulu(Taman Tumbina Bintulu)/民都鲁植动物园:
It is the zoological garden & botanical garden of Bintulu which is named after combination of Malay word, Tumbuhan(Plants) & Binatang(Animals) that breeding the tiger(has been death), flamingo, butterflies & hornbills etc. & planted the orchids, bougainvillea, palms & ferns etc. even provided the jungle trekking & animals feeding activities etc., it is also one of members of Malaysian Association of Zoological Parks & Aquaria(MAZPA). The first zoo in the world is the ZSL London Zoo of Great Britain & the first botanic gardens in the world is the Orto Botanico di Padova from Padua/Padova Italy.

V.Temasya(Tanjung Batu) Beach/特马斯亚(丹绒巴都)海滩:
Temasya/Tanjung Batu Beach is the beach recreational area which is facing the South China Sea famous for recycled art installations that created by local artists under government programme called "Seni Awam dan Pembangunan Lestari: Jum Berambeh Seni Awam" like Anak Bintulu(Mr.Low Chee Peng/刘子民), Bintulu Seagrass(Mr.Jepson Wong), Payau Bumi(Bintulu Development Authority/Lembaga Kemajuan Bintulu) & Panau(Bintulu Teachers Arts Club/Kelab Guru Seni Bintulu). The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

特马斯亚/丹绒巴都海滩是面向南海/南中国海以像民都鲁之子(刘子民先生)、民都鲁海草(Jepson Wong 先生)、Payau Bumi(民都鲁发展机构)以及Panau(民都鲁教师艺术俱乐部)的在名叫民都鲁生态嘉年华暨公共艺术永续发展计划(Seni Awam dan Pembangunan Lestari: Jum Berambeh Seni Awam)的政府计划下由本地艺术家们所创造的环保艺术装置闻名的海滩休闲区。海滩是一种由海浪带来这个地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。
VI.Similajau National Park/诗美拉遥国家公园
The destinations are need to arrive by tour operators.
Similajau National Park is the national park of Sarawak Forestry Corporation where is famous for its beaches like Golden Beach & two Turtle Beaches that provided the boat services for crocodile watching & dolphin watching & night jungle walk etc. The first national park in the world is the Yellowstone National Park of United States.

诗美拉遥国家公园是以像黄金海滩(Golden Beach)及两座海龟海滩(Turtle Beach)的海滩闻名的提供观看鳄鱼及观看海豚的船只服务以及夜间森林徒步等的砂拉越/沙捞越森林企业机构(Sarawak Forestry Corporation)的国家公园。全世界第一座国家公园是美国的黄石国家公园。
VII.Datuk Kong Island(Pulau Datuk Kong)/拿督公岛:
It is the boat shaped like islet of Sebauh located on the Kemena River/Batang Kemena with a Chinese temple which is dedicated to Malaysian Chinese local God of Land, Lord Dato(拿督公) that famous for legend of formation of this island by punishment of transformation of three friends & their sampan into the rock & this islet after they were tricking a dog, it is need to arrive by boat services. Lord Dato/Dato Gong/Datuk Gong is the title of the local Gods of Land for local Chinese Folk Religion of Nanyang(南洋) Region. The Chinese temple architectural style is the temple that constructed based on Chinese philosophy called Feng Shui(风水) with the structure features like dougong(斗栱), curved roof & eaves etc.
它是位于峇丹格美纳河上拥有供奉着马来西亚华人当地土地神拿督公的华人庙宇的实巴荷的相似一艘船的小岛,它以因三个朋友戏弄一只狗而遭惩罚变成石头及他们的舢板形成这座岛的传说闻名,它需船只服务来到达。拿督公(Dato Gong/Datuk Gong)是南洋地区华人民间信仰的本地土地神的尊称。中式/汉式庙宇建筑风格是根据华人/汉人风水哲理来建造像斗栱、曲线型屋顶与屋檐等建筑特色的庙宇。

Markets around Bintulu/民都鲁周围市场:
Bintulu Central Market & Tamu Market
Location/位置: Abang Galau Road/Jalan Abang Galau,Bintulu


Mukah(formerly known as Muka) is the divisional capital of Mukah Division/Bahagian Mukah & also district capital of Mukah District even the local government seat of Dalat & Mukah District Council/Majlis Daerah Dalat & Mukah of Sarawak State where its name is derived from Malay word, Muka means face due to story of mysterious beautiful women who helped the shipwreck merchants of Brunei or beautiful face appeared on the sea surface that contains the two landmarks(red snapper statue & prawn statue), coal fired power plant, public hospital, bus terminal, express boat services & domestic airport services has been titled as Hometown of Fish & Prawn due to its fishery, it is famous for sago, Umai can be buying from market & sago worms etc. Furthermore, the name of Dalat is originated from Melanau word means fly due to the bloodshed that mentioned in the book of Swiss born Malaysian writer, Ms.Heidi Munan called
"How Dalat Got Its Name" but not confused with Da Lat of Vietnam. Located not far from Mukah is the Balingian(also known as Kuala Balingian) where is the subdistrict capital of Balingian Subdistrict that named after a river with coal fired power plant & also first power plant of Malaysia that using the circulating fluidized bed(CFB) technology even largest power plant of South East Asia that using the circulating fluidized bed(CFB) technology.

木胶是因其渔业而被誉为鱼虾之乡的其名字源自于马来文Muka 意译为面颊因神秘美女拯救文莱/汶莱船骸的商人或出现在海面上的美丽的面的故事而得名的拥有两座标志(红鱼塑像与大虾塑像)、燃煤发电厂、公共医院、公车总站、快艇服务及本地机场服务的木胶省的省会兼木胶县的县府甚至是达叻与木胶县议会(Majlis Daerah Dalat & Mukah)的地方政府所在地,它以西米、在市场可购买到的马兰诺族鱼生(Umai)和硕莪虫等闻名。
另外,达叻(别与英文同名的越南的大叻混淆)的名字源自于因名为Heidi Munan 女士的瑞士出生的马来西亚作家的书本《How Dalat Got Its Name》所描述的杀戮而以马兰诺文Dalat 意译为苍蝇而得名。位于木胶附近就是以一条河流来命名的拥有燃煤发电厂兼马来西亚第一间使用循环流化床科技的发电厂甚至是东南亚最大的使用循环流化床科技的发电厂的万年烟副县的县府万年烟。

The destinations of Mukah are need to arrive by tour operators.
Attractions in Mukah/木胶景点:
I.Mukah Beach(Kala Dana Beach)/木胶海滩(卡拉达纳海滩):
Mukah Beach/Kala Dana Beach is the beach recreational area which is the official venue of Kaul Festival/Pesta Kaul that facing the South China Sea. Kaul Festival is the festival of Melanau community which is praying to the Melanau God called Lord Ipok for blessing the good luck with Seraheng(special offering basket) & playing the giant swing called Tibow etc. that held on Bulan Pengejin/Month of Spirits of Melanau Calendar. The beach is the coastal landform that formed with the sands, gravel, pebble & rocks etc. that carried by the waves to the area.

木胶海滩/卡拉达纳海滩是面向南海/南中国海的海滩休闲区兼祭海节(Pesta Kaul)的官方举办地点。祭海节是在马兰诺厉神明月(Bulan Pengejin)时举办以瑟拉汉贡品蓝子(Seraheng)和玩名叫Tibow 的巨型秋千等来向马兰诺神明依博神(Ipok)来祈求好运的马兰诺社群的节庆。海滩是一种由海浪带来这个地区的沙、砾石、鹅卵石与石头等形成的滨海地形。

II.Sago Factory Chimney/西米厂烟囱:
Sago Factory Chimney is the brick made chimney of former sago making factory about 20m high located near the Chinese temple. Sago is the starch of various tropical palms from South East Asia which is used for culinary purpose & textile making purpose.

III.Lamin Dana Cultural Boutique Lodge/拉敏达娜文化旅舍:
It is the lodge of local Melanau cultural researcher, Ms.Diana Ross where its name means traditional house in Melanau words that built in traditional Melanau house architectural style, it is provided the guided tour services for learning the culture of Melanau community & traditional trades of Mukah like Melanau burial pole called Jerunai & sago making industry etc. & accommodation facilities etc. & contains the handicraft centre, it is also hosted the Lamin Dana Heritage Showcase every year. Melanau is the ethnic group of Sarawak whose are majority lived in the Central Sarawak.

这间是建于传统马兰诺房屋建筑风格的其名字在马兰诺文意译为传统房屋的当地马兰诺文化研究者戴安娜罗斯(Diana Ross)女士的旅舍,它提供了解马兰诺社群的文化和木胶的老行业如名叫Jerunai 的马兰诺族墓柱和西米制造业等的导览服务和住宿设施等以及拥有手工艺术中心,它也在每年举办拉敏达娜文化展(Lamin Dana Heritage Showcase)。马兰诺族是大多数居住在砂拉越/沙捞越中部的砂拉越/沙捞越民族。

IV.Sapan Puloh Melanau Mini Museum(Mini Muzium Melanau)/马兰诺族微型博物馆:
It is the mini museum which is displaying the private Melanau heritage artifacts collections of owner, Mr.Tommy Black including the heritage artifacts related to the customs of birth, shaman, marriage, traditional costumes, taboo & death. Melanau is the ethnic group of Sarawak whose are majority lived in the Central Sarawak.

这间是展示着包括出生、巫术、婚礼、传统服饰、禁忌与死亡的习俗的历史文物在内的业主Tommy Black 先生的私人马兰诺族历史文物收藏品的微型博物馆。马兰诺族是大多数居住在砂拉越/沙捞越中部的砂拉越/沙捞越民族。
V.Melanau Heritage Gallery(Galeri Warisan Melanau)/马兰诺族遗产展览厅:
It is the Melanau themed museum of Oya which is displaying the history & heritage artifacts of Oya & also culture, customs & economic activities of Oya & Dalat. Melanau is the ethnic group of Sarawak whose are majority lived in the Central Sarawak.


Food around Mukah/木胶周围美食:
In the Oya, visitors can tasting the Prawn Mee/Mee Udang which is served with giant freshwater prawn in the Oya Prawn Mee Food Court/Medan Selera Mee Udang Oya that marked with model of Prawn Mee/Mee Udang.

Oya Prawn Mee Food Court/Medan Selera Mee Udang Oya
Location/位置: Oya
Google Map GPS Coordinate(approximately)/谷哥地图导览座标(估计性): 2.856583, 111.875278

Markets around Mukah/木胶周围市场:
Mukah Market
Location/位置: Pasar Road/Jalan Pasar,Mukah

You can also visited/你也可到访:
Petra Jaya,Kuching,Serian & Simanggang/博特拉再也、古晋、西连与成邦江
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bako,Borneo Highlands,Lundu & Bau/巴哥、婆罗洲高原、伦乐与石隆门 
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Sibu & Betong/诗巫与木中
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里
Bintulu & Mukah/民都鲁与木胶
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里

Miri,Mulu,Bario & Limbang/美里、姆鲁、峇里奥与林梦
Website/网址:Click here/请按这里  
Website/网址(Lawas/老越):Click here/请按这里
Shopping Malls of Bintulu/民都鲁购物广场:
Boulevard Shopping Mall Bintulu
Location/位置: Tanjung Batu Beach Road/Jalan Pantai Tanjung Batu

Destinations of Malaysia/马来西亚目的地

Area 7 of Sabah/沙巴第七区:Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃

Tawau,Semporna & Lahad Datu/斗湖、仙本那与拿笃 :  Destination/目的地: 1. Tawau/斗湖 (Click here/请按这里) 2. Semporna/仙本那 (Click here/请按这里) 3. Lahad Datu...